
筚路蓝缕  bì lù lán lǚ








  • 一路走来,宏福集团披荆斩棘筚路蓝缕
    Walking all the way, Hongfu Group conquered all difficulties on the avenues for development.

  • 我们风尘仆仆,我们筚路蓝缕,一路走到了今天。
    It has been a tiring journey, one of pioneering hardship, all on one road that has led to today.

  • 北方女人是男人在筚路蓝缕中帮男人打江山的女人。
    woman in a man to help in the arduous men's Dajiang Shan women.

  • 筚路蓝缕,传播学术,成为英国历史上第一位数学教育家。
    Recorde became the first British mathematics educator in the history.

  • 因为肩负的期望,我们筚路蓝缕,多少次努力把不可能变为可能。
    how many times we struggled to make a way out of no way for those who count on us.

  • 扶轮筚路蓝缕的日子才方兴未艾,今天等待我们去做的事跟过去一样多。
    The pioneering days of Rotary have just begun—There is as much to be done today as ever.

  • 为了我们,他们胼手胝足,在西部安顿下来;忍受风吹雨打,筚路蓝缕
    For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and ploughed the hard earth.

  • 为了让我们过上更好的生活,先辈们前赴后继,拼搏牺牲,筚路蓝缕,胼手胝足。
    Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life.

  • 她从远古美妙的传统中走过来,从近代的风云变幻中走过来,跌宕起伏,筚路蓝缕
    She came with the glorious traditions from the ancient past, and went through the volatile situations in modern history, having witnessed the rolling of changes and tasted the hardship of pioneering.

  • 回顾20世纪的发展轨迹,有筚路蓝缕的艰辛,有曲折动荡的苦涩,也有辉煌成就的慰藉。
    Tracing back through the development in the 20(superscript th) century, there are hardships, endured a tortuous bitterness, and also the brilliant achievements for consolation.

  • 回顾20世纪的发展轨迹,有筚路蓝缕的艰辛,有曲折动荡的苦涩,也有辉煌成就的慰藉。
    Tracing back through the development in the 20th century, there are hardships, endured a tortuous bitterness, and also the brilliant achievements for consolation.

  • 筚路蓝缕,到今日飞跃精进,台北市立图书馆历经五十年的岁月洗礼,不断地成长与蜕变。
    The Taipei Public Library founded in 1952 from humble origins has endured great hardships and kept growing and progressing for the past fifty years.

  • 筚路蓝缕的求索中,数学的王国虽曾笼罩过理性的迷雾,但人类思想的智慧之光终将照彻寰宇。
    In the exploration of enduring great hardships, though the domain of mathematics was shrouded in rational miasma, the wisdom light of human thought will light up the whole world in the end.

  • 在人类筚路蓝缕奔向自由和文明的路途上,对于太空的探索并不是最终的目标,更不是惟一的目标。
    In the humanity does pioneering work despite great hardships rushes toward the freedom and in the civilized journey, regarding the outer space exploration is not the final goal, is not the only goal.

  • 为了我们,他们胼手胝足,在西部安顿下来,索罗斯-东南亚金融危机;忍受风吹雨打,筚路蓝缕
    For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.

  • 忍受风吹雨打,筚路蓝缕。为了我们,他们奋战不懈,在康科德和盖茨堡,在诺曼第和溪山等地捐躯。
    endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth. For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sahn.

  • 在加州中国人无疑是最成功的一个族群,所以更需要加州去认识到这里的华人曾经怎样的筚路蓝缕,披荆斩棘。
    The Chinese in California are now arguably its most successful ethnic group, says Mr Fong. All the more reason for California to acknowledge what they overcame.

  • 筚路蓝缕60年,漫旅如歌。本期,我们将60年来科技发展轨迹分为4个章节,梳理如下,以飨读者,共庆国庆60周年。
    In this issue we will examine the past 6 decades in 4 chapters, as a tribute to the 60th anniversary of the PRC's founding.

  • 一些有线频道,包括CNN、时代华纳新闻节目,筚路蓝缕来创建它们的品牌,和没有品牌相比,它们能以更高的价位进行广告招标。
    Several cable channels, including CNN, Time Warner's news outfit, have painstakingly built brands that enable them to sell advertising at higher rates than they otherwise would.

  • 2008年是中国新加坡商会业绩斐然的一年。在这一年中,我们筚路蓝缕,开拓创新,推出高质量的活动与服务,为会员创造价值。
    2008 was an outstanding year for SingCham. We chartered new paths and provided greater effectiveness in quality events and services, creating more value for our members.

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