
风度翩翩  fēng dù piān piān







  • 风度翩翩,一定出身于贵族家庭。
    He is of noble blood, which you could be sure from his elegant manners.

  • 风度翩翩地来了,引起厅里所有人的注意。
    Like an Apollo, he comes and arrests everyone's attention in the hall.

  • 剧中最可鄙的人物是风度翩翩的花花公子奥斯里克。
    The most contemptible of the personages in the play is the courtly fop Osric.

  • 他既是一个出色的间谍,也是一位风度翩翩的绅士。
    He is a good spy, Fengdupianpian is also a gentleman.

  • 我许过那么多的诺言,我如此风度翩翩而且睿智机敏。
    I had so much promise. I was personable, I was bright.

  • 所以在海滩上的你可以在保护好眼睛的同时仍然风度翩翩
    So you can protect your eyes and still be the coolest person on the beach.

  • 他们都风度翩翩,温文尔雅,穿着华贵的长袍,戴着冠冕呢。
    They're all handsome and magnificent and that they wear wonderful robes and crowns.

  • 艾格尼丝夫人发现他跳舞了,她称赞他跳得优美灵活,风度翩翩
    Lady Agnes saw him dance and complimented him upon his elegance and activity.

  • 他品貌不凡,虽然身材颇小,但是生得俊秀,风度翩翩,谈吐隽逸;
    He was well formed, though rather short in stature, elegant, graceful , intelligent;

  • 如果你想让自己看起来肃穆威严,这种柔软的风度翩翩,恐怕并不适合你。
    If you want to look like the solemn and respectful dignity yourself, perhaps this kind of soft elegant bearing, does not suit you.

  • 爱德华。费拉斯之所以能博得她们的好感,倒不是因为他人品出众,风度翩翩
    Edward ferris was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address.

  • 优雅的英式CITYHOUSE,造型充分具备美感,一派风度翩翩的英国风情。
    Graceful British CITYHOUSE, its design is full of beauty, perfectly showing graceful British characteristic.

  • 马曾于1986年在“亚洲大专辩论会”获“全场最佳辩手”,媒体形容他“风度翩翩”。
    Ma excelled as the best debater in the 1986 Asian Varsity Debate, when media described him as a "handsome and suave" man.

  • 巳年生人,神秘浪漫,处事熟练,风度翩翩,善于辞令,冷静沉着,有贯彻始终的斗志与精神。
    Those born in Si years appear to be somewhat mysterious, romantic and gentle in manners, and adept in handling affairs. They are gentle in demeanors, eloquent, and good at securing personal gains.

  • 后来的封面更是风度翩翩,挑逗性的近乎赤裸的女郎,闪光的枪支和闪烁的钻石成了流行的主题。
    Later covers are slicker and racier-near-naked women, gleaming guns and glimmering diamonds are popular motifs.

  • 其他民族的男人,如德国男人和西班牙男人,或许认为完美的妻子应该是风度翩翩气质非凡的女人。
    Other nationalities, such as the German man and the Spanish man, may define their just-right wife as a woman who is fantastic and extraordinary.

  • 我的工作是之后陪同他去地铁车站。这位曾经让残酷粉碎生命的男人风度翩翩地…,并祝愿我未来幸福。
    I was given the job of escorting him to the Underground Station afterwards, and this man whose life had been shattered by cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy, and wished me future happiness.

  • 天使挥一挥黄金棒子,站在面前的果真是一位风度翩翩的美男子,他温文有礼地说:“小姐,你后悔了吧?
    " angel brandish club of one brandish gold, the fruit that stands before is the Apollo with an elegant demeanour really, his Wen Wen says civilizedly: "Young lady, did you regret?

  • 柯林。鲍威尔自信满满而且风度翩翩地向大家介绍了我。他强烈地表明,既然我是三军总司令,就应该受到尊重。
    Colin Powell introduced me with conviction and class, strongly signaling the respect he thought I should receive as Commander in Chief.

  • 从他的容貌到身材,从他那剪得短短的黑发、刮得光光的下巴到宽松的崭新军服,处处显得潇洒倜傥,风度翩翩
    Everything about his face and figure—from his black closely-cropped hair and freshly-shaven chin to his wide, brand-new uniform—was simple and at the same time elegant.

  • 最近的一个关于007的书籍封面展涵盖了这个风度翩翩英国间谍的多变的一切,跑车,奢华生活和迷人的女郎。
    A new exhibition of 007 book covers charts the changing image of the suave British spy and his world of fast cars, luxury casinos and alluring women.

  • 玛丽是一位有名的业余画家的女助手。她昨天身着盛装去赴艺术展览会,风靡了所有在场的那些看起来风度翩翩的绅士们。
    Mary , a well-known Sunday painter's girl Friday , went to the art exhibition in her Sunday best yesterday and made a hit with all the gentlemen there who seemed to have Sunday-go-to-meeting manners .

  • 如果女生因为这样而嫁给他,即使对彼此也只是有那麽一点了解。结婚以后生活在一起,白马王子也有不风度翩翩的时候吧?
    The ones who have a bit of a background, either power or money, but are able to spend a lot of time with their love ones.

  • 游戏介绍:相信看过电影加勒比海盗的朋友都对那位幽默机智、风度翩翩的海盗印象深刻吧,现在就来为他打造更酷的形象吧。
    Caribbean illustrate : I think a lot of friends have seen the film of that humor, wit, elegance, the pirates impressive bars Now for him to build on the image of tradition bars.

  • 恰好在这一刻他的笑容消失了——于是我看着的不过是一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。
    Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over thirty, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd.

  • 波斯猫性情温文尔雅,举止风度翩翩,聪慧敏捷,少动好静,善解人意,叫声尖细柔美,天生一副娇生惯养之态,给人一种华丽、高贵的感觉。
    Persian cat gentle temperament, behavior Fengduopianpian, intelligent agile and less static good move, Shanjierenyi, call mellow taper, a cosseted nature of the state, giving a grand, noble feeling.

  • 美国富翁史蒂夫·福塞特在没有燃油补给的情况下,完成了世界上首次不间断环球飞行,并于美国东部时间下午2点49分风度翩翩地降落在堪萨斯州。
    Flying from horizon to horizon, Steve Fossett completed the first nonstop, flight 'round-the-world without refueling on Thursday afternoon, landing gracefully in Kansas at 2:49 pm ET.

  • 如果你生活得充实,你就会风度翩翩,魅力四射,它不仅能给你的个人生活也能给你们商旅生活带来鼓舞,它能给你的生命力并不是别的什么所能替代的。
    There will be something unique and magical about you if you live well. It will infuse not only your personal life but also your business life. And it will give you a vitality nothing else can give.

  • 轮到罗耶尔•泰勒了。他笔下的那位风度翩翩,温文尔雅的“源氏”于2001年出版。他在前两位译者生气勃勃和循规蹈矩的风格中间开辟出一条自己的道路。
    It was left to Royall Tyler, whose charming and urbane "Genji" came out in 2001, to chart the course between the exuberance and the exactitude of his two predecessors.

  • 英勇无畏的气概,风度翩翩的魅力,足智多谋的精明以及深藏不露的冷酷无情使他挽救了美国的资本主义。然而,正如他自己所说,结束这场经济危机的是战争的胜利,而非实施的“新政”。
    Courage, charm, resourceful cunning and a hidden hardness enabled him to save American capitalism, though, as he said himself, it was Dr Win-the-War, not Dr New Deal, that ended the Depression.

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