
麻雀虽小,五脏俱全  má què suī xiǎo,wǔ zàng jù quán







  • 梵蒂冈城可谓是“麻雀虽小五脏俱全”!
    Vatican City is all grown up.

  • 请问“麻雀虽小五脏俱全”是怎么翻译的,谢谢!
    Small as the sparrow is,it possesses all its internal organs.

  • 要做到麻雀虽小五脏俱全,着实让我们头痛了一番。
    To achieve,though small,are still important,indeed a headache for us.

  • 达邦村的杂货店麻雀虽小五脏俱全,各种日用品供应无缺。
    The grocery store supplies all kinds of commodities.

  • 用汇编写的病毒。麻雀虽小五脏俱全。对初学汇编者有帮助。
    With the compilation of writing viruses. Small but complete. Compilation of the beginner who has to help.

  • 但是通过一段时间的学习,我发现这里麻雀虽小但是五脏俱全
    Although through a period of time's study,I discovers here house sparrow slightly but be fullies equipped.

  • 但是通过一段时间的学习,我发现这里麻雀虽小但是五脏俱全
    But through a period of study,I found that the sparrow is small here but Wuzangjuquan.

  • 麻雀虽小五脏俱全”,区县工作的经历,对干部的成长和锻炼很重要。
    "Small but complete," district work experience,growth and training of cadres is very important.

  • 然它也是麻雀虽小五脏俱全,但毕竟从规模到管理难度上都要得多。
    Although it is,though small,are still important,but difficult,after all,from the size to be much smaller management.

  • 概言之,这些人不会觉得的东西就没有价值,他们知道麻雀虽小五脏俱全
    In general,they think that everything is of value in spite of its small size.

  • 麻雀虽小五脏俱全”,的茶水间,是大家工作之余补充能量的好去处。
    Small but complete,the restroom is a good place for staff to take a break and be refreshed.

  • 户型历来是“麻雀虽小五脏俱全”的,为居住者提供所有生活中的基本要求。
    " Huxing has always been small ",though small,are still important" to provide all occupants of the basic requirements of life.

  • 现代建筑集团华东设计院设计师红华以“麻雀虽小五脏俱全”来概括紧凑型房的特点。
    modern architectural design institute designers Red China to East China Group ",though small,are still important" to sum it up tight-Housing characteristics.

  • 而微观每一个器官,甚而每一个细胞也都是麻雀虽小五脏俱全宇宙,也应同步和谐。
    Each organ,even each cell,also is a complete microcosm. It should synchronize with other too.

  • 户型合理、分区清晰,读书、会客、休息、用餐各成一区、互不干扰――最好是麻雀虽小五脏俱全
    Huxing reasonable,area clear,study,receive visitors,rest,eat all into one district,non interfering -- preferably,though small,are still important!

  • 麻雀虽小五脏俱全”,当时的城池,城西设有“水师左营守备府”,相当于现在团一级的军事指挥部;
    "Small but complete",at the time of the city,the West has "Tsoying naval garrison House," is the equivalent of a group of military command;

  • 俗话说,麻雀虽小五脏俱全,对于中企业来说,它们规模虽小,但是常规的办公应用需求却仍然存在。
    As the saying goes,the sparrow may be small but it is a fully-equipped for small and medium enterprises,they are a small but regular office applications is not yet over.

  • 它配备了12寸车轮,没有内胎,挡风玻璃上也只有1个雨刮,而且司机必须要适应一个后视镜,但麻雀虽小五脏俱全
    It rolls on tiny 12-in. wheels,the tires have no inner tubes,the windshield has just a single wiper and drivers must make do with one side mirror. But it's not simply a stripped-down car.

  • 年少心高的我们阔气地租了两室一厅,因为多年饱受食堂饭菜摧残,那个“麻雀虽小五脏俱全”的厨房让我们兴奋不已。
    We hear young hearts high rent a Liangshiyiting because too many years had ravaged mess,that "though small,are still important" kitchen Let us very excited.

  • 然找不到证据,可是我们肯定大自然的运作必有一个道在背后运筹帷幄,而我们人也是一个「麻雀虽小五脏俱全」的宇宙;
    Though without proof,we still are certain that there is a Tao to manipulate behind the operation of nature. Man also is a tiny,complete and intact universe.

  • 麻雀虽小,也必须要五脏俱全,于是曾经在“一米五”的空间里漂亮地完成“团身前空翻越杠抓杠”动作的兰兰,折腾起了这个的房子。
    though small,are still important and must,therefore had "a five-metre" space has fulfilled,"are empty when former footbridge to footbridge" action of Lanlan,another of the small house.

  • 麻雀虽小,也必须要五脏俱全,于是曾经在“一米五”的空间里漂亮地完成“团身前空翻越杠抓杠”动作的兰兰,折腾起了这个的房子首先是门。
    though small,are still important and must,therefore had "a five-metre" space has fulfilled,"are empty when former footbridge to footbridge" action of Lanlan,another of the small house first door.

  • 仍找不到证据,可是我们却可以完全肯定,大自然的运作,必然有一个“道”在其背后运筹帷幄,而我们人自己也是一个「麻雀虽小五脏俱全」的宇宙。
    Though without proof,we still are certain that there is a Tao to manipulate behind the operation of nature. Man also is a tiny but complete and intact universe.

  • 然梵蒂冈是世界上最的国家,占地面积仅有108英亩,但是麻雀虽小五脏俱全。独立的货币体系、邮政服务、护照、报纸、广播、铁路,梵蒂冈都一应俱全
    It is the world's smallest sovereign state,108 acres,boasting its own currency system,postal service,passport,newspapers,radio station,and railroad system.

  • 然梵蒂冈是世界上最的国家,占地面积仅有 108 英亩,但是麻雀虽小五脏俱全。独立的货币体系、邮政服务、护照、报纸、广播、铁路,梵蒂冈都一应俱全
    It is the world's smallest sovereign state,108 acres,boasting its own currency system,postal service,passport,newspapers,radio station,and railroad system.

  • 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全造句相关
