
顽固不化  wán gù bù huà







  • 明显顽固不化的国家的是希腊。
    The country that stands out as unrepentant is Greece.

  • 顽固不化的人是全聋的演说家。
    A bigot is a stone-leaf orator.

  • 一个顽固不化的人总是喜欢强词夺理。
    A bullhead always likes chopping logic with others.

  • 男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化
    Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn.

  • 哦,背离慈爱胸怀的顽固不化的流亡者!
    O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast!

  • 通常我们的有意识的心智是顽固不化的。
    Typically, our conscious mind is stubborn, inflexible and hard headed.

  • 我们市正对顽固不化的凶恶罪犯采取严厉措施。
    Our city is cracking down on hard-core criminals.

  • 老张承认他是少数人之一﹐可能被批为顽固不化
    Old Zhang admitted that he was in the minority and could be criticized for stubbornness.

  • 世界上只有两种树,一种顽固不化;一种机智聪明。
    There are just two kinds of trees in the world: the stubborn and the wise.

  • 如果你顽固不化,你可能会失去朋友或是疏远别人。
    Be prepared to lose friends or alienate other people if you insist on being stubborn.

  • 这些是具有许多情感问题的‘顽固不化的街道小孩\'。
    These were 'hard-core street kids' with many emotional problems.

  • 女儿竟是这样放肆地表达她顽固不化的思想,使他感到格外惊讶。
    He was the more surprised at his daughter's wanton play of a fixed idea.

  • 那些坐阵罗马的家伙们想必是顽固不化的,他们操纵着整套演出。
    Squareheaded chaps those must be in Rome: they work the whole show .

  • 但是,一个自由的社会不能被打造成只安抚顽固不化的信仰者的模式。
    But a free society cannot be structured to soothe the hardcore faithful.

  • 用他的话说:“顽固不化极可能妨碍你事业成功。即使你本能成功。”
    To quote Dharmesh, "Dogged determinedness will likely keep you from building the business that you could have built."

  • 有谁会如此顽固不化、缺乏感激之心而不感谢得到了这些无估价的恩惠呢?
    Who so obdurate and dead to the claims of gratitude that would not thankfully acknowledge such priceless benefits?

  • 布什声称,那些顽固不化,蓄意阻挠博尔顿再次任职的人“损害了国家利益。”
    The stubborn obstructionism of those who had chosen to block his reappointment, Mr Bush maintained, "ill serves our country".

  • 当我们很小的时候,训练顽固不化了之前,我们将会玩比赛,在练习期间甚至。
    When we were little, before the training got hard-core, we'd play games, even during exercises.

  • 这个过程会持续多久,它是否能扩展到如日本、加拿大等顽固不化的国家还有待观望。
    How far the process will continue, and whether it will spread to holdouts like Japan and Canada, remains to be seen.

  • 她并没有犯下什么罪过,她只不过打破了我们社会一个长久以来顽固不化的世俗观念。
    She has committed no crime, she has merely broken a rigid and time-honored code of our society.

  • 但是专家认为动物并不是顽固不化的;它们只是喜欢把时间用在它们将要做的事情上。
    But experts say these animals are not stubborn, they just like to need time to consider what to do.

  • 不幸地是,他们极少会重塑已经建立好的流程,对待变化速度上改变顽固不化的态度。
    Unfortunately, they rarely reshape established processes and hardened attitudes at the speed of change.

  • 愚昧无知加上过于强烈的个性使他命运多舛,愚钝呆板加上顽固不化加深了他的悲剧命运。
    Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid.

  • 我们在追求进步的道路上必须坚持不懈、充满热忱,绝不让顽固不化地阻挡我们前进的人得逞。
    For we must be as persistent and passionate in our pursuit of progress as any who would stand in our way.

  • 顽固不化的美国政客们不是每次都会被花言巧语打动的,但只要有钱赚,就总能让他们忙碌起来。
    AMERICA'S hard-nosed politicians are not always moved by lofty rhetoric, but talk about money normally gets them going.

  • 到头来,男人还是跟你第一次意识到他们存在时那样让人抓狂。男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化
    It turns out that men are just as frustrating now as they were when you first became aware of their existence. Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn.

  • 他们不但不侧耳细听,反倒依照自己的计谋,随自己邪恶的心生活,顽固不化;不以面向我,却以背向我。
    But they obeyed not, nor did they pay heed. They walked in the hardness of their evil hearts and turned their backs, not their faces, to me.

  • 顽固不化的阿拉伯复兴社会党党徒应该对目前的暴力事件负主要责任,但是他们曾掌握的腐败权力与特权一去不返了。
    For the Baathist holdouts largely responsible for the current violence, there will be no return to the corrupt power and privilege they once held.

  • 我有一个朋友是同性恋,他成功地摆脱了顽固不化的高中朋友,他的方法就是把自己的状态更新尽量弄得花哨、充满政治色彩。
    I have a gay friend who has had much success getting rid of bigoted high school friends by making his status updates as flamboyant and politically charged as possible.

  • 两位候选人各有利弊。勇敢但有时顽固不化的越战老兵同有强大感召力和远见卓识但有时流于空谈的年轻领导者形成了鲜明对比。
    Both candidates have their flaws and their admirable points; the doughty but sometimes cranky old warrior makes a fine contrast with the inspirational but sometimes vaporous young visionary.

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