
科班出身  kē bān chū shēn







  • 本人是报关专业科班出身
    I was the declaration of professional technical education.

  • 他的男同事的没有工作的妻子;非科班出身的演员。
    the nonprofessional wives of his male colleagues; nonprofessional actors.

  • 谢天成是科班出身的画家,他有扎实的西方古典绘画技巧。
    Thanks to the regular training he received in school, Xie has a solid mastery of techniques in classical Western painting.

  • 自然家装公司不可能做好橱柜,要害就在于其“非科班出身”。
    Natural home installs a company to make good cabinet impossibly, the key depends on his " one's previous experience of blame regular professional training " .

  • 反正都谈得上是科班出身,而且,和上海又都有千丝万缕的联系。
    Discusses is the professionally-trained worker in any case, moreover, also has the very complicated relation with Shanghai.

  • 虽然他不是科班出身的艺术史学家,但他对这一时期的知识却普遍为人尊重。
    Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period.

  • 先后同韩俊卿、银达子(雄县科班出身)搭班唱戏,亦同金钢钻、小香水同台演出。
    Has the same Han Junqing, silver up to the child (Xiong County majors in college) take the class singing, and likewise magic drill, a small perfume the same stage.

  • 施罗德是科班出身的公共会计师,2003年时是摩根士丹利颇受好评的保险业分析师。
    Shi Luode is the public accountant of one's previous experience of regular professional training, magenshidanli is when 2003 quite analyst of reputable reputable insurance.

  • 香港电影圈导演的培养,院校科班出身的少,片场学徒干起的多,、陈木胜、程小东莫不如此。
    Hong Kong film directed by training institutions Kebanchushen the small studio apprentice from the stem, and Benny Chan, Cheng Xiaodong world are so.

  • 作为结论,同时我并不是一个科班出身的心理学家,请不要希望我用那些通常的术语和方法来分析我的论点。
    As a result of this, and of the fact that I am not a trained psychologist, do not expect a conventionally rigorous approach to the subject matter.

  • 我不是英语科班出身,但英语一向还可以,也因此在工作上占了一些便宜,现将学习英语的心得与读者分享。
    I was not an English major, but my English was adequate and I benefited a lot because of it. I would like to share you with my ideas on learning English.

  • 公司80%的工作人员均是科班院校出身,绝大多数都从事过电视台栏目、各大报社及杂志媒体的拍摄工作。
    80% of the staffs are from professional universities and colleges, majority of them have experience from TV program photograph, newspapers and magazines.

  • 我们的翻译团队成员全部是英语科班出身,通过八级专业英语等级认证,并且从事专职翻译年限均在四年以上。
    Meanwhile, our team includes several specialists. Our translators are experts with more than four years of practical experiences.

  • 没有学过表演、不是科班出身的李欣汝第一次触电就能担当重任确实十分幸运,这与她自己的努力也是分不开的。
    Science has not been performing, not the Kebanchushen Ru Xin Li for the first time an electric shock will be able to take a leading role indeed very lucky, with her own efforts are also inseparable.

  • 我并非表演科班出身,而是学舞蹈,我很幸运,开始拍戏就能和胡军、姜武老师演对手戏,在剧组的时候大家教会了我很多。
    I do not Kebanchushen performance, but school dance, I am very fortunate to be able to start filming and Hu Jun, Jiang Wu teachers played in the theater when we taught I would like to.

  • 中戏科班出身的唐一菲,在人物表情和动作上的细微刻画上,将“千代”这个表里不一、性格复杂多变的角色,塑造的栩栩如生
    Kebanchushen play in the Tang Fei, expression and action figures in the small portrait, "Chiyoda" duplicity, the complicated and ever-changing character of the role of the shape of life.

  • 原本自己在大学就不是设计科班出身,从事室内空间设计的工作是用绘画创作的概念去探讨,所以与一般专业设计者的概念不同。
    As he was not graduated in design at school, he is constructing indoor design based on painting concepts hence that is different from other professional designers.

  • 本文从名作家、特别是大作家多数不是中文或文学系专业对口、科班出身的事实出发,得出通识、“功夫在诗外”等对创作更为重要的结论。
    This paper comes to the conclusion that ones creativity is closely related to how extensive his knowledge would be from examining the realities that few best writers are from literature.

  • 中英文对照:中戏科班出身的唐一菲,在人物表情和动作上的细微刻画上,将“千代”这个表里不一、性格复杂多变的角色,塑造的栩栩如生。
    Kebanchushen play in the Tang Fei, expression and action figures in the small portrait, "Chiyoda" duplicity, the complicated and ever-changing character of the role of the shape of life.

  • 科班出身造句相关
