
拾金不昧  shí jīn bù mèi







  • 这位拾金不昧的好人还希望能保持匿名。
    The extremely honest finder wished to remain anonymous.

  • 我认为任何人都有可能,除了拾金不昧的人。
    I think everyone has the possibility except the founder.

  • 拾到财物索要回报与拾金不昧的传统道德相矛盾?
    Demanded the return of property and return money found plenty of traditional moral contradiction?

  • 拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的,你很诚实。应该受表扬。
    It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found, your honesty does you credit.

  • 拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的;你很诚实,应该受表扬。
    It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit.

  • 爱惜名誉,拾金不昧,抵制不良诱惑,不做有损人格的事。
    The cherishing reputation, does not pocket the money, resists entices not good, does not make the damage personality the matter.

  • 拾金不昧的道德与法律——《物权法(草案)》热点问题的探讨。
    Moral and law of returning lost money-the discussion of hot question on《the law of the right to property(draft)》;

  • 在现实的今天,有些思想不健康的人说拾金不昧只是社会编造的闪光灯。
    Nowadays, some people have narrow idea, thinking it's a lie by society to say somebody not pocket the money picked up.

  • 当然也有另外一种反对意见,认为这与“拾金不昧”的道德传统相违背。
    certainly have another objection, and that this "return money found, " contrary to the moral tradition.

  • 拾金不昧是中国人的美德,外译这片沃土上闪耀着拾金不昧的无名英雄之光。
    That is a virtue not pocket the money picked up. This fertile soil is glistening with hero.

  • 在大街上有个老太太摔倒了,是我扶她起来的,我是个好男孩,我拾金不昧
    In the street there was a fall of the old lady, and I help her up, I am a good boy, I Shijinbumei.

  • 如果你捡到一个钱包,里面有1000美元和失主身份证,你会拾金不昧吗?
    If you found someone's wallet with $1, 000 and their identification in it, would you give it back?

  • 王胜明:这个问题媒体已经报道了很多,都是说草案规定“拾金不昧”要拿报酬。
    Wangshengming : The media have reported many problems, said the draft regulations are "return money found" get paid.

  • 拾金不昧”是中华民族的传统美德,但“拾金索酬”的行为却会遭到道德谴责。
    Returning lost money is the traditional virtue of Chinas. while getting reward for lost property always meets with moral condemnation.

  • 在阿根廷,贪污腐败已渗入到社会各阶层,所以这个拾金不昧的故事就显得非同寻常了。
    For Argentineans used to corruption at all levels of society, this was an extraordinary story.

  • 拾金不昧本就是让拾者和失主皆大欢喜的事,但现实中双方的尴尬和不快是客观存在的。
    If one gives back what he has found, it should be a happy thing for both finder and the owner of the lost property. However, in reality, embarrassment and unhappiness do exist between them.

  • 在日本,法律规定,失物的主人必须将其失物价值的一部分奖给拾金不昧、物归原主者。
    In Japan, laws stipulate that whoever finds your lost item and returns it to you must be rewarded a portion of the lost item's value.

  • 究竟该不该推崇拾金不昧?拾金有昧是否有违常理,拾金有昧成为社会的自觉行为,又有何不好?
    Should we canonize to give back what we have found? Is it reasonable? Is it good to ask for some compensation as a common social action?

  • 记者:前段时间听说物权法草案当中对于拾金不昧者给予相应的报酬,对这个问题,草案怎么规定的?
    Reporter : A while ago I heard that the draft law on real right to return money found among those who give corresponding remuneration to the problem, how the draft provisions?

  • 追求财富的不良倾向,使得一些人认为人都是金钱的奴隶,然而他拾金不昧的做法却说明了不同的问题。
    The bad trend to pursue wealth has persuaded some people that people are all slaves to money. But his conduct of not pocketing the money he picked up begs to differ.

  • 随时(愿意为您效劳)。在美国,当失主向拾金不昧者致谢时,通常做好事的人耸耸肩,说“随时效劳”。
    If you thank an American for returning a lost item to you he might respond by saying, "anytime."

  • 为督促拾得人积极、善意地履行法律义务,弘扬拾金不昧的良好社会风尚,应充分运用利益(权利)激励机制,以利益引导拾得人的行为。
    Lost to urge people fulfill legal obligations actively and kindly, and promote a good social climate, benefits (rights) incentive mechanism should be applied adequately, guiding people with interests.

  • 拾金不昧造句相关
