
造谣生事  zào yáo shēng shì








  • 这对心怀叵测者,则是一个造谣生事的绝好机会。
    This is a fine field for malicious people.

  • 真正可鄙的是那些不明事理,胡乱造谣生事的势利小人。
    What's really contemptible are those snobs who confuse logic and wildly gossip to make trouble.

  • 如果我去见了我的前队友们,可能伦敦媒体又会对我造谣生事了。
    If I had gone to see my ex-teammates, then it would have only sparked more gossip in the London press about me.

  • 为什麽世界上有那麽多事情可以做,偏偏有些人就喜欢造谣生事
    why there is so many thing that you can do in this world, but you just want to talk bullshit?

  • 似乎有个邪恶、富裕的团体得了势,正在造谣生事,伤害大卫王。
    It appears that an ungodly and affluent group had come into prominence and were trying to slander King David.

  • 理查德·谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了造谣生事、虚伪和矫情造作。
    A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality.

  • 理查德?谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了造谣生事、虚伪和矫情造作。
    A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality.

  • 理查德?谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了造谣生事、虚伪和 矫情 造作。
    A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality.

  • 郑斌表示,说他与队友打架,是有人造谣生事,希望外界不要戴着有色眼镜看球员。
    Zheng Bin, said that he had a fight with team-mate, someone is spreading rumors, hoping the outside world not to wear colored glasses to see the players.

  • 你说得有道理,很多东西观点不同可以理解,但是夸大其词,造谣生事实非丈夫所为也。
    Dave, I value your point, but I value Gogogo's point too. Gogogo say what gogo go see &feel. Many ppl have the same feeling.

  • 你说得有道理,很多东西观点不同可以理解,但是夸大其词,造谣生事实非丈夫所为也。
    Dave, I value your point, but I value Gogogo's point too. Gogogo say what gogo go see &feel.

  • 芭芭拉:如果换我的话,那简直会气炸的。世界上难道还有比人家在您背后造谣生事还恶劣的事吗?
    Barbara:That would just burn me up. Isn't that the worst, having somebody talk behind your back?

  • 你出去转告他,就说:『你这个人造谣生事,认为自己文武双全,戴着那顶古理古怪的帽子,腰里系着牛皮带,整天喋喋不休,胡说一通。
    You tell him: "You guy make rumor that you can fight and write. You wear the odd cap, tied oxhide belt around your waist. All day you sprout nonsense. Actually, you can't do anything."

  • 我们的律师去找报导这件事的报纸,告诉他们如果不说出这消息的出处,我们就要告他们,到最后我们一定可以揪出是谁在那儿造谣生事
    Our lawyers go to a paper that has run the story and tell them we'll sue if they don't tell us where they got the info. In the end we'll find out who started the stories.

  • 你应该在报纸和杂志上不止一次的看到富人被袭事件,你也应该读过不少抨击富人的文章和社论,你还听说过有造谣生事之人谴责富人长达一小时之久。
    You have seen the rich attacked time and again in newspapers and magazines. You have read numberless articles and editorials against them. You have heard agitators declaim against them by the hour.

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