
推己及人  tuī jǐ jí rén








  • 由此看来,如何实行仁,在于推己及人
    Thus the practice of jen consists in consideration for others.

  • 我弄不懂人们为什么总不能比较公平地推己及人
    I wonder people cannot judge more fairly of each other and themselves.

  • 我们会推己及人、将心比心:尊重各种不同的观点。
    We will treat others as we expect to be treated: with respect for different views.

  • 凡事推己及人,我们就可以避免很多不必要的纷争与麻烦。
    It can save us a lot of troubles if we can consider the consequence of our deeds before we act.

  • 了解自己以便更好的了解别人。(推己及人。知己以知彼。)
    Understand yourself in order to better understand others.

  • 现在他们追求于所谓全宇宙的自由和明主,这种推己及人的道理。
    Now they resort to universal freedom and liberty, which is itself a generalisation per se.

  • 刚开始,可能对别人说不出来,先对自己说,然后推己及人好吗?
    Or if you find it difficult to speak up at first, why don't you start doing it to yourself?

  • 诚信亦具有人性的内在支持,将心比心、推己及人以达诚信的自觉;
    The trustworthiness also has the humanistic inside support, comparing the heart to heart and pushing self to persons and reaching the self-conscious of trustworthiness .

  • 傅老师是在世的哲学家里最了不起的,他是推己及人论的开山老祖。
    Professor Flostre is the greatest living philosopher, and father of empathicalism.

  • 从“爱有差等”到“推己及人”——关于儒家伦理原则的建构及反思。
    From "Classification of Love" to "Consideration of Others"--On the Construction of Confucian Ethical Principle and Thinking.

  • 共产党人必须经常地拿起批评与自我批评的思想武器,“由人及己,推己及人”。
    The Communist must take the thought weapon of criticism and self-criticism often, "By person and oneself, put oneself in the place of another " .

  • 乐购的核心价值是“没有人比我们更为顾客尽心尽力”和“设身处地,推己及人”。
    The core value is "No-one tries harder for customers" and "Treat people how we like to be treated".

  • 李贺诗歌的情感特征是恨,恨人生不得意,推己及人,也恨天下不公平,为苍生鸣不平。
    Poet Li-He who had a difficult life journey. Most of his poem wrote hatred, the hatred of himself, the hatred of the labor people.

  • 推己及人的这两个方面合在一起,就叫做忠恕之道,就是“仁之方”(实行仁的方法)。
    "The practice as a whole is called the principle of chung and shu, which is "the way to practice jen.

  • 一切众生都害怕刑罚,都害怕死亡。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。
    Everybody trembles at punishment; everybody fears death. Having made the comparison with oneself, let one not kill, nor cause another to kill.

  • 一切众生都害怕刑罚,都害怕死亡。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。
    All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.

  • 自己希望达到目标,也帮助别人达到目标,能够推己及人,可以称得上是实践仁道的方法了。
    The ability to extend from self to others can be considered in the direction of benevolence.

  • 自己要事事行得通,同时也使别人事事行得通。能够推己及人,可以说是实行仁德的方法了。
    To be able to draw one's self a parellel for the treatment of others, that may be called the way to practice virtue.

  • 品德的塑造是可以从任何年龄段开始的,关键是要学会如何内省,然后由内而外,推己及人
    You can begin to build character at any age. The key is learning how to look within to work inside out.

  • 一切众生都害怕刑罚,都爱惜自己的生命。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。
    Everybody trembles at punishment; life is dear to everybody. Having made the comparison with oneself, let one not kill, nor cause another to kill.

  • 在现代社会中,推己及人可以被理解为一种以“我”为中心、以同类意识为基础的道德思维方式。
    In modern society, this rule can be understood as a type of self-centered moral thinking with an awareness of one's kindred.

  • 一切众生都害怕刑罚,都爱惜自己的生命。推己及人,人们不应杀害他人,或唆使他人杀害生命。
    All tremble at violence; life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.

  • 另一种力量来自道德,是内在慈悲佛性的绽放,是推己及人的情怀,是己所不欲、勿施于人的觉醒。
    The other energy comes from moral. is the spilt of the inside grace. is the love from self to others. is the awakening of that you can't won't do,  dont carry out to others.

  • 随著他们的容忍度以及善于推己及人的能力,中国人最先理解到身为人类所该拥有的共同人际关系。
    With their greater tolerance as well as their superior ability to probe the character of others, the Chinese were the first to recognize this common human relationship.

  • 武术虽然是一种武装的力量 但是我们中国的武术是包含了儒家的哲理,武德,也就是仁,推己及人
    Although martial arts is a kind of armed powers However, we included in China's martial arts philosophy of Confucianism, Takenori, that is, benevolence, empathy.

  • 李博士侍奉双亲至孝,更推己及人,惠及家乡顺德以至内地,资助学校、医院及体育中心的兴建,造福人群。
    Ever the filial son, Dr Lee has extended his good fortune not only to his family, but to his native home of Shunde and elsewhere in China, generously endowing schools, hospitals and sports centers.

  • 但是,几乎每个人都不愿将观察到的这个事实推己及人,因为这意味着他会付更更高的的价钱去买别人的产品。
    But nearly everyone refuses to generalize this observation, for it means that he will have to pay more for the products of others.

  • 观众可以通过男主角的眼睛甚至自身,看到了、更感受到了近十几年来的社会万象,推己及人、关及自身、感慨万千。
    The audience may through actor's eye even oneself, see, has felt social all phenomena on earth for the past several years, puts oneself in another's place, closes and own, is filled with emotion.

  • 盼望的需求方面又分为六类,分别是:健康舒适、顺利完成发展任务、改善外在条件、推己及人、从事活动、冤亲债主远离。
    There are 6 types of need for hope, which are soundness of health, accomplishment of tasks, better looks, helping others, participating activities, clearing material and non-material debt.

  • 同样是评论这本书,英国小说家安东尼·伯吉斯说:“卡尔维诺作出了重要贡献,无论是对于他本国的文化,还是推己及人对于我们自己的文化。
    Commenting on the same book, Anthony Burgess, the British novelist, said, 'Calvino has performed a valuable service to his own culture and, by extension, to our own.

  • 推己及人造句相关
