
伸手不见五指  shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ






  • 暗得伸手不见五指
    It's too dark to see my hand .

  • 那个男孩在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,慢慢地走上楼去。
    The boy, unable to see in dark, walked slowly upstairs.

  • 一下子,天幕蓝得伸手不见五指,似乎恢复了原始的沉静。
    All of a sudden, money was not the Blue Atrium five fingers, it seems that the restoration of the original quiet.

  • 那天夜里没有月亮,天色特别暗,屋里更是黑得伸手不见五指
    That night, dark sky no moon, the house is special to black.

  • 有一天,猫舰长的船在风雨交加、伸手不见五指的黑夜中行驶。
    One day, Captain Cat's ship was sailing on a dark, pitch-black night.

  • 细雨令本来已经一片漆黑的密西西比河水域近乎伸手不见五指
    The drizzle has turned the already murky Mississippi waters in nearly opaque.

  • 这么说的话古代人都是一直生活在伸手不见五指的黑暗中的吗?
    Without electricity, the world would become so dark that a person could not even see a hand in front of his face.

  • 它还有两只红宝石似的眼睛,在伸手不见五指的黑暗处闪闪发光。
    It also has two ruby-like eyes in the dark pitch dark sparkling Department.

  • 除非停电,伸手不见五指,也许会使过惯了夜生活的都市人怀念月光。
    Unless power cut, stretch his hand not to see the five fingers, perhaps can make cross be used to the urbanite of night life yearns for moon.

  • 那是一个伸手不见五指夜晚,那种黑暗只有在最深的暗夜中才会出现。
    There is an absolute and oppressive darkness to be found only in the deep wilderness at night.

  • 疯狂似的旋转着、碰撞着,突然我们俯冲入伸手不见五指的一片漆黑之中;
    Spinning madly and bouncing, we swooped into the pitch-black opening of the first of five tunnels.

  • 如果周围伸手不见五指,射手就不得不猜测目标的位置而且很可能射失目标。
    If it is completely dark, the shooter will have to guess where the target is and likely miss it.

  • 我们排着长队艰辛地“横渡”了一线天后,就蜗身钻进了伸手不见五指的千人洞。
    We difficult to "cross" the One-Line-Sky, the snail's body on the hand not five fingers into the holes of thousands of people.

  • 想象一下,你们正在伸手不见五指的森林里,你带的手电筒只能支撑几分钟了……太棒了!
    Imagine you're in the middle of the forest at night and the flashlight you bought only lasts for a few minutes…

  • 在距镇上20分钟车程的山隘上,我停下车,熄掉引擎,伸手不见五指的深渊从四方袭来。
    On a mountain pass 20 minutes from town, I parked my car and shut off the engine, an inky abyss closing in from all sides.

  • 此时我们正向位于首都北部的反塔武装力量的主要观察站挺进–在这伸手不见五指的黑暗中。
    Now we were heading up to the anti-Taliban forces' prime observation post north of the capital - in the pitch dark.

  • 火车开过一条隧道时,车厢里变得伸手不见五指,哈利法克斯在自己的手背上吻了好几个响吻。
    When the train has opened a channel, become in railroad car stretch his hand not to see the five fingers, halifax kissed several noisy kisses on his the back of hand.

  • 里面很黑,门窗不仅全部关着,还用报纸封了起来,伸手不见五指,更不用说看清病人的样子。
    There are black, not only all the doors and windows closed, with closure of the newspaper, asking not Wuzhi, let alone to see the patient's appearance.

  • 模拟出来的效果非常逼真,就象在伸手不见五指的山洞里即将熄灭的火把发出来的光一样,很象;
    simulation of the effect was very realistic, as in not asking the cave dark about burning torches issued to the light, much like;

  • 伸手不见五指的黑暗中,昆廷的声音从我们挤在一团的地方响起,“鬼魂。她看到了她丈夫的鬼魂。
    In the pitch blackness, Quentin's voice came up from the pile where we all lay together, "A ghost. She saw her husband's ghost."

  • 黑黑的天空不断的的笼罩着大地.我伸手不见五指.害怕死拉.又没有人在.孤单的感觉真可怕啊!!!
    Black sky unceasing covers earth. me to put out a hand not to see the five fingers. fear to die pulls. also nobody really to be fearful in. the lonely feeling! ! !

  • 伸手不见五指的昏暗中,图申的大炮宛如镶嵌着框架似的,四周簇拥着喧嚣的步兵,又向前方挺进了。
    And again, in the complete darkness, Tushin's cannons moved forward, surrounded by the infantry, who kept up a hum of talk.

  • 模拟出来的效果非常逼真,就象在伸手不见五指的山洞里即将熄灭的火把发出来的光一样,很象;不错;
    simulation of the effect was very realistic, as in not asking the cave dark about burning torches issued to the light, muc…

  • 我打开窗户凝望星空,那儿伸手不见五指,更别说一个人影了。那儿也没有灵魂,更没人能听见我的祈祷。
    I open the window and I gaze into the night. But there's nothing there to see, no one in sight. There is not a soul out there. No one to hear my prayer.

  • 这群运动健将举重若轻,毫不费力地在伸手不见五指的地表和碍事的树木间穿梭,连一个趔趄、绊脚都没有。
    The athletic creatures moved about with ease, despite their burden, navigating the invisible terrain and obstacles of trees without a hitch or stumble.

  • 我笑呀,因为晚上伸手不见五指,你过来在抽屉里找钱,而就算大白天的时候,我自己都没办法在那里找到一个子儿。
    I laughed, answered the writer, because you came in the night, without any light, to find money in a drawer that I myself am not able to find in broad daylight.

  • 每遇到漆黑的夜晚,浓浓的大雾,伸手不见五指的暴风雪,浓密森林——这一切都会使路上的行人看不见是在往哪个方向走。
    Dark nights, dense fogs, blinding snowstorms, thick forests - all these can keep a traveler from seeing where he is going.

  • 笃信密宗的他前晚八时许收工返家后,于家中“开坛”拜佛,过会李宅烟雾弥漫,走廊伸手不见五指,引发单位内的烟雾探测器。
    He committed himself to the home before 8 am finishes, at home, "a Tan" worship Buddha, the latter will Compound, corridors for anything but five fingers, a unit of smoke detectors.

  • 明尼阿波利斯多雨的天气阻碍了救援的事宜。毛毛的细雨令本来已经一片漆黑的密西西比河水域几乎伸手不见五指。官方认为仍有八具尸体仍然被埋在残骸中。
    Wet weather in Minneapolis is hampering recovery efforts. The drizzle has turned the already murky Mississippi waters in nearly opaque. Authorities believe eight bodies remain trapped in the wreckage.

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