
无庸讳言  wú yōng huì yán







  • 无庸讳言,此刻我们深处危机之中。
    That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood.

  • 无庸讳言,中国拥有悠久有趣的历史。
    It is obvious that China has a long and interesting history.

  • 无庸讳言,这是一系列令人清醒的文章合集。
    Needless to say, it is a sobering set of articles.

  • 也许我们有缘,相逢某一天,一见如故无庸讳言
    Perhaps we have the fortune, to meet one day. There's no need for any reticence.

  • 无庸讳言,就眼前一些现象看,救市的难度是不小。
    Needless to say, on the front of a number of phenomena, it is difficult to rescue the market is not small.

  • 但是无庸讳言,两部书存在的问题也很多,后书尤甚。
    Needless to say, there are some flaws in the books, especially the latter.

  • 无庸讳言,中国是当今世界遭受反倾销调查最多的国家。
    Without commonplace dare not or would not speak up, china is current world suffer turn over a dumping to investigate most country.

  • 无庸讳言,中国人缺乏原罪意识,并因此而缺乏忏悔意识。
    Needless to say, the Chinese people lack awareness of original sin, and therefore a lack of sense of remorse.

  • 无庸讳言,我国人民、我国领土和我国利益都处于严重危险之中。
    There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.

  • 无庸讳言,目前我国的软件业与世界先进水平相比还有相当大的差距。
    It is obvious that there is a big gap between Chinese software company and advanced international software companies.

  • 无庸讳言,宁波杭州湾跨海大桥的重要性已深刻规定了宁波未来的走向。
    Without commonplace dare not or would not speak up, the importance that bay of peaceful wave Hangzhou crosses Hai Daqiao set the trend of peaceful wave future deeply already.

  • 无庸讳言,师范教育模式改革是一个系统工程,所涉及的问题极为广泛。
    So to speak, the reform of teacher educational pattern is a synthetic project touching upon so many problems.

  • 无庸讳言,仅与你们上一代人相比,在诸位事业生涯起步之时,贵国的情况已发生翻天覆地的变化。
    I hardly need to tell you that you are beginning careers in a nation remarkably different from just a generation ago.

  • 无庸讳言,为根除虚假新闻,新闻主管部门和新闻单位自身,都可谓是胶尽了脑汁,也采取了许多具体的措施。
    Frankly, to eliminate false news, departments responsible for the news and news units themselves both rack their brains and also take many concrete measures.

  • 而即使上天慷慨,允许这100年里诞生100个任长霞,相对于中国2800多个县市、100年的时间跨度来说又是何其不足?无庸讳言,中国老百姓没有人不想要任长霞这样的干部当公安局长的。
    And although God is fervent, allow this 100 years in be born 100 Ren Changxia, opposite at China is how inadequacy for town of 2800 many counties, time span of 100 years?

  • 无庸讳言造句相关
