
调兵遣将  diào bīng qiǎn jiàng







  • 他的军队已经在路上了,上校也在调兵遣将
    Eva: His forces are on their way here.

  • 时任四川宣抚使的吴璘急忙调兵遣将,分路抵抗。
    Then makexuan fu Sichuan, Wu Lin immediately deployed forces, shunt resistance.

  • 第二天,周瑜调兵遣将,指挥三万精锐,水陆并进。
    The next day, Chou Yu deployed 30, 000 of his best soldiers by both water and land.

  • 形势:俄罗斯正在调兵遣将,要与格鲁吉亚再决胜负。
    Situation: Russia is mobilizing its troops for another showdown with Georgia.

  • 上半场1比2落后,下半场,汉军通过调兵遣将加强进攻。
    First half 1:2 backwardness, second half, the Chinese army through deploys troops strengthens the attack.

  • 头顶的茫茫太空中正在进行着一场规模极为罕见的调兵遣将
    Manoeuvres of a most extraordinary kind were going on in the vast firmamental hollows overhead.

  • 这种「调兵遣将」的游戏,可以训练人们的协调能力和逻辑思维。
    The game involves "command and control, strategy and manoeuvre", giving practice on organization ability and logical thinking skills.

  • 这个飞行球也是萨多的个人星际飞船,萨多在里面调兵遣将、发号施令。
    Sadow plotted his moves and controlled his forces from the floating orb, which also served as his personal starship.

  • 他说美国军队在伊拉克处于过分的压力之下,因为布什政府调兵遣将不当。
    He said U. S. forces were under undue pressure in Iraq because of poor planning and allocation of resources by the Bush administration.

  • 随后,帕杜马上调兵遣将,在第70分钟一口气换上3人,试图挽回败局。
    Subsequently, Pardew immediately deployed forces, in the first 70 minutes at one go put 3 in an attempt to restore the lost game.

  • 该国北部的玛纳斯基地是美军向阿富汗调兵遣将之地,去年美国才获得续租权。
    The Americans, who supply troops in Afghanistan from Manas base, in the north of the country, just managed to retain rights to it last year.

  • 至此,我突然感到:自己所做的,与其说是在炒股票,倒不如说是在“调兵遣将”。
    At this point, I suddenly felt: he has done so much in stocks, it would be better described as the "troops."

  • 尽管辽宁队主教练马林频繁调兵遣将,但李雷雷发挥出色,封堵了对手多次有威胁的射门。
    Although Team Liaoning Head Coach Maring deploys troops frequently, but Lileilei displays splendidly, sealed off the match to have threat shooting many times.

  • 如果巴基斯坦觉得它的西侧安危无虞,自然会调兵遣将到西部的巴阿边界。但是,事实如何?
    If Pakistan felt its eastern flank was secure, it could transfer its military to the west - Afghanistan.

  • 无论是商业动作还是军事上的调兵遣将,动作神速,出其不意和发挥优势都是取得胜利的关键。
    Speed, surprise and superiority are all important as factors for success in commercial, as well as military, operations.

  • 曼联的阵容厚度让弗格森调兵遣将十分从容,而内维尔希望在余下的赛季,板凳们能继续发挥作用。
    United's strength in depth has served manager Sir Alex Ferguson well this season and Neville expects that to continually tested for the rest of the campaign.

  • 红黑军团继续调兵遣将,寻求一粒进球,鲁伊。科斯塔换下西多夫。舍甫琴科随即头球攻门高出了横梁。
    Seedorf was replaced by Rui Costa as the Rossoneri chased that vital goal and Shevchenko whipped a header just over the bar.

  • 这个星期,在欧洲文明的中心,斯洛伐克和匈牙利开始为了在多瑙河畔意图建设一个大坝而在调兵遣将
    This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube.

  • 描述:美军动用数十架飞机从多个基地调兵遣将,官方称这是海军陆战队自越战以来规模最大的空运行动。
    Caption :With dozens of aircraft ferrying troops out from various bases, officers said the operation was the biggest airlift by the Marines since Vietnam.

  • 更有趣的是,古罗马统治者为了调兵遣将的方便,下令在大道的两旁种上大树,以便为行军的士兵遮挡炎热的阳光。
    Even more interesting is that the rulers of ancient Rome for the convenience of deployed forces, ordered the trees planted on both sides of road in order to soldiers march block the hot sun.

  • 你们必须选择变革引导我们前进的方向,因为未来不属于在战场上调兵遣将的人,也不属于在地面上安置导弹的人;
    You get to choose where change will take us, because the future does not belong to those who gather armies on a field of battle or bury missiles in the ground;

  • 不知道是不是这个原因,第三局确定胜势后,陈忠和进行了大幅度调兵遣将,赵蕊蕊、杨昊、冯坤等纷纷被派遣上场。
    Do not know whether this reason, to determine the third set victory, Chen had a significant and deployed forces, Zhao Ruirui, Hao Yang, Feng Kun, and so have been sent to play.

  • 阿富汗驻军人数有限,使得驻阿将军调兵遣将、在在全国范围内打击武装分子时显得捉襟见肘,因而不得不依靠空中打击弥补其在人数上的劣势。
    The shortage of soldiers has hampered the generals' ability to hold territory and forced them to use air power to make up for the lack of numbers.

  • 湖人队主教练菲尔杰克逊他谈到了球队替补阵容在客场的困难之处:他们怎么样表现得更加勇敢,他们怎么样才能让教练不会频繁调兵遣将,又如何把比赛的节奏慢下来。
    Lakers Coach Phil Jackson has talked about the difficulties his second-unit players face on the road: how they become more rattled, how they don't get many calls, how the game slows down.

  • 当然不是了。围棋比的是谁围起的区域更大。也就是说。双方其实实在调兵遣将占领地盘。以取得更大的生存空间。所以我说。象棋杀气太重。而围棋却是关于如何求生存的。
    Certainly not. The object of weigh is to surround a larger area than the opponent. In other words, each side is struggling for a greater living space by mapping out a territory on the board.

  • 调兵遣将造句相关
