
铸剑为犁  zhù jiàn wéi lí







  • 铸剑为犁是我们智慧的永恒追求。
    Casting sword into plough is our lasting aim in pursuing best wisdoms.

  • 严酷的事实表明,冤冤相报只能加深仇恨,铸剑为犁才能迎来和平。
    The stark reality shows that the an eye for an eye approach can only stoke deeper hatred, and peace can only be achieved by turning swords into ploughshares.

  • 战火的硝烟已经散尽,铸剑为犁,人们享受和平的生活,青山秀水重现往日的风采。
    Green mountains and charming water resumed to their former state after the war was over and people enjoy their peaceful life.

  • 我梦想有一天,有一样东西能将世界上所有的争端都化为无形,刀枪入库,铸剑为犁
    I dream of a day when there will be a way to resolve all the world's conflicts, swords beaten into ploughshares and spears into pruning books y.

  • 我梦想有一天,有一样东西能将世界上所有的争端都化为无形,刀枪入库,铸剑为犁
    I have a dream that one day, something can resovle all conflicts in the world and people will all live in peace and work in the farm field instead of battlefield.

  • 我梦想有一天,有一样东西能将世界上所有的争端都化为无形,刀枪入库,铸剑为犁
    I have a dream. I dream of a day when there will be a way to resolve all the world's conflicts, swords beaten into ploughshares and spears into pruning books y.

  • 铸剑为犁造句相关
