
说长道短  shuō cháng dào duǎn








  • 在她身上找不出一点让人家说长道短的地方。
    There was not a single thing about her that one could find fault with.

  • 我知道英国人会怎样说长道短
    I know how people chatter in England.

  • 她喜欢对邻居的家事说长道短
    She likes ( gossiping ) about the neighbor's domestic problems.

  • 有三个邻居老婆子站在街角上说长道短
    Three old hens from the neighbored were standing on the corner gossiping.

  • 有两个邻居老婆子站在街角上说长道短
    Two old hens from the neighbored were standing on the corner gossiping.

  • 有三个邻居老婆子站在街角上说长道短
    hens from the neighbored were standing on the corner gossiping.

  • 有三个邻居老婆子站在街角上说长道短
    Three old hens from the neighborhood were standing on the corner gossiping.

  • 说长道短是坏习惯,我们要避免这种恶习。
    Gossiping is a bad habit that we should avoid.

  • 由于我是过来人,所以不愿对此事说长道短
    I end up cou elling people about it because I've been through it.

  • 人们会说长道短
    People will talk.

  • 她到达时的狼狈相,为卡罗琳说长道短提供了话柄。
    Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip, but Mrs.

  • 她说“抑郁症是很严肃的事情,不应该被说长道短。”
    "Depression is pretty serious and should not be gossiped about, " she said.

  • 不但是懒惰,又说长道短,好管闲事,说些不当说的话。
    And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busy bodies, saying things they ought not to.

  • 「恶意的流言蜚语」和「在一个人的背后说长道短」是违法的。
    "Spiteful Gossip" and "talking behind a person's back" are illegal.

  • 女人们则聚集在井边,这儿是他们会集的场所,说长道短的中心。
    The women had gathered at the well which was their meeting place and center of gossip.

  • 我最恨跟人说长道短了,而且我可不想失去至少还能和他当朋友的机会。
    I hate to gossip, and I don't want to rule out any chances of us at least becoming friends.

  • 他们喝酒喝得太多了,还要花很多时间说长道短并谈论其他同事和经理。
    Ken: They drink too much, and spend too much time gossiping and talking about the other staff and managers.

  • 避免卷入是非漩涡:每家公司都有一些爱说长道短的人,他们爱添油加醋。
    Avoid engulfing into the whirlpool of right and wrong. There are some busy bodies in every company. They like to add inflammatory details to the comments.

  • 他们真是太粗心了,包括穿着马格衣服的人,居然大白天在大街上说长道短
    People are being downright careless, out on the streets in broad daylight, not even dressed in Muggle clothes, swapping rumors.

  • 这个可恶的家伙通过伊妹儿对我说长道短,并拷贝给所有的同事,包括我老板!
    This stupid guy criticised me in his email and copied it to everybody, including my boss!

  • 说长道短是每个人的天性,告诉你他从来就不喜欢听流言蜚语的人可能就是在说谎。
    It's everyone's nature to gossip. Anyone who tells you they don't enjoy hearing a little gossip every now and then is probably lying.

  • 这些娘们儿都闲得无聊,不是坐在那里说长道短,就是三五成群的谈论别人家的“丑闻”
    These "old girls" network are twiddling their thumbs, sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families' "skeletons.

  • 这些娘们儿都闲得无聊,不是坐在那里说长道短,就是三五成群的谈论别人家的“丑闻”。
    These "old girls" are twiddling their thumbs, sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families' "skeletons".

  • 并且他们又习惯懒惰,挨家闲游;不但是懒惰,又说长道短,好管闲事,说些不当说的话。
    13  Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busy bodies, saying what they should not.

  • 并且他们又习惯懒惰、挨家閒游.不但是懒惰、又说长道短、好管閒事、说些不当说的话。
    And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busy bodies, speaking things which they ought not.

  • 凯文:好,这样的话,下次我听到有关你的八卦,跟大家一起说长道短,我就不会有罪恶感。
    Kevin: Well if that's the case, I won't feel guilty about talking about you behind your back the next time I hear some gossip about you.

  • 13并且他们又习惯懒惰、挨家閒游.不但是懒惰、又说长道短、好管閒事、说些不当说的话。
    And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busy bodies, speaking things which they ought not.

  • 她看到大家都默不作声,心中的气更大,就接着说:“现在大家都学会了说长道短,妄加评论。
    And still more aggrieved by the general silence, she went on, "Nowadays people find fault with every one."

  • 这些娘们儿都闲得无聊,不是坐在那里说长道短,就是三五成群的谈论别人家的“丑闻”英语学习网。
    These "old girls"network are twiddling their thumbs , sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families' "skeletons"

  • 它可以指一个行事轻率的人,一个自信自恃的人,一个说长道短的人,一个毫无愧疚、不知悔改的人,一个藐视神的人等。
    It can be a thoughtless person, a self-confident person, one who chatters, and one who feels no guilt, a person who ignores God.

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