
诗情画意  shī qíng huà yì







  • 诗情画意是中国乡土电影重要的美学风格。
    Local Chinese poetic film is an important aesthetic style.

  • 迪克·利迪尔:卖*永远都不可能变得诗情画意
    Dick Liddil: Poetry don't work on whores.

  • 潭中水碧如镜,游鱼可数,其诗情画意,耐人探寻。
    The scenery is suggestive of poetry and painting and its allure simply irresistible.

  • 湖周浅山环列,林木葱茏,倒影湖中,无限诗情画意
    On Central Mountain Lake weeks out, verdant forests, invertedLake, unlimited poetic.

  • 我跟妳一起高兴,祝妳健康长寿,生活充满诗情画意
    I rejoice with you and wish you a long and happy meaningful life.

  • 江南水乡的小桥流水,亭台楼阁,诗情画意,无语言表。
    Jiangnan Water Village of bridges, pavilions, poetic, non-language form.

  • 显然,这种诗情画意的观点是“隔着帘子看戏”后的感想。
    Obviously, such a romantic view is the result of "watching an opera behind a curtain".

  • 它讲求的是诗情画意,取的是形,也是神韵,是点而不是面。
    It emphasizes the artistic, to the shape and spirit, rather than face a point.

  • 再逛小区,小桥流水、凉亭假山、茂林修竹,步步为景、处处诗情画意
    Then visited areas, small bridges down, pavilion rockery, Mau Lam Xiuzhu, step for King, all emotions.

  • 盆景是一种源于自然、高于自然、融诗情画意为一体的高档装饰艺术品。
    Bonsai is a derived from natural, higher than natural, both for the integration of high-grade decorative art gem.

  • 此外,运动员的发球、接发球、网前对攻、飞身鱼跃救球等都充满了诗情画意
    Besides, athletes' service, receiving, attacks near the net and fish dives to save the ball all are full of poetic charms.

  • 还是十几岁的少女时,我脑子里对爱情与婚姻所想像的是诗情画意般的生活。
    As a teenager I had certain ideas in my mind that constituted the idyllic life of love and marriage.

  • 凼仔岛位于澳门半岛之南,环境优美,建筑别具风格,构成一幅诗情画意般景观。
    Taipa Island is located in MacauSouth of the peninsula, beautiful environment, architectural style, pose like a poetic landscape.

  • 柏拉图说:当爱情轻敲肩膀时,连平日对诗情画意都不屑一顾的男人,都会变成诗人。
    Plato said: when love, even when the tap shoulder of poetic shrugged off all on the man will become a poet.

  • 不过这次从雅安境内经过,这里的山山水水,充满诗情画意,无一不是人们向往的优美景致。
    However, this time from the territory of Ya'an, where the rivers and mountains, full of poetic, and both are people yearning for beauty.

  • 这个好日子里,祝愿你的生日美好浪漫,充满诗情画意,希望你的每一天都快乐、健康、美丽。
    Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.

  • 沙漠湖泊,清明如镜,鱼儿畅游水底,飞鸟掠过水面,岸边风吹草动,沙丘环抱,充满诗情画意
    Desert lakes, such as Ching Ming mirror, and enjoy the underwater fish, birds skim the surface, signs of trouble shore, surrounded by sand dunes, full of poetic.

  • 容器里盛上水后,飘上几朵点燃的荷花蜡烛,真是让你见得点点烛火宛在水中央,别有诗情画意
    Containers Sheng Sheung Shui, floating on the lotus flowers lit candles and really let you seem little warm water in central Wan, a gem other.

  • 他似乎是唯一一个真正了解巴黎精神、结构和政治重要性、城市庄严与魅力、诗情画意和公民权的人。
    He seems the only one to really understand the Parisian mentality, the importance of architecture and politics, grandeur and charm, poetry and citizenship.

  • 我们在充满诗情画意的校园里学习,犹如一只只快乐幸福的小鸟在蓝天中自由飞翔,谁说我们不幸福!
    Our campus is full of poetic study, just like a happy well-being of the birds fly freely in the blue sky Who says we are not happy!

  • 比较外向。喜欢简单的生活。运动。音乐和大自然。喜欢孩子和小动物。喜欢花花草草。喜欢诗情画意
    I like simple live , Sports and Music are the favorite things when I need some relax from the job. I love kids , softness and sunlight young lady this is .

  • “千峰环野立,一水抱城流”的美妙景致和“城在景中,景在城中”的诗情画意,正是桂林的真实写照。
    "Ye Li Qian Feng Wan, a city of water flow have" beautiful scenery and "in the city of King, King in the city, " the poetic, is a true portrayal of Guilin.

  • 诗情画意”是中国传统园林早就具有的完美特色,宋以后就以能否达到这个境界作为衡量园林优劣的标准。
    "Poetic and Artistic Flavor" has been a remarkable characteristic of traditional Chinese gardens, and it even has become the standard of weighing the qualified gardens since Song Dynasty.

  • 吉林雾凇以 “冬天里的春天”般诗情画意的美,同桂林山水、云南石林、长江三峡一起被誉为中国四大自然奇观。
    Jilin Song fog to "spring winter" as poetic beauty, with mountains and rivers in Guilin, Yunnan Stone Forest, known as the Three Gorges along with the four natural wonders in China.

  • 心灵的独奏是不完整的,直到另一颗心灵有所回应。渴望歌唱的人总能找到曲谱。真爱所到之处,诗情画意无处不在。
    Everyone heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song . At the touch of a lover , every becomes poet.

  • 总体上追求传统文化(内在的)与以线造型的笔墨意趣(外显的)融合,即:诗情画意和“气韵”、“神韵”的表现。
    The pursuit of traditional culture in general (internal) and the line to form the ink Interest (explicit) integration, namely: poetic and "Qiyun, " "charm".

  • 吉林雾凇冰清玉洁,以其“冬天里的春天”般的诗情画意,同桂林山水、云南石林、长江三峡一起被誉为中国四大自然奇观。
    Its pureness and nobleness carried a poetic and artistic conception and description of "the spring in the winter. " Jilin's frost is one of the four great natural wonders in China.

  • 然而,令人惊讶的是,就在这样恶劣的外部环境下,我们依然可以在法国著名作家笔下找到充满“诗情画意”的“文化中国”形象。
    On the other hand, it is interesting to note that a "poetic and charming" image of "cultural China" could be frequently found in many French literary canons.

  • 他们(小说中的人物)的故事不仅是他们自身的经历,而且具有相当的普遍性。最后,哈代的作品结构完美,语言极富乡土气息与诗情画意
    it applies to any one, any age. And finally, all the works of Hardy are noted for the rustic dialect and a poetic flavor which fits well into their perfectly designed architectural structures.

  • 其悠远的传统、淳朴的民风、古老的建筑和清澄的河水,充满着诗情画意,形成一派古朴、恬静的水乡风貌,是江南典型的“小桥、流水、人家”。
    Unique customs, simple and honest folkway, idyllic scenery have made it a typical watery township in the south of China.

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