
雕梁画栋  diāo liáng huà dòng








  • 殿内雕梁画栋,黄瓦红墙,气势雄伟。
    Diaolianghuadong hall, Huangwa red walls, magnificent momentum.

  • 古典漆金,雕梁画栋,祖传脱胎工艺品。
    Classical paint gold, µñÁº»­¶°, bodiless ancestral crafts.

  • 岂只是『雕梁画栋』——现代中国建筑在那里?
    Where is the Modern Chinese Architecture?

  • 亭构于悬崖上,雕梁画栋,色泽艳丽,古雅多姿。
    Pavilion structure in the cliff, Diaolianghuadong, beautiful color, quaint scene.

  • 隔扇门窗均为步步棉图案,苏式彩绘雕梁画栋,十分精美。
    Ge Shan doors and windows are step by step, cotton, pattern, Soviet-style painted magnificently decorated very beautifully.

  • 第二进是亭的主体建筑。朱红墙壁,琉璃碧瓦,雕梁画栋
    The second is the Pavilion into the main buildingZhu Hong walls, glass Biwa, Diaolianghuadong.

  • 为三层木结构的塔形楼,雕梁画栋,古色古香,雄伟壮观。
    For the three-tier pyramid structure of wood floor, diao liang hua dong , antique, magnificent.

  • 青砖碧瓦,雕梁画栋,古朴典雅,蕴含着浓郁的中国传统文化气息。
    Blue green glazed tile, Diaolianghuadong, flavor, and contains rich traditional Chinese culture.

  • 其间牌楼、凉亭、回廊、照壁、戏台雕梁画栋,气势夺人、妙趣横生。
    In the meantime arches, pavilions, corridors, Zhaobi, Diaolianghuadong stage, seizing the momentum, fun.

  • 建筑内雕梁画栋,徽派建筑砖、石、木三雕展现了江南城镇古老的风姿。
    Diaolianghuadong building, Anhui construction brick, stone, wood carving shows the three southern towns the old grace.

  • 元代重修的文庙大成殿,9檩18架,42檐敦,雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌。
    The rehabilitation of the Yuan Dynasty Confucian Tai Shing Temple, 9 purlin 18, Brown 42 canopies, Diaolianghuadong, resplendent.

  • 明万历年间,岛上建有青龙寺,其建筑别致,雕梁画栋,金壁辉煌,巍峨壮观。
    Wanli Ming, Qing Longsi built on the island and its unique architecture, Diaolianghuadong, the brilliant wall, the majestic spectacle.

  • 正殿、后殿均不很高,但出檐较深,古朴浑厚,雕梁画栋,丹壁彩绘,富丽堂皇。
    In the main hall, Houdian not very high, but the deep eaves, the immense simplicity, Diaolianghuadong, Dan painted walls, magnificent.

  • 楼阁建筑精美,雕梁画栋,尤其是壁墙画廊中的砖雕图案,造型新颖,神奇多姿。
    Storied Building beautifullydiao liang hua dong , especially the wall of the brick wall of the gallery design, novel style, the magic scene in.

  • 红楼梦〉所呈现的却是另一番苍凉:亭台楼阁,雕梁画栋,吟诗赏酒,风花雪月。
    "Dream of Red Mansion" shows another kind of bleakness: pavilions, richly ornamented buildings, poet singing, wine drinking and romantic theme poem writing.

  • 两旁长廊,雕梁画栋,依山逶迤,与大牌坊连成一体,构成祖庙的第一道风景线。
    The galleries of both sides with carved beams and painted rafters are connected with the monumental archway, forming the first landscape of Mazu temple.

  • 亭阁式建筑,单开间九脊顶,龙头翘角,雕梁画栋,周廊栏杆纤巧,建于高台之上。
    Tingge architecture, single-hall roof ridge 9, leading Qiaojiao, Diaolianghuadong, Zhou Gallery railings tiny, built in the high-profile above.

