
谦谦君子  qiān qiān jūn zǐ








  • 如果你是谦谦君子,女人说你是懦夫。
    The girls no matter pretty or ugly think you are cowards if you respect women.

  • 我发誓,此刻,我把所有欲求让给谦谦君子
    I swear to surrender this moment all claims to the ranks of the decent.

  • 我发誓,此刻,我把所有的欲求都让给谦谦君子
    I swear to surrender this moment all claims to the ranks of the decent.

  • 它们教会你在成为一名勇士的同时成为一位谦谦君子
    In short, these words teach you to be both a milltant fighter and gentleman.

  • 如大地一般谦卑。正所谓「谦谦君子,卑以自牧也。」
    In modesty and humility be like earth.

  • 简而言之,这三个词教会你成为勇猛的战士和谦谦君子
    In short, these words teach you to be both a militant fighter and a gentleman.

  • 那些身着“画皮”的窈窕淑女和谦谦君子才是真正“恶大魔极”。
    The gentleman and elegant lady with monster heart are the true and dangerous evil.

  • 灯红酒绿,谦谦君子,闻香识女。舞会人群,寒暄握手,恣意言笑。
    Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowd was busy at handshaking.

  • 妳幸运的找到了妳的白马王子,而他是我们都认识很久的谦谦君子
    You are fortunate to find your Mr. Right, who is a gentleman we all have known for a while.

  • 最近,薛之谦和他最好的朋友君君出版了他的新书 “谦谦君子”。
    Recently, Jacky put out his new book"Qianqian Junzi" with his best friend Sam.

  • 肯德尔是贵格会教徒,是个谦谦君子,但他机智过人,立志与不公平的现象做斗争。
    There was a brilliant mind behind David's modest Quaker demeanor, and a willingness to fight against injustice.

  • 兰花的深谋远虑使这个种族得以繁衍、壮大,以至一不小心“谦谦君子”便成就了在植物界的霸主地位。
    Of orchid foresighted make this phyletic be able to multiply, expand, down to does not take care " modest self-disciplined gentleman " made the number one place in plant kingdom.

  • 但未曾想到,习近平不仅有谦谦君子之风,更有铮铮傲骨,尤其是今次的强硬发声,给国人心头带来一股清风。
    But unexpectedly, Xi can not only be mild-mannered, but also be a man of character. His strong speech is like a breeze in the spring that comforts our mind.

  • 恰是这(同)几位谦谦君子,坚决反对人文科学里的相对主义和学科兼容,而将这类课程列入人文科学比起自然科学要正当合理得多。
    These are the same modest gents who decry relativism and curricular inclusiveness in the humanities, where it is far more justifiable than in the sciences.

  • 这种情感,与人性中其它所有的原始激情毫无二致,绝不为德高望重、慈悲为怀的谦谦君子所独善,诚然,他们对这种情感的体察可能极其微妙与敏感。
    for this sentiment, like all the other original passions of human nature, is by no means confined to the virtuous and humane, though they perhaps may feel it with the most exquisite sensibility.

  • 一段为时不短的交谈过后,我们惊喜地发现盖世霆已然为上海兴国宾馆带来了缕缕清风,言谈举止之间,自信始终伴随着谦和,怏怏大气和谦谦君子之风表露无疑。
    A somewhat prolonged talk revealed not only the fact that Grant Gaskin had brought some new ideas to the hotel, but his demeanor, debonair and confidence, which was to our great delight.

  • 雷阿伦是一个曾8次入选全明星阵容的人,当政治、人气、偶尔的伤患成了在这位谦谦君子的人生里的一部分时,我可以说雷阿伦赢得了属于他的很好的口碑和形象。
    Ray Allen is an eight-time All-Star and while politics, popularity and occasionally injuries play a part in who goes the Mid-Winter Classic, it's safe to say Ray Allen earned his appearances.

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