
视如草芥  shì rú cǎo jiè








  • 小尼姑之流是阿Q本来视如草芥的。
    Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns.

  • 小尼姑之流是阿Q本来视如草芥的。
    Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns.

  • 如草芥铜若朽木。
    He regards iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood.

  • 几乎所有的政府都有国民如草芥的历史。
    Almost all governments have a history of treating their own people like crap.

  • 真豪杰生命如草芥
    To the real hero life is a mere straw.

  • 杀戮成性、人命如草芥的张献忠,死得比谁都惨。
    Killing nature, depending on the Zhang Xianzhong life as worthless, miserable death than anyone else.

  • 某人如草芥
    Treat sb. Like a dog.

  • 说起来,不能不让人扼腕长叹,怎么这样人命如草芥呢?
    Say, can not help but disappointing long heavy sigh and said, depending on how such a total disregard for human life then?

  • 他拥有四名进球如草芥,可以在任何一支欧洲球队占据主力位置的前锋。
    He has four front men at his disposal who have the ability to find the back of the net on a regular basis and who would walk into any side in Europe.

  • 腐化的官员八方敛财,对辛劳工作的守法公民视如草芥,使得后者咬牙切齿。
    Hardworking, honest citizens chafe at corrupt officials who treat them with contempt and get rich quick.

  • 我们珍每个生命,我们的敌人生命如草芥――甚至无辜者,甚至他们自己。
    We value every life; our enemies value none -- not even the innocent, not even their own.

  • 自从战时阿斯顿维拉的神射手庞戈·沃灵进球如草芥之时,我们再也没听说过那位英国人发出此的肺腑之言了。
    We haven't heard an Englishman utter those sentiments since Pongo Waring was banging in goals for Aston Villa between the wars.

  • 而我们却发现有许多学生基本的生存能力较差,生命观、价值观扭曲,生命如草芥,对自己、对他人生命毫不珍惜。
    However, many of them don't have basic live ability and know little about the value and significance of life.

  • 从这些兽人那儿,西蒙接受了一种不同的教育,那是一种关于恐惧,和对那些半兽人如草芥的人们实施报复的教育。
    From these orcs, Simon got a different sort of education, one of fear and desire for retaliation at those who kept the half-orcs so low.

  • 我以爱和同情心回报朋友的愤怒和怨恨,任由朋友们如草芥,因我知道他们的心灵受到了伤害,我希望他们能痊愈。
    Returning anger and hatred with love and compassion, I let my friends treat me like dirt because I knew they were wounded.

  • 我以爱和同情心回报朋友的愤怒和怨恨,任由朋友们如草芥,因为我知道他们的心灵受到了伤害,我希望他们能痊愈。
    Returning anger and hatred with love and compassion, I let my friends treat me like dirt because I knew they were wounded.

  • 视如草芥造句相关
