
精兵简政  jīng bīng jiǎn zhèng







  • 这确实是精兵简政的英明决策。
    This is better troops and simpler administration really is brilliant and decision-making.

  • 政治方面,他是近60年来首位进行精兵简政的州长。
    He is the first governor for 60 years to reduce the size of government.

  • 与解放区人民共度难关,实现“精兵简政”的政治意图。
    Spend difficulty in all with liberated area people, come true " better troops and simpler administration " political intent.

  • 精兵简政”这一条意见,就是党外人士李鼎铭先生提出来的;
    The idea of "better troops and simpler administration" was put forward by Mr. Li Dingming, who is not a communist.

  • 精兵简政”这一条意见,就是党外人士李鼎铭⑶先生提出来的;
    The idea of "better troops and simpler administration" was put forward by Mr. Li Dingming, who is not a communist.

  • 根据地大生产运动、精兵简政以及供给制的实行很大程度上缓解了通货的压力。
    Better troops and simpler administration, The Great Productive Movement and "the supply system" Alleviated the pressure of the currency consumedly.

  • 其三,将“精兵简政”运动的主要过程和最终结果对外公布,接受社会公众的监督。
    Third, the "streamlining" the movement of the main process and the final results made public, receive public supervision.

  • 遏制政府成本上升的有效办法在于真正的精兵简政,为此提出了一个政府编制模型。
    The efficient way that cost of government of keep within limits rises depends on true better troops and simpler administration, offered model of work out of a government for this.

  • 这一次精兵简政,必须是严格的、彻底的、普遍的,而不是敷衍的、不痛不痒的、局部的。
    It must be carried out strictly, thoroughly and universally, and not perfunctorily , superficially or partially.

  • 大陆工厂具有完善的管理设施,强大的客户网路,严谨合理而又精兵简政的科学机构设置。
    We have consummate managerial equipment, strong customer network, precise and rational science structural establishment in mainland factory.

  • 精兵简政”。讲话、演说、写文章和写决议案,都应当简明扼要。会议也不要开得太长。
    and resolutions should all be concise and to the point. Meetings also should not go on too long.

  • 精兵简政”。讲话、演说、写文章和写决议案,都应当简明扼要。会议也不要开得太长。
    Fewer and better troops and simpler administration. " Talks, speeches, articles and resolutions should all be concise and to the point. Meetings also should not go on too long."

  • 参考西方国家的做法,我们必须以政府职能转变为基础推进机构改革,达到精兵简政的目标;
    Consulting the methods of the western countries, we must regard transforming the government functions as the foundation and advance the reform of organization to reach the goal of reducing the staff;

  • 根据财务部的报告,过去十年政府机构过度膨胀,目前行政开销正逼近GDP的50%。这个国家迫切需要精兵简政
    And a state that has over expanded in the past decade, with public spending now close to 50% of GDP according to the Treasury, is crying out for some vigorous pruning.

  • 建设廉价政府,要注意抓住时机改革,大胆进行试验,倡扬依法行政,真正精兵简政,学习企业精神,借鉴别国经验。
    Building Low-cost Government need us to seize every opportunities to reform, to test with courage, to prom…

  • 国民党上台,马吴大肆宣扬“两岸休兵”、“精兵简政”成为两岸缓和的主基调,而我们恰恰被这种和平主义言论麻痹了。
    KMT came to power, Wu Ma vigorously preached, "the two sides cease-fire" and "streamlining" to ease cross-strait has become the main tone, and we were just such a paralysis of the peace rhetoric.

  • 虽然由于民众广泛的支持和在国会赢得的具有压倒性优势的选票,卢拉得以脱颖而出,可他却没有被授意要进行精兵简政的改革。
    Lula emerged from the contest with popular backing and an overwhelming congressional majority but no mandate for state-slimming reforms.

  • 很显然,通过精兵简政、“少花钱多办事”,以获取更强的条理性和稳健型的号召,在日常的IT与电气的执行混乱中,是经常被人遗忘的。
    Apparently the call to simplify and to achieve "more with less", thus bringing about more order and sanity, is often lost amid day-to-day IT and electrical implementation chaos.

  • 探索了俱乐部对实践项目的管理模式,继续采取“精兵简政”的原则,吸纳更加优秀有创造力有技术实力的人才加入俱乐部,不断为俱乐部补充后备力量。
    We will explore new type of managing the practice program and attract only talent new comers to supply the club with fresh blood.

  • 精兵简政造句相关
