
风驰电掣  fēng chí diàn chè








  • 来赌一把吧让你在混乱中风驰电掣
    Gamble, you gotta dive in to a scramble!

  • 中队紧急集合,风驰电掣般赶往出事地点。
    The squadron emergency muster, rushes to the scene of the accident with lightning speed.

  • 那骑摩托车的人已风驰电掣地向贝克街驶去了。
    The motor cyclist has gone like a bat out of hell toward Baker street.

  • 他急于赶去看比赛,所以一路上风驰电掣般地开车。
    He was so eager to get to the game that he burned up the road all the way.

  • 车夫以西伯利亚人的习惯风驰电掣般赶路,一小时甚至跑了二十俄里。
    The driver sped on in the Siberian fashion, making as much as twenty versts an hour.

  • 去爱歌顿游乐园爬进巨大的透明充气球里,然后再滚下来……风驰电掣
    Climb inside a giant, transparent, padded ball at The Agrodome Leisure Park and roll downhill…fast!

  • 刚刚说他是“今”是“现在”,他早已风驰电掣的一般,已成“过去”了。
    What we call our present or now at one moment will at the next be quickly gone and become the past.

  • 飓风威力无比,它能沉掉船只,推倒墙壁;飓风一路风驰电掣来到小船前。
    The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, had found this little ship in its path.

  • 刚刚说他是“今”是“现在”,他早已风驰电掣的一般,已成“过去”了。
    What we called our present or now at one moment will at the next be quickly gone and become the past.

  • 从东、西、南、北四个方向中分别冲出了十几匹快马,向中央风驰电掣般奔去。
    From the east, west, south, north in four directions ran out several fast horses separately, to central rushes with lightning speed.

  • 我们的另一个中场,喝了19品脱啤酒,26杯龙舌兰,然后想开着路虎风驰电掣
    Another of our midfielders drank 19 pints of lager, 26 shots of tequila and then drove home in his bling Range Rover.

  • 很多玩家都是风驰电掣般的扫过一个个城镇,他们也根本不会想着要进去某个建筑看看。
    Most people tear through the towns at lightning speed, so they don't have a desire to go into the individual buildings.

  • 我和妻子像逃避瘟疫一样风驰电掣般驶出费城,结果却陷入前往海滨的稠密拥挤的车流之中。
    My wife and I raced out of Philadelphia as if fleeting a pestilence, only to run into dense shore-bound traffic.

  • 有一天晚上,忽然起了一阵可怕的暴风雨。天空中风驰电掣,大雨倾盆而降,四周一片漆黑。
    One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thunderedlightened, the rain poured down from the sky in torrents: besides, it was as dark as pitch.

  • 有一天晚上,忽然起了一阵可怕的暴风雨。天空中风驰电掣,大雨倾盆而降,四周一片漆黑。
    One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents: besides, it was as dark as pitch.

  • 一见朗斯洛风驰电掣而来,我就把右臂一挥--他认出我那块破布了--我扯下的绳子和绷带。
    I waved my right arm as Launcelot swept in-he recognized my rag-I tore away noose and bandage.

  • 刘翔正以风驰电掣般的速度冲向终点,在田径运动中,他打败了一个又一个对手,争夺了冠军。
    Liu Xiang is to Fengchidianche-like speed toward the end of the track and field sports, he defeated one after another rival, for the championship.

  • 轰、轰,一脚踩下油门,一辆崭新的日本轿车犹如离弦之箭,风驰电掣般地朝一堵墙撞了过去。
    Bang, bang, one foot steps on next accelerator, a brand-new Japanese car is just as the arrow that leaves spring, like greased lightning a wall bumped into kind of ground face to go.

  • 关于舒马赫复出的新闻频频更新,速度快得好比法拉利赛车风驰电掣般行驶在蒙扎的长直路上一样。
    News about a possible comeback for Michael Schumacher is speeding as quickly as Ferrari's Formula One car down a long Monza straight.

  • 而之后从灾区回来的消防官兵们为大家带来的10个紧张精彩的专项表演,整齐划一,迅速风驰电掣
    Then the soldiers who come back from Wenchuan, show us the 10 special performances that they how to save the people form the earthquake. They're so uniform and rapid.

  • 似海豚,奥运会上有着那么多优美的泳姿;似猎豹,百米冲刺风驰电掣;似雄鹰,体操、跳水志在长空。
    Like dolphins, the Olympic Games have so many beautiful Yongzi; like cheetah, the 100-meter sprint Fengchidianche; like Eagle, gymnastics, diving-in the vast sky.

  • 约五六分钟后,两名男子合骑一辆摩托车风驰电掣般驶来,两名男子特征跟110指挥中心通报的情况很相似。
    About 56 minutes later, two men riding a motorcycle as fast approaching, the two men with the characteristics of the 110 communications center is very similar to the situation.

  • 枪林弹雨,风驰电掣,浓烟烈火,玻璃纷飞,陈木胜在每部影片中都大搞“破坏”,每次都玩出了不同的视觉奇观。
    Hail of bullets, fast, fire smoke, falling glass, Benny Chan in each film are carrying out "sabotage", each time playing a different visual spectacle.

  • 如果你乘坐过引进德国技术建造的上海磁悬浮列车,想必你会对时速高达430公里带来的风驰电掣的感觉而惊喜。
    If you take over the introduction of German technology to build the Shanghai maglev train, you must have up to 430 kilometers per hour will bring fast and pleasant feeling.

  • 欢迎光临英文写作修车厂!本厂提供英文写作的全本密笈,只要你认真练功,保证你的留学旅程风驰电掣、一路顺畅。
    Welcome to Bob's Essay Garage, your one stop garage for a full range of essay writing information!

  • 接着,小船目空一切地撞上一个浪头之后,便滑下一道长坡,风驰电掣,水花四溅,颠颠晃晃地来到了下一个威胁跟前。
    Then, after scornfully bumping a crest, she would slide, and race, and splash down a long incline and arrive bobbing and nodding in front of the next menace.

  • 有人认为赛车在政治上站不住脚,但是,如果它能为那些不必像巴顿先生那样风驰电掣的人提供环保的交通工具的话,这个印象或许可以改观。
    Some may see motor racing as politically incorrect, but if it can encourage clean transport for those who don't drive as fast as Mr Button, that image could change.

  • 所有的人都惊讶于一个固步自封、贫穷落后的国家,怎么会在一个老人一句:“坚持改革开放”的话语之后,犹如风驰电掣般的发生了翻天覆地的变化。
    All surprised at a stand still, poor and backward country, how could an old man in a: "adhere to the reform and opening up" after the words, as fast as if the earth-shaking changes have taken place.

  • 试问吾人说“今”说“现在”,茫茫百千万劫,究竟哪一刹那是吾人的“今”,是吾人的“现在”呢?刚刚说他是“今”是“现在”,他早已风驰电掣的一般,已成“过去”了。
    It is hard to tell which moment in the ups and downs of life is our present or now? what we call our present or now at one moment will at the next be quickly gone and become the past.

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