
足不出户  zú bù chū hù








  • 足不出户,就能与大自然交流情感。
    Never leave home, can communicate affection with nature.

  • 足不出户购物已经成为现实。
    Shopping at home has become a reality .

  • 互联网能使我们足不出户地进行购物。
    The Internet can make us shop without leaving our houses.

  • 如今的我几乎是足不出户,最怕见人。
    Now of I almost keep the house and afraid to see people most .

  • 我可以让您足不出户就得到您所需的一切物品!
    I can let you confine self within doors getting all articles needed by you right away!

  • 玛丽终日足不出户
    Mary kept to her room all day long.

  • 我们保证可以令您足不出户便可以买遍全日本货品。
    We guarantee that you will be able to get any Japan goods without stepping out your doorstep.

  • 许多海外华人已经有能力足不出户便实现自己的抱负。
    A number of overseas Chinese have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home.

  • 读书可以使我足不出户就能感受到茫茫宇宙的无限神奇。
    Books can make me stay at home will be able to feel the vast universe of infinite magic.

  • 通过网络把作品交付用足不出户坐拥天下优秀产品。
    Deliver the works to the clients via internet, and you will have all the outstanding works under the sun without stepping foot out of the house.

  • 网络以其快捷、全面的新闻信息使人们足不出户,就能知道天下大事。
    People can know important events in the house by internet, which can report lastly and roundly.

  • 如果您爱了什么人,我的惹人爱的姑娘,这也是您足不出户的理由。
    If you do love some one, it is not a reason to cloister yourself.

  • 餐厅准备了食品丰富的外卖菜单您可以足不出户也能吃到地道的意大利美食。
    The dining hall has prepare rich food takeout menus you can confine self within doors also being able to be arrived at pure Italy fine food.

  • 它能把整个世界展现到我们眼前,使我们足不出户就可以了解到国外的一切事情。
    It brings the whole world into our homes. We can know everything in our country and in other parts of the world without leaving home.

  • 纯正正宗的韩国料理餐厅,令您足不出户便可品尝到鲁、粤、韩及东北风味的菜肴。
    Pure authentic Korean cuisine restaurant, you can keep tasting of Shandong, Guangdong, South Korea and the northeastern flavor dishes.

  • 沙拉通过良好的英语,与国外卖家进行沟通,在足不出户的情况下,把鞋买进国内。
    Salad passes good English, sell the home to undertake communication with abroad, below the circumstance that never leave home, shoe average home.

  • 通过各个模块之间的协作,病人足不出户便能进行高质量的、实时的、互动的医疗咨询。
    Patients can carry out the high-quality, real-time and interaction medical consultation without going outside by the collaboration of various modules.

  • 经验告诉人们,安宁的日子源于一个男人在自家中最好只养一个女子,并且让她足不出户
    Man conceived the idea that to attain peace he should have only one woman under the roof or confine her within the house.

  • 《三城记》会告诉你在上海就能足不出户打造亮丽发型,并教你用假发来变化自己的形象。
    We will show you that great hairstyles can be created here in Shanghai, and how wigs can transform your appearance.

  • 在产品货后,我们提供运输服务商的在线查询,让您足不出户及时轻松了解货物运输情况。
    We are able to provide the online service for the transportation after shipping. So you can check the transport situation in your home or office.

  • 有一次,他在一个音乐厅里设置了一个麦克风,并把它联接到自己家里,让玛丽足不出户地欣赏音乐。
    Once he set up a microphone at a concert hall, and connected it to their home, so that Mary could enjoy the music.

  • 多好的女孩,有着严厉的父母,她总是放学回来,回到家里,然后直到第二天早晨校车到来之前都足不出户
    This was Vanessa, a good girl, who had the strictest parents, who often came home from school, went into the house and did not resurface until the bus arrived the next morning.

  • 所谓“坐地日行八万里”从上下文看无非说从电视中能够足不出户眼看全球,而是因为地球自转而转了八万里。
    It might be said that while sitting in my room I can cover eighty thousand miles a day since our planet spins.

  • 尤其随着计算机网络的诞生,使我们足不出户便可以了解到外面世界所发生的事情,也无形中把现实世界变得更小了。
    Especially along with the computer network birth, causes us to be confined at home then may understand outside the world occurs matter, also became imperceptibly the real world smaller.

  • 酒店还提供有多彩的康体服务,集健身、网球、室外游泳池、台球、棋牌、夜总会于一体,让您足不出户即可享受休闲娱乐服务。
    Hotel also provides different sorts of recreation facilities: fitness centre, tennis, outdoor swimming pool, table tennis, night club, etc.

  • 如果是在自称,“我是一个宅男”或是“我真是宅”的时候,代表的意义通常是“我足不出户”或是“我看电视玩电脑一整天”等。
    If you are self proclaiming, "I am otaku", it means "I don't step out of home" or "I watch TV/play computer games all day".

  • 你认为一位足不出户的女子,几乎避见任何人,而且一生中只发表了七首诗,有可能成为一位伟大的诗人吗?嗯,爱弥丽.狄瑾荪就是。
    Do you think a woman who just stayed home, hardly ever saw anyone, and only published seven poems during her lifetime could be a great poet?Well, Emily Dickinson was.

  • 而在2001年,富于幻想的橱柜设计师们把这股蓝色旋风带到了人们的厨房之中,足不出户,坐在家中便能享受赏心悦目的蓝色魅力。
    In 2001, the architects of this completely imbued with the illusion Unit blue cyclones to people's kitchens, home, sitting at home will be able to enjoy the pleasing blue charm.

  • 课本教给我们知识,而课外书则可以在我们足不出户的情况下展现给我们多姿多彩的世界,从而教给我们做人的知识,是我们的良师益友。
    Textbooks taught us knowledge, and extra-curricular you can book at our homes to show to the circumstances of our colorful world, which teach the knowledge of our people is our mentor.

  • 本片将让您足不出户,饱览上海的园林风景、人文风情、让您了解上海历史悠久的文化底蕴。带您畅游新世界大上海,领略东方明珠名城风采。
    Shanghai will let you enjoy Shanghai's picturesque sights and human customs and understand the long story cultural details without stepping out your house.

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