
一传十,十传百  yī chuán shí,shí chuán bǎi







  • 一传十十传百,这消息很快就开了。
    The news spread rapidly from mouth to mouth .

  • 消息一传十十传百,很快遍邻近乡里。
    News spread century,soon spread to neighboring towns.

  • 关于考克斯先生掉入湖中的故事正一传十十传百哩。
    The story about Mr Cox's falling into the lake is going the rounds.

  • 后来,人越来越多,开始有了名气,一传十十传百
    And you started to get crowd,you started to get reputation,and people told other people that you worked as a DJ.

  • 消费者的一传十十传百,行业就这样被“潜规则”化了。
    as soon as the consumer passes on ten,ten passes on hundred,the profession " the hidden rule " melted on such quilt.

  • 良好的信誉及到位的售后服务赢得了一传十十传百的效应。
    Good reputation and after-sales services have won one spread hundred effects. ALBERO furniture - make you think of!

  • 人们一传十十传百,很多人来到这里,在瓦伦丁的帮助下结成伴侣。
    This case spread to dozens hundred,a lot of people came there to get married with the help of Valentine.

  • 人们一传十十传百,很多人来到这里,在瓦沦丁的帮助下结成伴侣。
    A people spread a hundred,a lot of people come here,Valentine formed with the help of a partner.

  • 这样一传十十传百,结果“山姆大叔”渐渐地成了美国的“绰号”。
    As a result spread a hundred,the results of "Uncle Sam" in the United States gradually became a "nickname.

  • 人们一传十十传百,很多人来到这里,在瓦伦丁的帮助下结成伴侣。
    It is one the spread of hundred,a lot of people come here in the help of Valentine partnering.

  • 这消息一传十十传百,大家都抢着玩拿鸡蛋、吃鸡蛋、长鸡蛋的游戏。
    No matter who ate the egg,an egg would then grow on his or her head.

  • 进而一传十十传百,整个北京城很快风靡起来,兵不血刃,攻占京城!
    A further spread century,the whole city of Beijing is quickly swept up forfeit captured the capital!

  • 中国医生高超的医术一传十十传百,很多病人都慕名前来找中国医生看病。
    Chinese medicine doctors superb one spread hundred,many patients are attracted to come here for the Chinese doctor.

  • 一传十十传百,大家都知道有只非常聪明的狗有一天,有位记者来访问那个狗的主人。
    Later onthe news spread far and wide,and everyone knew his dog was very clever. One day a reporter called on andinterviewed the master.

  • 很快一传十十传百,不久后连僧侣也用动物油裹上这种小浆果来吃,以便在长时间的祈祷仪式里保持清醒。
    Word about the berries spread quickly,and soon monks were eating them wrapped in animal fat to stay awake during long prayer sessions.

  • 一传十十传百,数以计的人从四面八方赶来。他们想看看老人们常提到的银娇奶奶,要领略领略她那闻名于方圆几里的哭。
    The news spread quickly. Hundreds of people swarmed to the funeral to have a look at Granny Yinjiao,who the elders often mentioned,and to enjoy her well-know keening.

  • 根本用不着什么电报(当时人们连做梦都想不到这玩意),这消息一传十十传百,以电报的速度就开了,弄得家喻户晓,人人皆知。
    No need of the as yet undreamed-of telegraph; the tale flew from man to man,from group to group,from house to house,with little less than telegraphic speed.

  • 一传十,十传百造句相关
