
语不惊人  yǔ bù jīng rèn







  • 我也知道你以前有没有类似的“惊人”?
    I do not know that you have no previous similar "shocking words"?

  • 人们同时也喜欢加菲猫语不惊人休的幽默感。
    People also enjoy Garfield's outrageous6 sense of humor.

  • 坚持懈地追求完美,所谓'语不惊人休'。
    Relentlessly pursue perfection, the so-called 'Astonishing remarks'.

  • 印宗法师虽认识惠能,但闻他惊人,一定是来历凡。
    Though he did not know Huineng, yet on hearing his stunning remarks, he was certain Huineng must be from an extraordinary origin.

  • 语不惊人休,但是许多人却用平凡无奇的方式来写收听报告。
    It may come as a bit of a shock, but many of the same approaches used to peddle soap apply to reception report writing.

  • 他说话热情洋溢又充满机智,感极佳,经常是“语不惊人休”;
    He said warm and full of wit and good sense of the term. often "Astonishing remarks";

  • 真是语不惊人休,成龙大哥右批香港、左批台湾,把两地都得罪了。
    What shocking remarks! His comment on Taiwan and Hongkong has offended the two.

  • 杜甫对自己的创作上的要求很高。像他自己所说的那样:“语不惊人休”
    Dufu was a rather demanding poet. as what he had said. he would never cease the pursuit of outstanding speech till his death.

  • 如果想要成为一个像哲学家这样重量级的人物,你就必须做到语不惊人休。
    To make it big as a philosopher, you have to say something so new and different that it shocks people into paying attention.

  • 语不惊人休的麦克摩尔在「华氏9/11」被刻意忽略后,再度以「健保真要命」入围。
    The controversial Michael Moore is nominated for "Sicko" again after "Fahrenheit 9/11" being purposely neglected.

  • 这种对艺术的潜心投入和语不惊人休的精神,是顾克团的书画技艺得以与时俱进的关键。
    This art with great concentration and investment Astonishing remarks of the spirit of the Croatian Mission Board of painting and calligraphy skills to be the key to keeping up with the times.

  • 对中国民间文化素有研究的作家冯骥才惊人地指出,“新天地”从文化层面来说是及格的。
    Known as a study of Chinese folk culture writer Feng Jicai some very surprising to note that the "New Horizons" from the cultural dimension is not qualified.

  • 既然马云素有“骗子、疯子、狂人”之称,那么对他的话是否也就理解为“语不惊人休”就罢了。
    Now that Ma has long been known as "liar, a madman, madman" and said so to him, then it will be understood as "Astonishing remarks" on it.

  • 经常禁住诱惑,爱胡思乱想,遵循大人的思路,而且常常惊人,令妈妈尴尬,旁人却捧腹大笑。
    But at other times, his astonishing words make his mom embarrassed and others standing by roaring with laughter. The funny stories happened on Tutu will bring great amusement to the audience.

  • 眼下各类买卖中,像房地产这样把自己的楼盘夸得天花乱坠,夸得着边际,夸得语不惊人休的,多。
    At the moment of sale, such as real estate may give extravagant description of their property Kwajalein, Kwajalein was irrelevant, Kwajalein in Astonishing remarks, small.

  • 市场经济时代,企业纷纷给自己的商品取一个出色响亮、独具魅力的名字,以求达到“语不惊人休”的目的。
    In this era of market economy, businesses often choose resounding and charming brand names for their commodities to impress the target consumers.

  • 这种具有强烈轰动效应的宣传方式,颇有一点“语不惊人休”的味道,多少反映出当今楼市竞争的激烈程度。
    This is a great sensation strong advocacy, quite little "Astonishing remarks" flavor, and how much reflects the intensity of competition in the property market.

  • 过既然是《天天向上》,编导们觉得吴其江认真敬业的态度、“语不惊人休”的娱乐精神还是蛮值得学习的。
    But since "every day", directed and written by Wu Jiang, we think, is a serious work attitude, "Astonishing remarks" recreation or the spirit of the very worthy of study.

  • 经济学家应该很客观、很理智的看待中国经济,看待中国房地产,要凭想象下结论,语不惊人休、哗众取宠。
    Economists should be very objective, very sensible view of China's economy, China viewed the property, not on the conclusions that will not Astonishing remarks, attract public attention.

  • 经济学家应该很客观、很理智的看待中国经济,看待中国房地产,要凭想象下结论,语不惊人休、哗众取宠。
    Economists should be very objective, very sensible view of China's economy, China's real estate view, the conclusions that can not and will not Astonishing remarks, attract public attention.

  • 素有“任我行”之称的华远集团总裁,又一次放出惊人:“人们想知道而又知道的房地产界真相,这上面全有。”
    known as a "imprisoned" said the Huayuan Group CEO again shed shocking words : "People want to know and not know the truth of the real estate sector, which is above all.

  • 面对镜子里的自己,我苦笑一声,我注定会是一个普通的女孩——貌出众,语不惊人,没有非凡的才华,没有辉煌的过去。
    Face one self , my forced smile inside the mirror I am destined to may be that a average girl appearance is not outstanding , no astonishing , not outstanding talent of language, is not splendid over.

  • 素有“任我行”之称的华远集团总裁任志强,又一次放出惊人:“人们想知道而又知道的房地产界真相,这上面全有。”
    known as a" imprisoned "said the Huayuan Group CEO Ren Zhiqiang, another shed shocking words : "People want to know and not know the truth of the real estate sector, which is above all.

  • 前几日在工作交流时,一位学术界朋友惊人:“目前的地产舆论江湖化,按牌理出牌,很多野路子,有必要正本清源。”
    work exchange in a few days, a academia some very surprising : "The current real estate arena of public opinion, acted, many wild ways, the need to reform."

  • 一向是“语不惊人休”的北京华远集团总裁任志强面对记者的提问,把皮球踢给了中城联盟轮值主席、青岛天泰集团董事长王若雄。
    "always" Astonishing remarks, "the Beijing Huayuan Group CEO Renzhiqiang face reporters, to the Chinese city of Piqiuti Union's rotating chairmanship, Qingdao days of cozy-Thai groups.

  • 也许网民们觉得网络是一个虚拟的空间,表达思想、情感的方式与现实生活中人们表达习惯有所同,于是挖空心思创造出令人感到新奇的网,大有“语不惊人休”的劲头。
    Maybe netizens feel network is a virtual space, the expression of thoughts, feelings and real life people express habits vary, then create a feel find the net language, novel "language not shock".

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