
荒淫无度  huāng yín wú dù








  • 荒淫无度,伤害了自己的身体?
    Did your incontinence ruin your body?

  • 不少的书里说菲力浦是个愤世嫉俗,并且荒淫无度的人。
    In may books it is stated that Philip was a man of incredible cynicism and of uncontrolled lusts .

  • 他在位期间,穷奢极侈,荒淫无度,花费大量金钱去开通京杭运河。
    In his fourteen-year reign, he gave himself up to extravagance and debauchery. He spent a vast sum of money for opening a great canal from Beijing to Hangzhou.

  • 圣•彼得对第一个男人说:“你一生荒淫无度,对你妻子极为不忠。
    Holy •those must say to the first man: "Excessive of your one virgin soil is excessive, very disloyal to your wife."

  • 目前,殷一平荒淫无度、好色成性已成为全省电信员工中公开的秘密。
    At present, Yin Yiping licentious excesses, sex predators have become the province's an open secret that the telecommunications employees.

  • 出身义大利中部努西亚的显赫家庭,因厌恶富人荒淫无度的生活,而隐居罗马城外,并吸引追随者前来。
    Born into a prominent family at Nursia in central Italy, he rejected the immoral and profligate life of the rich and became a hermit outside Rome, where he attracted disciples.

  • 专家们称,摩梭人的这种风俗远近闻名,吸引了不少中国男性游客来到此地。这些人将走婚视为性解放和荒淫无度
    The practice has made the Mosuo famous, particularly to male Chinese tourists, many of whom see the walking marriages as evidence of sexual liberation and wanton lust, experts say.

  • 此外,所多玛城、蛾摩拉城和附近城镇的人,因为同样的荒淫无度,沉溺在变态的情欲中,自然也逃不了永火的刑罚。
    In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.

  • 性生活要有度,控制在健康和生儿育女的范围,且不可荒淫无度、掏空身子以致败坏他人/自己的名声及内心的平静。
    Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.

  • 悠久而变化多端,明代经典小说《金瓶梅》里对于人物荒淫无度的描写就是明证,还有近期关于毛对于性事贪得无厌的传说。
    Sex in China has a long and varied history, as evidenced by accounts of carnal excess in "The Plum in the Golden Vase, " a Ming-era classic, and more recent tales of Mao's insatiable appetite.

  • 罗马帝王(37-4年在位),他继承了他养父提比略。在一场重病之后,他显示出残酷、荒淫无度以及狂妄自大,从而致使他被谋杀。
    Emperor of Rome (37-4) who succeeded his adoptive father, Tiberius. After a severe illness, he displayed the ruthlessness, extravagance, and megalomania that led to his assassination.

  • 卡利古拉罗马帝王(37□41年在位),他继承了他养父泰比里厄斯。在一场重病之后,他显示出残酷、荒淫无度以及狂妄自大,从而致使他被谋杀。
    Emperor of Rome(37 - 41)who succeeded his adoptive father, Tiberius. After a severe illness, he displayed the ruthlessness, extravagance, and megalomania that led to his assassination.

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