
解囊相助  jiě náng xiāng zhù








  • 在得知地震后,人们纷纷解囊相助
    After learning of the earthquake, people have Jienangxiangzhu.

  • 学生生活有困难时,我尽可能地解囊相助
    student life difficult, I am as much as possible Jienangxiangchu;

  • 缺钱花时你可以去找老张,他会解囊相助的。
    You can turn to Zhang when you are caught short. He would give you the shirt off his back.

  • 在汶川地震后社会各界纷纷解囊相助之际,提出公益行动在奉献爱心的同时也能打造品牌。
    After the Wenchuan Earthquake, many enterprises take the active part in public welfare activities which can not only devote their love, but build their brands.

  • 生活中有时会遇到一些问题会让友谊变得复杂,比如在朋友遇到困难时,你会解囊相助吗?
    Friendship is must-have in our lives. Friends are someone who're always there for you. Friendship will become complicated when we encounter some issues.

  • SBS澳大利亚世界新闻关注对受害者的援助。“大型企业很快行动起来慷慨地解囊相助。”
    SBS World News Australia focuses on aid for the victims. "Big business has quickly stepped in with generous donations. ""

  • 1980年他入侵正处于革命之中的伊朗时,美国及其盟友暗自解囊相助,提供贷款、武器和卫星情报。
    When he invaded revolutionary Iran in 1980, America and its allies helped quietly but generously with credits, arms and satellite intelligence.

  • 很多人在知道礼金的开销去处、了解到新人确实需要大伙解囊相助的情况下会更乐意把现金作为结婚礼物。
    Many people are more comfortable handing over cash when they know how it will be spent, and when it's clearly something that requires pooled funds.

  • 传媒总是在第一时间出现在灾难现场:报道新闻、评估灾情、分析原因、呼吁政府快速反应、吸引公众解囊相助
    It is the media that's always first on the scene of a calamity -- reporting, assessing, analyzing, calling for government's quick response, appealing for the public's understanding and generosity.

  • 当来自北京、武汉、郑州、西宁等城市的科考队员们得知这所学校的藏族孩子们在学习、生活中存在很大困难时,纷纷解囊相助
    When in Beijing, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Xining, and other cities in the scientific team that this school of Tibetan children in the study, life is very difficult, Jienangxiangzhu one after another.

  • 从前,有一位富人,由于乐善好施而远近闻名,不管是做生意亏了本无钱返乡者还是沿路乞讨的乞丐,只要被富人看到,他都会解囊相助
    Once upon a time, there was a millionaire. He was famous for his generousness. Bankrupted merchants or poor beggars, as long as the millionaire saw them, he would help.

  • 正是基于这样一个事实,社会上的有识之士纷纷解囊相助,捐钱捐物。但是,一年一年地过去了,原来的贫困户有的改变了模样,有的还在贫困线上慢慢地挪动,扶贫的效果还不够明显。
    But, every time the ground went, original poverty door some changed appearance, some still is on impoverished line slowly move, the result that helps deficient is not quite clear still.

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