
鱼贯而入  yú guàn ér rù








  • 博物馆开门了,参观者鱼贯而入
    The doors of the museum opened and the visitors began to file in.

  • 学生们从入口处鱼贯而入
    The students filed through the entrance.

  • 一大群人,鱼贯而入,总共有十二,三个人。
    A large crowd of persons filed in the room all told.

  • 听到车子发动的声音,旅客们又鱼贯而入了。
    Hearing the sound of the engine, passengers file in the bus. And the cicerone does the nose-count again.

  • 他们走到教堂的后面,站在门口,客人们鱼贯而入
    They walked to the back of the church and stood at the door as their guests filed past.

  • 黑压压的森林神秘莫测,穿着制服的队员正互相招呼着,鱼贯而入
    Dense mass of forest mysterious uniformed members are greeting each other, and in single file into the room.

  • 爷爷奶奶,叔叔阿姨,兄弟姐妹们鱼贯而入亲吻Samantha。
    Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins filed in and kissed Samantha.

  • 最近某个晚上,当温度达到零下4华氏度时(-20℃,译者注),数千人鱼贯而入
    On a recent night, when temperatures dipped below minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit, thousands of people streamed in.

  • 但是,准许民间投资不等于民间投资就会鱼贯而入,就此夺了各大航空公司的中军大帐。
    But, allow civilian investment is not equal to folk to invest to be entered with respect to meeting in file, seized each at this point of big airline in army large account.

  • 在纽约,600多人在2家苹果产品店门前排起长龙。最后开门的时候大家欢呼雀跃,鱼贯而入
    More than 600 people were lined up at two Apple stores in New York and the crowd cheered as the doors opened.

  • 人群鱼贯而入后,记者却发现,近期几次房展会上的“主角”之一―――电脑却缺失在各个展台。
    crowd along themselves, the reporter discovered that several recent exhibitions at the "main player" -- one of the computers was missing in all stands.

  • 我十分好奇,不知救助中心外是否如好莱坞影片中所描述的一样,无家可归者排成长长的人龙,鱼贯而入
    I was in the kitchen all along and hence do not know whether a line formed outside the House.

  • 鱼贯而入造句相关
