
不费吹灰之力  bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì







  • 这样你就能不费吹灰之力地把它拆开。
    In this case you could take it apart most profitably.

  • 他写小说好像不费吹灰之力
    He seemed to turn naturally to novel-writing.

  • 农夫不费吹灰之力便拾获了兔,十分开心。
    To the peasant's delight, he picked up the hare without making many efforts.

  • 在弹子戏中,琼斯不费吹灰之力赢了布朗。
    Jones simply walked over Brown at billiards.

  • 不费吹灰之力弄到了这种柔软舒适的短裤。
    He got this sort of confortable soft shorts with no efforts.

  • 安妮:那冠军球手不费吹灰之力,盘盘取胜。
    Annie: The champion won hands down in straight sets.

  • 男人一般确信,实现自己的心愿不费吹灰之力
    Men have generally been assured that achieving their heart's desires would be a piece of cake.

  • 他一点经验也没有。他的工作我做可以不费吹灰之力
    He has no experience at all. I could do his work with my eyes closed.

  • 由于继承的原因,迈克不费吹灰之力就得到一大笔房地产。
    Mike ahs stepped into a good estate by inheritance.

  • ‘等等’是什么意思?要知道我可以不费吹灰之力就杀掉你。
    What do you mean: wait? I could kill you in a heartbeat if I wanted to.

  • 当有船只停靠在他们的海岸他们都不费吹灰之力将他们洗劫一空。
    When a ship goes down on their coast they cannot help regarding it as lawful plunder meant for their pockets.

  • 老奸技活的何进不费吹灰之力就杀了赛硕,夺得了对禁军的指挥权。
    Old traitors living skills Hodge kill anything on race-suk won the jin jun command.

  • 通过电子邮件与海外的朋友们联系对这个老头来说是不费吹灰之力的事。
    Getting in touch with his overseas friends via email is a piece of cake for the old man.

  • 不费吹灰之力做好常人觉得困难的事是能人;做好能人难以完成的事是天才。
    Do easily what others find difficult is talent; do what is impossible for talent is genius.

  • 不费吹灰之力做好常人觉得困难的事是能人;做好能人难以完成的事是天才。
    Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talents is genius.

  • 因为它只是有这样一个小看看该文件可能有危险,它不费吹灰之力就任何PC。
    Since it only has to do a small check to see if the file may be dangerous, it takes very little effort on any PC.

  • 骇客可以不费吹灰之力就进入许多重要的主机内,而且密码一定试两次之内就猜中。
    A hacker can get into the most sensitive computer in the world before intermission and guess the secret password in two tries.

  • 透明的东西总是藏不了污垢,玻璃上的污渍,叫人不费吹灰之力都能看得一清二楚。
    No matter how hard you try it's hard to hide stains and smears on glass.

  • 比起工作,这一虚构的人更热衷于消遣。如果挣钱可以不费吹灰之力,他绝不会工作。
    He is keener on leisure than on work, and if money can be got without effort, he downs tools.

  • 实际上,如果你不费吹灰之力就接连取得学业上的成功,你会被视为一个相当无趣的人。
    In fact, if you cruised effortlessly from one academic triumph to another you were regarded as rather dull.

  • 这些话不费吹灰之力就可学到,可是这几个简简单单的音节却能让别人一天都觉得很开心。
    They require little effort, yet these few syllables can enliven someone else's day.

  • 孩子,不要嘲笑我。你不知道我的力量,我可以不费吹灰之力的想拍死一个苍蝇那样打死你。
    Do not mock me boy. You do not know the power that I can wield. I'll swat a fly like you without a thought.

  • 第二天破晓时分,我们带着新的活力再次向大英博物馆进军。这一次,我们不费吹灰之力就找到了。
    The next day dawned and with renewed vigor we once again set our sights on the British Museum, this time finding it without any problems.

  • 就因为每次我的尝试都被他抹杀或做一些事情给弄反感了。正面的东西被他不费吹灰之力地变成负面的。
    Simply because every attempt is met by some reactions that just turns people off, that turned something positive to something totally negative.

  • 说了之后,他就轻轻地放下这堆骨头,随后抓起黄铜制的大桶,不费吹灰之力拎了上去,并把它们放在骡子背上。
    So saying, he laid down the bones with great tenderness and, snatching up the huge brass vessels, carried them up and put them on the mule with such ease.

  • 不管人们是否认同此书的推论,我相信,许多读者将会认为乌尔夫对强政府的吁求如今实现起来简直不费吹灰之力
    Whether or not they buy the reasoning behind it, many readers will think Mr Wolfe's call for active government is now merely pushing at an open door.

  • 与当时美国出动大批飞机和军舰那种耗资不菲、兴师动众的行动相比,这一次微软不费吹灰之力地在键盘上轻轻一按就做到了。
    And at that time, the United States dispatched aircraft and warships that costly, too many people of action compared to this time Microsoft slickas in a press on the keyboard to do that.

  • 手机能让你不费吹灰之力就找到电话号码、上网冲浪,甚至让你即使是跟隔壁房间的人讲话也懒得不想起身,而是在电话里讲。
    They enable effortless directory assistance, mobile Web access and the ever-important luxury of calling someone in the next room so you don't need to get up.

  • 以目前遍布全球的网络观之,再将带宽扩展10倍,那么其中任何一个实体就能够不费吹灰之力的以百万级的速度单位进行自我繁殖。
    Take the kind of network that exists worldwide now, expand the bandwidth by a factor of 10, and it would be trivially easy for one of these entities to multiply itself a millionfold .

  • 答案是,那些和数千代人的生存繁殖休戚相关的行为,我们学起来不费吹灰之力。我们只在不能靠本能来对付那些古老的问题时,才会认真学习。
    The answer is that those actions related tightly to our survival and proper gate in thousand of years are easily to learn.  Only on those problems we can't solve by instinct shall we study hard.

  • 不费吹灰之力造句相关
