
言行一致  yán xíng yī zhì







  • 相信他会言行一致你未免太单纯了。
    It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says.

  • 在同各国人民交往中,我们一贯言行一致
    We have always been as good as our word in our contacts with people of other countries.

  • 你只需要继续言行一致
    You just need to keep walking the walk.

  • 如果言行一致,别人会认为你是可信而真诚的。
    If they match, you are considered credible and sincere.

  • 做个言行一致的人。
    Be a person of your word.

  • 所谓诚信,就是指诚实守信,表里如一,言行一致
    The so-called good faith, means honest and trustworthy, say what, match words with deeds.

  • 行为说明我们是什么,语言说明我们应怎样(言行一致)。
    Deeds show what we are, words, what should be.

  • 正如这则小故事中,在希腊危机中丝毫看不到欧盟的言行一致
    As this little story suggests, the Greek crisis has hardly shown the European Union at its most coherent.

  • 她总括了谢尔顿所认识的十居八九的人们中那种稳健的言行一致
    She summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people Shelton knew.

  • 只是通过口头上教育是毫无用处的,我们需要言行一致,执行清理行动。
    Education by taking is useless, we need education by example, education by enforcing the law.

  • 我们言行一致,负责任,讲道德,鼓励诚实正直,开诚布公,求同存异。
    We act in accordance with our words and Values. Inspiring trust by taking responsibility, acting ethically, and encouraging honest and open debate.

  • 杰森,你不是总对我说,我们应该跟孩子们交流思想,开诚布公,言行一致吗?
    Look, you are the one who always said that we should communicate with our kids be open and honest to speak in the same language.

  • 正常来说人们总是言行一致的,假如他们不食言,我认为他们想来这儿打败我们。
    Normally there is a relationship between the way you speak and the way you act and if there is no contradiction, I think they come here to kill us.

  • 你不只是说说,而是言行一致。如果你真的关心受灾人名,你就应该立即采取行动。
    Instead of talking the walk, you do walk the talk. If you really care about the quake-hit people, you should take action.

  • 记住:向你的伴侣和你所爱的人说声“我爱你”,但是,最重要的是,要言行一致
    Remember, to say "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it.

  • 因此,父母要是真的想子女做个 诚 实的人,自己就必须为人 诚 实,言行一致
    Therefore, if parents sincerely want their child to be an honest person, they themselves must speak honestly and act accordingly.

  • 邓彦海自幼博览群书,精通易理,为人正直,言行一致。曾任北魏著作郎、尚书吏部郎。
    The sea at an early agedeng yan -read, easy to master the rationale, his integrity, as good as its word. Served as the Northern Weizhu zuo lang , Shangshuli bu Lang.

  • 比如他在关于将猥亵儿童犯判定死刑问题上的立场,与他在伊利诺伊州支持死刑的言行一致
    His position on the child rape death penalty case, for example, is in line with his record in Illinois of supporting the death penalty.

  • 中国是一个签署了国际人权公约的国家,中国要在国际上崛起,必须建立良好的言行一致的信誉。
    China is a signatory to the International Covenant on Human Rights, and China wants a greater role internationally and the prestige that comes with, its words must be in line with its deeds.

  • 她说“作为政客,克里斯蒂娜似乎是言行一致的。她的才华令我折服。我很愿意支持她成为总统。”
    She says "Cristina seems to be consistent has (as) a politication (politician). She strikes* me as an intelligent. I would like for her to become president".

  • 基于妳之前的诚实和所表现出的言行一致,妳之后的行为也将基于事实而不是基于妳告诉自己怎样去做。
    By being honest with yourself based on your previous actions, your actions moving forward will be based on truth instead of just what you tell yourself.

  • 基于你之前的诚实和所表现出的言行一致,你之后的行为也将基于事实而不是基于你告诉自己怎样去做。
    By being honest with yourself based on your previous actions, your actions moving forward will be based on truth instead of just what you tell yourself.

  • 一个好的养育子女的方法是总是为子女树立一个好榜样,并始终如一,言行一致,拒绝就要有个好的理由。
    It's true, good parenting is always about setting a great example and begin consistent, so when you say no, say no for a good reason.

  • 克林顿说:“今天我呼吁他做到言行一致,确保密西根和佛罗里达的民众能够通过投票表达他们的心声。”
    "Today I am urging him to match those words with actions, to make sure the people of Michigan and Florida have a voice and a vote in this election, " Clinton said.

  • 德克萨斯州的人们从他的日常生活中目睹并证实了他是个值得人民尊敬爱戴的人,他言行一致,待人友善。
    Texans knew from the way he lived his life that he was an honorable person, true to his word and to the people around him.

  • 温伯格:我希望这位经理前列腺会导致屁股痛言行一致、成熟,能够向他人学习,从他/她的错误中吸取教训。
    GW: I'd want that manager to be a congruent, adult human being, capable of learning from others and his or her own mistakes.

  • 教师是学生中心的路标,教师的言行正确与否直接影响着班级管理效果,因此班主任必须言真行正,言行一致
    There is close relevance between both aspects. In the mind of pupils, their teacher is the route sign, teacher's action directly affect the result of class management.

  • 较之具备其他风格(包括社交性或参与性等风格)的人士,他们可能会认为阁下较为严肃、条理清晰并且言行一致
    Compared to people whose profiles include other styles such as Social or Participative, others likely see you as serious, methodical, and consistent.

  • 文档化过程:将过程用文档记录下来,为各个项目获得一致的性能以及组织范围内一致的过程改进提供了基础。(言行一致
    The Documented Process: Documented processes are the basis for consistent performance and improvement. (Say what you do; do what you say.

  • 也许这也解释了,我们为何期望在我们的领导者们身上找到最难以描述的特性——真实,做到言行一致,拥有一种无法用语言表达的真诚。
    Perhaps this explains why we long for that most elusive quality in our leaders—the quality of authenticity, of being who you say you are, of possessing a truthfulness that goes beyond words.

  • 言行一致造句相关
