
风流倜傥  fēng liú tì tǎng








  • 风流倜傥、潇洒自在,千百年美满生活的期待。
    Free life has been the expectation of the people for thousands of years .

  • 最崇拜的偶相:妻妾成群、风流倜傥之韦小宝。
    Most adoration of accidentally and mutually:The wife Qie become a cluster, charming dashing Wei small treasure.

  • 那位风流倜傥的演员爱跟模特儿交往是出了名的。
    The rakish actor was known for dating models.

  • 那位风流倜傥的演员爱跟模特儿交往是出了名的。
    The rkakish actor was known for dating models.

  • 浑身上下散发著唯有风流倜傥的男人才有的浪漫气息。
    emitting the tinge which only a romantic man has.

  • 你快追到我了。你风流倜傥。但我真的不能。你个好色之徒。
    You got me goin. (You)You're oh so charmin. (You)But I can't do it. (You)You womanizer.

  • 优雅不一定风流倜傥,潇洒英俊,而是因为他的内涵和品质。
    The man is the soul of the worlds, but the man of the grace is a soul to dominate.

  • 无论是仙风道骨的东华真人,还是风流倜傥的吕洞宾、吕涯,都将给您留下深入印象。
    Regardless of being the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality Donghua honorable person, loose clean Lu Dongbin, the Lu border, will make the deep impression to you.

  • 无论是仙风道骨的东华真人,还是风流倜傥的吕洞宾、吕涯,都将给您留下深刻印象。
    Regardless of being the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality Donghua honorable person, loose clean Lu Dongbin, the Lu border, will make the deep impression to you.

  • 我试着作一件很难的事:设想老年人又变成了年轻人,恢复了年轻力壮,风流倜傥的风貌。
    I tried to do that very difficult thing, imagine old people young again, and invested with the graces of youth.

  • 男人什么什么,可以叫风流倜傥,女人大概就只有形容为水性杨花(这还是说的好听的)。
    But men cannot demand more than what is desired by the woman; otherwise he is a rapist. He would be despised, scolded, hated, and sued.

  • 安倍身材高挑,风流倜傥,2002年曾获日本男人时装协会颁发的第31届最潇洒着装奖。
    Abetall, Ti Merry Tang, in 2002 Japan won the men's Fashion Association 31st of the most chic dress prize.

  • 我试着作一件很难的事:设想老年人又变成了年轻人,恢复了年轻力壮,风流倜傥的 风貌 。
    I tried to do that very difficult thing, imagine old people young again, and invested with the graces of youth.

  • 杭州男人的魅力属于江南才子型,风流倜傥,温文尔雅,精致得一丝不苟,个个跟港台歌星似的。
    Man in Hangzhou's magic power belong to a Chiang-Nan brilliant scholar type, charming dashing, gentle and cultivated, fine get meticulous, each heel harbor pedestal singer.

  • 中国帝王中最长寿、最富有传奇色彩的乾隆皇帝,风流倜傥,多才多艺,成就了封建王朝的千秋伟业。
    Emperor Qianlong , the most long-lived and legendary emperor of China, was talented with diversified abilities and proud of great achievement of consolidating his feudalist imperial.

  • 我最崇拜的人是比尔盖茨,其次就是我的一个朋友未央,高大威猛,英俊潇洒,风流倜傥,活泼可爱,而且情商高。
    I most worship the human is Bill Gates, next is my friend Weiyang, big overwhelming power, handsome natural, loose clean, lively lovable, moreover discusses a request high.

  • 从之前曝光的剧照和海报来看,这次丹尼尔·克雷格饰演的007与之前风流倜傥、花丛纵欲的邦德形象大相径庭
    The Bunde image which before to make public stage photo and the playbill, this Daniel · Craig plays 007 before loose clean, the flowering shrubs indulge in sensual pleasure to be widely divergent.

  • 青春靓丽的何雯娜堪称是中国奥运军团中最漂亮的女运动员,而风流倜傥的则是中国男运动员中最有“型”的一个。
    The beautiful young Wenna He called China's Olympic Legion of the most beautiful female athletes, and Ti Merry Tang is the Chinese male athletes in the "type" of a.

  • 我知道了,你就是那个如果象我这样今天才认识你的人都不敢想象当年只有一层下巴的你会是多么的风流倜傥风情万种。
    I see, you're the cute and personable guy I can hardly imagine how handsome you looked like when you had only one layer of chin.

  • 风流倜傥的男小乔在演员招募调查中,得票目前暂列第一位的是“07好男儿”冠军井柏然,付辛博、韩庚、紧随其后。
    The Merry Tang Ti-old actress Missy recruitment in the survey, currently leads the vote is the first of the "07 good man, " Wells champion Bo-ran, paid simba, Han Geng, followed.

  • 我也怕现实中的(它)他,除了令我迷醉的声音外,没有我想的那么完美,那么成熟,那么浪漫,那么潇洒,那么倜傥风流
    I also fear that the real him is, except for the enchanted voice, not so perfect, mature, not so romantic and unconventional dissolute as I suppose.

  • 外表风流倜傥,个性玩世不恭,在他心目中,人生就该及时行乐,所以一切需要努力才能成功的事情,对他来说都太麻烦,懒得去做。
    About: With his handsome face and playboy personality to him life is like a game. To him everything which requires to work hard are troublesome.

  • 我们都知道,这位大才子桀骜不驯,风流倜傥,经常口出狂言,所以才会说出“只有一个地方硬”这样赤裸裸的大实话,但结果又怎么样呢?
    As we all know, the big Wets defiant, Merry Ti Tang, Li Hongzhi said arrogantly often, only saying that "there is only one local hardware" such blatant big truth, but what happened?

  • 在这块美丽的土地上,风流倜傥的豪侠已不在……只能在书中寻找它的足迹,因为它只不过是一个被记起的梦罢了,是一段已随风而逝的历史。
    Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind.

  • 相信一见钟情的她,一次见妹妹男友访家时,满口诗词,风流倜傥,对铉秀倾慕之情一发不可收拾,就算要在妹妹那边横刀夺爱,亦在所不计!
    For her, love is a forgotten word. She becomes attracted to her youngest sister's boyfriend. She feels awkward, but his stare doesn't repulse her. "I gotta know what he thinks of me."

  • 我回一个试试。一个大男人,怎么还跟孩子一样气性。从没长大过。文好是一回事。人不好就是另一回事了。谁都不否认汪精卫是个风流倜傥的才子,可没谁捧过他,哪拨他都不吃香。做人的失败啊!
    If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

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