
无地自容  wú dì zì róng








  • 不名誉的事使家庭羞愧得无地自容
    The disgrace bowed the family to the earth.

  • 那8分钟让我羞愧得无地自容
    That 8 minute sequence had mecringing in embarrassment.

  • 他最好的朋友竟让他感到无地自容
    He has been cornered by his best friend.

  • 让这种霸王医院体无完肤、无地自容
    let that King Hospital was no longer recognizable, for shame!

  • 她们经常使男人无地自容
    they have often put men to shame.

  • 落泪,感动得无地自容
    Shed tears, moved to put to utter shame.

  • 如果我去说的话,她会把我讥笑得无地自容
    If I would speak, she would mock me into the air.

  • 足球骚乱事件使我身为英国人汗颜得无地自容
    The football riots made me ashamed to be English.

  • 一想到他把面试搞得有多糟,他就觉得无地自容
    It made him squirm to think how badly he'd messed up the interview.

  • 他始终不能忘记他最好的朋友曾让他感到无地自容
    He can not forget that he was ever cornered by his best friend.

  • 我向官方辅导员陈诉这件事情的发生真的是无地自容
    I told the counsellors that it was such a disgrace for this thing to happen on me.

  • 每当想起当初自己幼稚可笑的观点,还会感到无地自容
    I still shudder with shame at the memory of my childish outlook back then.

  • 有人看到你正和一个有恶习的人说话时,你会感到无地自容吗?
    Would you get into trouble if you are seen talking to a person with disgusting habits?

  • 那位女演员很清楚自己做了一件无地自容的事,因为她忘了台词。
    The actress was aware that she had committed a double bagger when she completely forgot her lines.

  • 我之所以说我们被宠坏了,并不是为了想让你有罪恶感或无地自容
    The reason I say that we are spoiled is not to make you feel guilty or ashamed.

  • 忆往昔,爱情如儿戏而我游戏其间。今日我无地自容。却宁愿相信昨天。
    Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away.

  • 他的妻子问及他的讲题,他要是供认他应邀讲性知识的话,他会无地自容的。
    His wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex.

  • 然而,当一个人纪念安拉而忽视恶魔时,恶魔就会感到卑躬屈膝,无地自容
    However, when one remembers Allah and ignores Satan, then Satan feels dwarfish and grovels.

  • 我一直无家可归,而且我们要住进庇护所,令我感到无地自容,难以向你启齿。
    I have been homeless, and we had to go to a shelter, and I was too embarrassed to tell you.

  • 不相信从你口中说出的狠毒的话,在让对方无地自容的同时,你自己的心一点也不疼?
    Don't believe your lips from the cruel words, in that the public, your heart is not painful?

  • 伍兹还坦称公众的嘲笑让他无地自容,且此次忏悔之深刻胜过之前发表的任何一项声明。
    Woods also acknowledged more fully than in any of his previous statements that the public ridicule had caused him shame.

  • 那位女演员很清楚自己做了一件无地自容的事,因为她忘了台词,而且假发也掉了下来。
    The actress was aware that she had committed a double bagger when she completely forgot her lines, and then her wig fell off.

  • 不相信从谷歌口中说出的狠毒的话,在让对方无地自容的同时,谷歌自己的心一点也不疼?
    Do not believe the vicious from your mouth to say, then let the other side feel greatly ashamed at the same time, you do not mind a little pain?

  • 听过科科的话,我无地自容。天啊!我是多么卑微,竟然会有这种想法。于是特务决定从良了。
    Hearing his words, I felt ashamed to have such thought and I determined to turn off a new leaf.

  • 新华社表示,去年一项由官方青年委员会进行的调查发现,「中国教师经常让学生无地自容」。
    A survey conducted last year by an official youth committee found that "Chinese teachers often humiliate their pupils, " the news agency said.

  • 就连他宿舍的师弟也笑曰师兄是否单身,虽是一句玩笑话,但足足可以让不称职的我无地自容了。
    Even his dormitory The Young also smiling Yue师兄is single, although this is a joke, but a full can of incompetent I feel greatly ashamed of.

  • 老头子接过钱时,禁不住放声大哭,杰克感到无地自容,打算跟老人家坦白一切,可是,舌头不听使唤。
    The old man bursts into tears when he takes the card. Jack feels ashamed at the moment. He intends to tell the old man about the truth but his tongue stands still.

  • 在现在生活中,若被人说一句你真天真的话,竟然会觉得无地自容,因为,天真的后面的潜台词就是幼稚。
    In actual life , it's too ashamed to show your face if sb say "You are very innocent", because message of innocent is in mature.

  • 一个身残心不残的捐款者,令世界动容!他的形象此时此刻是如此地高大、伟岸,足以令无数健全人无地自容
    Someon who is disabled but not handicapped! ! His image at this moment is so great! ! It makes people who have fully abled bodies speechless &humble! !

  • 她越想越惭愧得无地自容。不论想到达西也好,想到韦翰也好,她总是觉得自己以往未免太盲目,太偏心,对人存了偏见,而且不近情理。
    She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. —— Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.

  • 无地自容造句相关
