
井水不犯河水  jǐng shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐ







  • 这就是手握今日之刷描绘自己井水不犯河水的艺术家。
    You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.

  • 无居住条件的,即使同居,也是背靠背,井水不犯河水
    no living conditions, even if cohabitation, but also back-to-back, the theory.

  • 几天来我有意对蜘蛛采取井水不犯河水的方针,权且随它去。
    My policy these days tends to be one of live and let live. So I just let it be.

  • 部落宗旨“和平”&“井水不犯河水”&“尊重”&“忠诚”
    Tribe objective " Peace " & " The well water does not violate river water " & " Respects " & " Loyal "

  • 之后,冉静寻找借口搬进陆飞公寓借住,定下23条同居规则,要求井水不犯河水
    After Lu Fei Ran Jing moved into the apartment looking for an excuse for staying, set 23 cohabitation rules requiring not interfere with each.

  • 她还敬告赵忠祥:“我想平静地生活,你主持你的节目,我当我的医生,井水不犯河水
    She also caveat zhao4 zhong xiang2: "I think calmly, you of your life, my doctors, when I am I'll mind mine."

  • 这时,有居住条件的大多分居;无居住条件的,即使同居,也是背靠背,井水不犯河水
    At this time, there are the living conditions of most of the separation; no living conditions, even if cohabitation, but also back-to-back, the theory.

  • 但是我们与同行竞争时也不要硬碰.而是要在新的市场空档上下工夫.形成个你打你的,我打我的.井水不犯河水“的格局.最后达到共同发展的目标。
    But we also do not rivals confrontation. the new market effort. form you, I hit me on the r republic never " pattern finally achieve common development. 30 years ago."

  • 首先,台湾出口至中国大陆的纺织品,以布料为大宗(占纺织品的65%),而东协出口至大陆的纺织品则以化纤丝为主,两者「井水不犯河水」,不至造成影响。
    First, Taiwan's exports of textile products to mainland China consist largely (about 65%) of fabrics, whereas ASEAN's primary textile export to the mainland is chemical fiber.

  • 思科之前与惠普、IBM及戴尔有着紧密的伙伴关系,使得彼此间都达成某种井水不犯河水的默契,就是说服务商供应商只盯住服务器,而思科则把关注的重点维持在网络上。
    Cisco has previously had strong partnerships with HP, IBM, and Dell, which led to a tacit truce in which the server vendors stuck to servers and Cisco kept its focus squarely on the network.

  • 井水不犯河水造句相关
