
绿水青山  lǜ shuǐ qīng shān







  • 这茶不贵,青山绿水40元/斤。
    Not expensive tea, 40 Yuan per half kilogramme.

  • 绿水青山确实真正是“金山银山”。
    Lvshuiqingshan is indeed true, "Jinshanyinshan."

  • 我们的学校,迄立在青山绿水的长青邨。
    Our School stands on the ground of the Cheung Ching Estate among greeny hills and waters.

  • 绿水青山却是一片苍凉。
    Lvshuiqingshan is a desolation.

  • 绿水青山却是一片苍凉。
    But the verdant water and moutains are desolation and dreariness.

  • 在政治改革之前,中国别想变回青山绿水
    China cannot go green, in other words, without political change.

  • 绿水青山带笑颜。
    Green water and mountain display smiling air.

  • 绿水青山蒙太奇。
    Green hill and blue water compose montage.

  • 我们要的是青山绿水,不是沾满化学毒素的现金。
    We want clear water and green hills, not toxic cash.

  • 所以我恋恋不舍回头张望,绿水青山却是一片苍凉。
    Therefore, I reluctantly looked back, it is a desolate lies.

  • 天仙配---树上的鸟儿成双对,绿水青山展笑颜。
    birds in the tree, come into pairs, green tree and mountain, are smiling…

  • 这里是人间天堂,青山绿水,柔软的细沙伴在脚边。
    This is a paradise on earth, green mountains and blue waters, soft sand with the feet.

  • 青山绿水中长大的孩子,纯朴可亲,也是旅途中一路结交的好游伴。
    Children growing up amidst the mountains and forests have evident simplicity and sincerity and make welcome traveling companions.

  • 为了使大家能生活在绿水青山之间,呼吸到新鲜的空气,安享那份安宁。
    In order to live in green glass , breath the fresh air , enjoy the quite place !

  • 新海高中东方分校环境优美,有青山绿水环绕,是个工作学习的好地方。
    Xinhai Senior School Dongfang Branch is surely a wonderful place to study and work in, with green mountains, golden beach around it.

  • 当然,在这里,你还可以看到这样的景象:蓝天白云,绿水青山,绿树红花;
    Here , you can also see :the blue sky and white clouds , clear water and green mountains , green trees and colorful flowers.

  • 太阳能光电的科技,可以代替许多传统能源更多的资源,存续了更多的青山绿水
    Solar Energy is a clean energy technology that can substitute the traditional methods of generating the nature resources.

  • 长在悬崖上的小草因经历了风吹雨打、严寒酷暑才有了“绿水青山我常在”的乐观。
    Long grass on the cliff by experienced wind and rain, winter and summer, only the "Guanghui I used to in the" optimism.

  • 芸芸众生,绿水青山,名胜古迹,敞开心胸,便会云蒸霞蔚,快乐将永远伴随着你!
    Mortal lies, historical sites, open our hearts, will be steamed-xia Yun Wei, happiness will always be associated with you!

  • 如有的官员所说,在地方开发建设的过程中,我们不仅要金山银山,更要绿水青山
    As some officials put it, in the course of development, we not only desire mountains of gold and silver, but also desire waters that are clean and mountains full of life.

  • 这里的青山绿水,这里的清新空气,会让您的身心在紧张的都市生活之余感到轻松和惬意!
    The green mountains and blue waters, where the fresh air, let your mental and physical tension in the city while feeling relaxed and happy!

  • 在这个营造绿色环境,期待绿水青山,呼唤人们爱护环境的特别日子里,您履行植树义务了吗?
    This is a day to create the green world and to call for environmental protection.

  • 当生活不再是“感受”,而是“形式”时,面对绿水青山,春花秋叶,我们还会剩下多少感动?
    When life is no longer a "feeling" but "form", in the face of pillaging, spring flower Autumn Leaves, we will have much moved?

  • 仙源湖三面环山一面平川湖面宽阔水质清纯常有薄雾弥漫虚幻缥缈雾散云开时绿水青山相映成趣。
    The Xianyuan Lake surrounded by mountains and facing plains is full of pure water where thin fog makes the lake misty. When the fog scatters the green water and hills reflect finely with each other.

  • 当生活不再是“感受”,而是“形式”时, 面对绿水青山,春花秋叶,我们还会剩下多少感动?
    When life is no longer a "feeling" but "form", in the face of pillaging, spring flower Autumn Leaves, we will have much moved?

  • 为了地球的明天,为了人类的未来,让我们行动起来吧!保护环境人人有责,让祖国大地遍是绿水青山
    To the earth tomorrow, the future of mankind, let us act now! Protecting the environment is everyone so that is all over the land lies to the motherland!

  • 水满时节,碧万顷,库底游鱼浅翔,水面众鸟栖戏,大漠环绿水青山映碧波,瀚海明珠令人心旷神怡
    Water full season, Pitt 10, 000 ares, at the end of the Cheung fish shallow, all surface Tosu drama, the desert Central green water, Castle Peak Ying Bibo, Hanhai Pearl is delightful.

  • 该岛由于地处热带,且受海洋的影响,气候温和多雨,土壤十分肥沃,四季绿水青山,万花烂漫,林木参天。
    Since the island is located in the tropics, and the impact of the oceans, climate moderate rainfall, soil is very fertile, Four Seasons Green Love, artless million flowers, towering trees.

  • 全景区30平方公里,绿化覆盖率95%以上,处处古树参天,泉水汩汩,绿水青山,鸟语花香,空气清新。
    The whole area 30 square kilometers, more than 95 percent of green coverage, towering old trees everywhere, springs Gugu, Lvshuiqingshan, Niaoyuhuaxiang, fresh air.

  • 业大观园占地面积有四平方公里,区内青山绿水、林相、地形、地貌均保持原有生态面孔,绿被物种繁多,层次分明。
    The Grand View Garden covers an area of four square kilometers, the region Qingshanlvshui, Forest, the terrain, all the original ecological landscape faces, the Green By numerous species, structured.

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