
运用之妙,存乎一心  yùn yòng zhī miào,cún hū yī xīn








  • 运用之妙存乎一心
    Those who apply is clever,put of one mind.

  • 运用之妙存乎一心。”是岳飞用兵谋略的真实写照。
    "Wonderful use of military forces from the bottom of heart" is the real portrayal of Yue Fei's use of military forces.

  • 此所谓:兵无常势,水无常形,运用之妙存乎一心也。
    This so-called: soldiers and volatile situation,the impermanence of water-use essence,is also one Cunhu.

  • 运用之妙存乎一心”。在南山人看来,量体绝对是专业技能和艺术性创造的结合。
    "The essence of application lies in dedication": the perfect fitting of Natsun garments comes from the combination of professional skills and techniques.

  • 古人所谓“运用之妙存乎一心”,这个“妙”,我们叫做灵活性,这是聪明的指挥员的出产品。
    The ancients said: "Ingenuity in varying tactics depends on mother wit"; This "ingenuity",which is what we mean by flexibility,is the contribution of the intelligent commander.

  • 若将管理辅导活动以化学反应为比喻,使用得当是催化剂,使用不当是抑制剂,虽然其并未直接参与反应,但运用之妙存乎一心,绝对可加速企业之发展。
    As in chemical reaction,the operating counseling could be a catalyzer when it is well applied,while it could be a restrainer when being misused.

  • 教学方法的基本要义,是针对教者和被教者的互动而采取的一切贯穿教学过程使之效果最佳化的措施。教无常态,法无常形,方无穷尽,运用之妙存乎一心,显乎人格,体乎人品。
    Aiming at the mutual promotion of students and teachers,the basic idea of teaching method is to use all measures which make the result best in the process of teaching.

  • 运用之妙,存乎一心造句相关
