
维妙维肖  wéi miào wéi xiào







  • 他画他朋友的脸,画得维妙维肖
    He hit off a perfect likeness when he drew his friend's face.

  • 玛丽模仿她的英文老师维妙维肖
    Mary can take off her English teacher perfect ly.

  • 玛丽模仿她的英文老师维妙维肖
    Mary can take off her English teacher perfectly.

  • 艺术家维妙维肖地画出了她的微笑。
    The artist has caught her smile perfectly.

  • 他能维妙维肖地模仿他的老师。
    He can imitate his teacher perfectly.

  • 他能维妙维肖地模仿他的老师。
    He can imitate his teacher perfectly .

  • 她把男主人公这个角色演得维妙维肖
    She acted out the hero's part in detail.

  • 詹姆斯能维妙维肖地模仿他教师的言语。
    James can imitate his teacher's speech perfectly.

  • 你对克罗克林教授描绘得太维妙维肖了。
    Your portrait of professor Crookly was too striking.

  • 他模仿那位歌手维妙维肖
    He did an extremely convincing impersonation of the singer.

  • 他把母亲的签名伪造得越来越维妙维肖了。
    He's getting good at forging his mother's signature.

  • 他会学动物叫,能维妙维肖模仿牛羊的叫声。
    He imitates animal calls and hits off cows and sheep perfectly.

  • 他模仿所有有名的政治家达到维妙维肖的地步。
    He impersonates all the well-known politicians exactly right.

  • 她学会动物的叫声,能维妙维肖地模仿马嘶和狗呔。
    She imitates animal calls and can hit off horses and dogs perfectly.

  • 这位艺术家在此画像中把你的容貌表现得维妙维肖
    The artist has reproduced your features very well in this portrait .

  • 她会学动物的叫声,能维妙维肖地模仿马嘶和狗吠。
    She imitates animal calls and can hit off horses and dogs perfectly.

  • 飞瀑一侧维妙维肖的神龟伏踞旁边,曰“神龟守瀑”。
    Fei Bao side of the lifelike turtles V next to the squat, said, "Shou turtles waterfall."

  • 如此维妙维肖,连国王都被骗了,还以为是谁跟在他后面。
    It was so good that the king was fooled into thinking that it was another person following him.

  • 伟人蜡像馆的每个人物都维妙维肖,个个神韵卓著,气派非凡。
    Every figure in the Great Men Waxworks Room is true to life, and each has an outstanding charm and extraordinary manner.

  • 他们化装得那样维妙维肖.使人觉得仿佛真的是一群古人复活了。
    They masquerade so extraordinarily lifelike. make person feeling to imitate the was really a group of the ancientses to bring to life.

  • 你看这形态各异,神情怡然的不同人物造型,真可谓眉目传神,维妙维肖
    Look at the figures with happy and contented expressions in different poses.

  • 此联的口语化和谐谑意味,颇有曲的味道,刻画封建官僚丑态,维妙维肖
    The Union colloquial and Valse means quite a lot of music taste, depicts the feudal bureaucrats ugly, with great nuance.

  • 当你把这个社团称为一群互相吹捧的人的时候,你确切地把它描绘得维妙维肖
    You exactly hit off the nature of this association when you call it a mutual praising society.

  • 每当云涛涌现,仰首相望,见新莲亭亭飘浮,蕊瓣微微舒展,维妙维肖,令人赞叹。
    Whenever Yuntao emergence of Yangshou the sea, see the new floating Lin Ting-ting, Rui flap slightly stretch, Weimiaoweixiao, it is amazing.

  • 模型尽可能地维妙维肖:家具的形状、质料与表面布料都与原本一样,空间布局也一样。
    The miniature items were as similar as possible to their larger counterparts: they were the same shape and material, covered with the same fabric and arranged in the same positions.

  • 结果是,漫画维妙维肖地刻画了哈珀的伪善,其讽刺效果远远超过了许多篇咬文嚼字的社论。
    Yet the cartoon said more about Mr. Harper's hypocrisy than a dozen earnest editorials.

  • 波西亚进入法庭。由于她妆扮得维妙维肖,就连巴塞尼奥也未认出眼前这位法官就是他妻子。
    Then Portia entered the court. She was dressed so well that Bassanio didn't know that this was his wife.

  • 那个虚影说:「我现在不在,请贵客留下联络方式!」那声音维妙维肖,两人听了都笑了出来。
    The virtual image said, "I'm not here at the moment. Please tell me how to contact you! " The voice was so much like Wen Xiang's that both of them laughed.

  • 至于尊夫人伊丽莎白,可千万别让别人替她画像,天下哪一个画家能够把她那一双美丽的眼睛画得维妙维肖
    As for your Elizabeth's picture, you must not attempt to have it taken, for what painter could do justice to those beautiful eyes?

  • 它已把这些话学得维妙维肖了,经常停在我的手指头上,把它的嘴靠近我的脸,叫着“可怜的鲁宾·克罗索,你在哪儿?
    and he had learn'd it so perfectly, that he would sit upon my Finger, and lay his Bill close to my Face, and cry, Poor Robin Crusoe, Where are you?

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