
杯弓蛇影  bēi gōng shé yǐng








  • 想像的病比实际的糟糕。杯弓蛇影
    An imaginary illness is worse than a real one.

  • 1真理无所畏惧,虚假如杯弓蛇影
    Truth has no fear; Untruth shivers at every shadow.

  • 假想此类威胁简直就是杞人忧天杯弓蛇影
    To imagine such threats is to fear shadows.

  • 这个故事后来就演变成了成语“杯弓蛇影”了。
    This story was later contracted into the idiom "Bei Gong She Ying'."

  • 杯弓蛇影:比喻因错觉而疑神疑鬼,自己惊吓自己。
    "bei gong she ying " :It refers being illusionary paranoid and scaring one ' s self.

  • 杯弓蛇影,比喻因错觉而疑神疑鬼,自己惊吓自己。
    "bei gong she ying":It refers being illusionary paranoid and scaring one's self.

  • 怕”是精神反应过敏,也是某个时期特定的环境所留下杯弓蛇影的后遗症。
    This "irrational fear" is a result of being over-sensitive. It is also the legacy of a particular time and situation.

  • 想一想,这究竟是过去人类历史所留下的阴影,还是一种心理上杯弓蛇影在作祟呢?
    Is the fear a leftover from history that still haunts people or is it a self-created suspicion?

  • 其实,“没有理由的怕”是精神反应过敏,也是某个时期特定的环境所留下杯弓蛇影的后遗症。
    This "irrational fear" is a result of being over-sensitive. It is also the legacy of a particular time and situation.

  • 那同事的位子正背向门。所以每次猪猪出现在门口时,电脑荧幕就会反照出她的影子…杯弓蛇影啊…
    tHat colleague has her back towards the door. tHat's why when Piggy appears at the door, her reflection will appear of the monitor… tAlk about Optical Illusions…

  • 国人的紧张不是杯弓蛇影,因为销声匿迹多年的霍乱,今年确实已在邻国——日本、韩国——出现一百多个病例。
    But this is not actually just worrying about nothing. Although cholera has not been seen for many years in Taiwan, neighboring Japan and Korea have already seen more than one hundred cases of late.

  • 宴毕后,在归途中,我反思刚才老李那一番话。想一想,这究竟是过去人类历史所留下的阴影,还是一种心理上杯弓蛇影在作祟呢?
    On my way home, I pondered what Li had said. Is the fear a leftover from history that still haunts people or is it a self-created suspicion?

  • 杯弓蛇影造句相关
