
水至清则无鱼  shuǐ zhì qīng wú yú







  • 水至清则无鱼, 人则无敌。
    Water to pure have no fish, People to mean invincible.

  • 水至清则无鱼,人则无敌。
    To water-no fish, people are invincible and cheap.

  • 水至清则无鱼,人则无敌。
    Water go to pure have no fish, person go to mean invincible.

  • 水至清则无鱼,人则无敌。
    Clear waters no fish, people are cheap to invincible.

  • 水至清则无鱼,人则无敌!
    To water-no fish, people are invincible and cheap!

  • 水至清则无鱼,海纳百川,有容乃大。
    From no fish, the sea, many rivers.

  • 水至清则无鱼
    Crystal clear water feeds no fish;

  • 在我国有句古语:“人则无徒,水至清则无鱼。”
    There is an old saying in China: "People do not only to detect, there is no fish-clear waters."

  • 《汉书·东方朔传》:“水至清则无鱼,人则无徒。”
    Crystal clear water feeds no fish; overly perceptive man keeps no friends.

  • 老翁说:“哎···根本就没什么啊,真是水至清则无鱼。”
    " The man said: "hey simply no fish ah really water to Qing no fish.

  • 这不是人人都能做到的,眼中不揉沙子的人不行,因为水至清则无鱼
    A person who cannot tolerate a grain of sand in his eye cannot be a leader because no fish will stay in the water which is too clear.

  • 水至清则无鱼,人只能囿于一个小小的角落,杂烩增加你的阅历,开阔你的胸襟,使你变得大气!
    No clear water to fish, people can only limited self-purity and self corner of a small, have heard add your experience, broaden your vision, you become atmosphere!

  • 中国有句古话说:人则无徒,水至清则无鱼。很是经典,人完人,世上没有缺点的人是不存在的。
    There is an old saying in China: "People do not only to detect, there is no fish-clear waters. " Gold pure and no man is perfect, the world does not exist without the shortcomings of the people.

  • 根本的问题是,水至清则无鱼,要是认真审查,把打擦边球的广告主都赶跑了,他们的业务收入当然会大大的下降。
    The fundamental problem is that no clear water to fish, if carefully reviewed, a Ca Bianqiu advertisers are Ganpao, they will, of course, the operating income decline significantly.

  • 水至清则无鱼造句相关