  • 天津的城市建筑颇具特色,既有大量雕梁画栋的中式建筑,又有新颖别致的西洋建筑;
    The urban construction of Tianjin is characterized not merely by large numbers of Chinese-style buildings with the painted beamscarved girders, lots of new unique Western-style buildings.

  • 12《相府角落》皇城相府任何一个角落,无一不是雕梁画栋、精心细致的建筑格局。
    In the corner At each corner of the Imperial city and Prime minister's mansion, there is carving beams of roof and gallery, which are all designed by heart.

  • 天津的城市建筑颇具特色,既有大量雕梁画栋的中式建筑,又有许多新颖别致的西洋建筑;
    The urban construction of Tianjin is characterized not merely by large numbers of Chinese-style buildings with the painted beams and carved girders, but lots of new and unique Western-style buildings.

  • 它既有古建筑的雕梁画栋,又有现代建筑的实用美观,是西北地区不可多得的一处独特景观。
    Ancient architecture of its existingdiao liang hua dong , practical and aesthetic of modern architecture is rare north-west of a unique landscape.

  • 戏台雕梁画栋,在民间戏台中,它的建筑风格最具皇家气派,这也与妈祖的至尊地位相匹配。
    The terrace with carved beams and painted rafters is a folk stage with royal style. Such a style can match Mazu's status.

  • 整个庙宇建筑别致,走进大门,迎面是一座三间大殿,四面有回廊相通,雕梁画栋,庄严肃穆。
    The entire temple construction chic, walked into the door, the face of the great hall is a three, four corridors are the same, Diaolianghuadong, a solemn silence.

  • 殿堂雕梁画栋,装饰丰富多彩,特别是殿顶上“二龙戏珠”、“三星高照”的雕塑,造型别致。
    The palace magnificently decorated building, decorates richly colorful, specially the palace goes against "two Long Xizhu", "Tristar illuminates high" the sculpture, the modelling is unique.

  • 圆山饭店(右)的雕梁画栋、层层斗拱,与国父纪念馆(左)线条简洁的斗拱象徵,趣味迥然不同。
    The highly ornamental beam brackets of the Grand Hotel (right) produce a completely different effect from the cleanly lined brackets of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (left).

  • 为了纪念古槐,1911年在汉代古槐处建立了一座雕梁画栋、飞檐斗拱、精巧玲珑、别有风格的碑亭。
    To commemorate Guhuai, 1911 Guhuai in the Han Dynasty set up a Diaolianghuadong, Feiyandougong, compact Linglong, do not have the style Beiting.

  • 而行宫内外,苍松翠柏、绿竹草坪、百花吐艳、百鸟争鸣、徊廊环绕、雕梁画栋、幽静幽雅、体系完整。
    Inside and outside the palace, cypress pine, green bamboo grass, flowers Tu Yan, birds contention, irresolute Gallery surrounded by magnificently decorated, quiet elegant, system integrity.

  • 主庙内的主体建筑,规模宏大,气势非凡,雕梁画栋而又庄严肃穆,身临其境,不能不使人对关公肃然起敬。
    The main temple's main building, large-scale, imposing extraordinary, diao liang hua dong and solemn silence, Down on the ground, can not fail to respect people of Guan Gong.

  • 图1、2、4:天后宫内的雕梁画栋,手工精巧细腻,花纹繁杂瑰丽。图3:台湾最早的妈祖庙——天后宫的外观。
    2, 4: The Queen of Heaven Temple is delicately crafted and exquisitely decorated. 3. Taiwan Province's first Matsu temple.

  • 土楼底层为厨房和客厅,底层的中心位置设祖堂,用来议事和供奉先祖牌位或画像,是家族的精神核心,厅内雕梁画栋,古朴典雅;
    The first floor is used for kitchens and chambers and the central part is an important place for meetings and the ancestors' memorial tablets or portraits.

  • 雕梁画栋造句相关
