
旁敲侧击  páng qiāo cè jī







  • 此外,旁敲侧击也不是你的作风。
    Besides, deviousness isn't your style .

  • 不要旁敲侧击了,你想说什么?
    Don't beat around the bush! What do you want to say?

  • 好吧,我已经厌倦了旁敲侧击
    Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush.

  • 罗伯特旁敲侧击是什么意思?
    What did Robert mean by beating around the bush?

  • 我们现在没有必要旁敲侧击
    Well, there is no need for us to beat around the bush.

  • 我们现在没有必要旁敲侧击
    Well, there's no need for us to beat around the bush.

  • 格洛弗小姐看出光是旁敲侧击没什么好处。
    Miss Glover saw that no good would come by beating about the bush.

  • 旁敲侧击地指出她的合伙人盗用了资金。
    She insinuate to us that her partner have embezzle fund.

  • 旁敲侧击地指出她的合伙人盗用了资金。
    She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds.

  • 琼斯非但不旁敲侧击,反而直接了当地说到重点。
    Instead of beating about the bush, Jones came straight to the point.

  • 旁敲侧击,简单明了地对我们说一说到底是什么意思!
    Don't beat about the bush so much, tell us plainly what you are driving it.

  • 不要旁敲侧击。意思是要直达主题。解释事情不要啰嗦。
    Don't beat about the bush. This means get to the point. Don't spend too much time explaining things.

  • 旁敲侧击, 简单明了地对我们说一说到底是什么意思!
    Don't beat about the bush so much, tell us plainly what you are driving it.

  • 卡瓦列里同样也是一名非常专业的球员,你不需要对他进行什么旁敲侧击
    He is a really good professional and you don't need to motivate him too much.

  • 暗示一件物品比另一件物品更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并么有更大的意义。
    Suggesting those one thing … is preferable than anotIT thing … bears no abundance significance than insinuating those black is preferable than chalkiness .

  • 暗示一件东西比另一件东西更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并没有更大的意义。
    Suggesting that one thing…is better than another thing…bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white.

  • 暗示一件东西比另一件东西更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并没有更大的意义。
    Suggesting that one thing … is better than another thing … bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white .

  • 我再三提醒,旁敲侧击,千回百转,男朋友还是记不起我生日,该吐血还是晕倒。
    i repeatedly beat around the bush, again and again, to remind him my birthday's coming. but no way, he just can't remember it. O my god, i do faint!

  • 上周,脱口秀主持人艾伦在采访中不断旁敲侧击地询问有关玛利亚是否怀孕的消息。
    Last week, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres kept prodding her about it in an interview.

  • 如今,有人对我们的计划抱有怀疑态度,他们旁敲侧击,说我们的体制无法承载如此众多的治国方略。
    Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions - who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans.

  • 她们的闲谈,她们的笑声,她们旁敲侧击的趣话,更加上她们闪闪烁烁的羡慕,使苔丝的兴致也复活了。
    Their chatter, their laughter, their goodhumoured innuendoes, above all, their flashes and flickerings of envy, revived Tess's spirits also.

  • 我派班干部进厕所察看,原来那个男生躲在厕所里吸烟,把他喊来旁敲侧击一问,竟查出个与他有关的盗窃团伙。
    I sent class cadres into the toilet to see, the original boys hiding in the bathroom smoking, he shouted to a Bangqiaoceji asked, and he has uncovered a gang-related theft.

  • 当然,老潘的“涨价”论调也引发了诸多不满,经过了建设部要员的“旁敲侧击”后,聪明的老潘立刻有所收敛。
    Of course, Laopan "price" argument also raises many unhappy, after the Ministry of Construction officials "face", smart Laopan immediately be restrained.

  • 甚至还可以利用这个人的威信、口碑和推介旁敲侧击,来感染、说服其他的人,以达到进货、收款、促销等其它的拜访目的。
    They can even use this person's prestige, reputation and promote bush to infection, to convince other people to reach stock, receivables, and other promotions to the visit.

  • ‘你这个小妖精,居然敢对我旁敲侧击含沙射影?我懂你的意思。’茉莉终于恍然大悟。‘是不是杰克让你来做代言人的?’
    'You sprite dare to beat around the bush and insinuate me? I understand you. ' Molly took a tumble in the end. 'Is Jack who asked you to be his mouthpiece?'

  • 旁敲侧击、拐弯抹角地让琪妮明白:他不愿意她改嫁,倒不是因为他有妒嫉心理,而是因为他不能失去作为孩子的父亲的地位。
    In a very sly way he had made Ginny understand he would not be pleased by her remarrying, not because he was jealous of her, but because he was jealous of his position as a father.

  • 官方到目前拒绝回答任何旁敲侧击的有关政策是否需要调整或者是否存在问题的询问,同时指责流亡团体是这一暴力事件的始作俑者
    Officials have to date either deflected questions about whether policies need changing, or denied there were any problems, blaming exiled groups for stirring up the violence.

  • 但是当我们开始约会,并旁敲侧击谈论婚姻前景时,我才突然意识到中国人的家庭关系有多么的紧密,家庭成员之间是多么的相互扶持。
    But after we began seeing each other and vaguely started talking of a potentially serious relationship, I was faced with the realization that Chinese families really are close-knit, supportive groups.

  • 在“分家”之后不久,有人曾旁敲侧击的试探过任志强,问他:“现在房地产一窝蜂,利润率下滑,都有些饱和了,还值不值得干吗?”
    "separation" Soon after, it was a critical test of Renzhijiang, asked him : "Now the real estate rush. profits decline, some saturation, and also worth a story?

  • 有人旁敲侧击问他有关他说过的一则笑话,这则味同嚼蜡的笑话是说给以色列总统摩西•卡察夫(MosheKatsav)的,内容是有关对强奸所持的见解。
    He was asked, in a periphrastic way, about a tasteless joke he had made in relation to allegations of rape against Moshe Katsav, Israel's president.

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