
读书三到  dú shū sān dào







  • 读书三到:心、眼、口。--朱熹。
    The three "presence" of learning: presence of heart, presence of eye and presence of mouth.

  • 陈艳青次退役后,都选择了苏州大学读书,现在是在读的心理学硕士。
    After Chen Yanqing three retirements, chose has studied to Suzhou University, the present is psychology master who read.

  • 日子过的很繁忙、很充实,除了读书,每周我还在要在第二医院接受三到五次的治疗。
    And each new day was very busy and very full, for besides attending classes at the Middle school I underwent therapy three to five days each week at No. 2 Hospital.

  • 他们从年级高中,做过许多工作,承担过各种责任,并且从早年就如饥似渴地读书
    They had many different jobs or responsibilities from the time they were in the third grade through high school, and they were all avid readers from an early age.

  • 日子过的很繁忙、很充实,除了读书,每周我还在要在布莱肯瑞吉医院接受三到五次的治疗。
    And each new day was very busy and very full, for besides attending classes at the University I underwent therapy three to five days each week at Brackenridge Hospital.

  • 日子过的很繁忙、很充实,除了读书,每周我还在要在布莱肯瑞吉医院接受三到五次的治疗。
    And each new day was very busy very full, for besides attending classes at the University I underwent therapy three to five days each week at Brackenridge Hospital.

  • 过去五年中,人们的读书时间减少每月2。1小时,此外,分之一的购书者是年龄为55岁以上的人。
    It was also disclosed that over the past five years, people reduce their time reading to 2. 1 hours per month, and over one third of all books were bought by customers aged 55 and older.

  • 过去五年中,人们的读书时间减少每月 2。1小时,此外,分之一的购书者是年龄为 55岁以上的人。
    It was also disclosed that over the past five years, people reduce their time reading to 2. 1 hours per month, and over one third of all books were bought by customers aged 55 and older.

  • 西方全国全国日常表达过的很繁忙、很充实,除了读书,每周我还在要在布莱肯瑞吉诊所接受三到五次的医治。
    And each new day were Very abundance busy and Very abundance full, for besides attending classes at the University I undergo italy Number 3 to five days each week at Brackenridge Hospital.

  • 过去五年中,人们的读书时间减少每月2。5小时,调查同样显示,分之一的购书者是年龄为58岁以上的人。
    It was also disclosed that over the past five years, people reduce their time reading to 2. 5 hours per month, and over one third of all books were bought by customers aged 58 and older.

  • 虽说有些孩子是五岁以后才开始学习阅读的,但事实上,只要给予的训练适当,许多孩子都可以在岁便开始学著读书了。
    And even though some children learn to read after the age of five, for many children, if offered the right kind of training reading can start as young as three.

  • 日子过的很繁忙、很充实,除了读书,每周我还在要在布莱肯瑞吉医院接受三到五次的治疗。如果这还不够忙的话,我还要隔周和汤姆。
    And each new day was very busy and very full, for besides attending classes at the University I underwent therapy three to five days each week at Brackenridge Hospital.

  • 读书三到造句相关
