
无所不用其极  wú suǒ bù yòng qí jí








  • 甚至,在某种程度上,可以说是无所不用其极
    Even, going up somehow, can saying is not to have place need not its extremely.

  • 如今亨利无所不用其极,就是要卡利重新为他效命;
    Now Henry stops at nothing, wants Culley to devote life to again for him;

  • 明星走光类型可谓千奇百怪,为了上位无所不用其极
    Star types can be emptied of its unusual, in order to top all sorts of means.

  • 你居然连这种手段都用出来了, 真是无所不用其极
    You should use dirty tricks, and resort to every conceivable means.

  • 可以肯定的是塔利班会无所不用其极使这次选举更血腥。
    It is a fair bet that the Taliban will do all they can to make this election much, much worse.

  • 现在中国人正在准备北京奥运会,以他们无所不用其极
    Now the Chinese are preparing for the Olympiad in Beijing, so they use all possible means.

  • 如你见,这次的满月将无所不用其极的来展示它的威力!
    As you see, there are many ways this full moon may manifest its message.

  • 他说,吸引新成员是一场持久战,一些俱乐部会无所不用其极
    It is a constant battle to attract new members, he says, and some clubs resort to desperate measures.

  • 美国人在本周与中国高层的经济对话中为占先机可谓无所不用其极
    No trope of stagecraft went unexplored this week as the United States jockeyed for advantage in a high-level economic dialogue with China.

  • 匪军至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,毁灭村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极
    Wherever the robber arrived, they slaughtered people, raped women, destroyed villages and plunder property, tried the worst means they could.

  • 匪军至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,毁灭村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极
    wherever the bandit troops went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at nothing.

  • 匪军至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极
    Wherever they (the bandit troops) went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at nothing.

  • 日军至,杀戮人民、奸淫妇女、焚毁村庄、掠夺财物,无所不用其极
    Wherever the Japanese troop went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at nothing.

  • 他们会大量使用他们熟练的谎言、片面的解读和刻意曲解,无所不用其极
    These guys would pile on with their usual lies, and half-truths, and distortions, and everything else.

  • 他诋毁她的人格,诬蔑她的声誉,无所不用其极。他这么做纯粹是出于报复。
    out of sheer revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.

  • 这里只有无所不用其极的勇士才可获得胜利…他们甚至会释放出体内的兽性变身。
    Where only one can berge victorious, the Warriors will do whatever they have to…even if it ans unleashing the beast inside.

  • 只要能获得物质成功或着能享誉世界,为此不择手段无所不用其极似乎不在话下。
    It has become acceptable to be as nasty and as cunning as possible as long as it can help us to achieve material success and world-wide fame.

  • 这里只有无所不用其极的勇士才可获得胜利…他们甚至会释放出体内的兽性变身。
    Where only one can emerge victorious, the Warriors will do whatever they have to…even if it means unleashing the beast inside.

  • 2004年他走遍美国各地为社会保守派摇旗呐喊,并且无所不用其极的力图将达施勒挤下台。
    He stomped the country for social conservatives in 2004—and devoted a fearsome amount of effort to unseating Mr Daschle.

  • 全面占领租界后,日方更是无所不用其极,疯狂侵占英美等国的经济利益,努力消除政治影响。
    When the concessions were occupied, they tried by every means to exploit the economic interests of Britain and America there arid to clear away their political influences.

  • 换言之,如果最终目的非常重要,或是出自善意,或有长远的影响,我们就可以“无所不用其极”吗?
    In other words, do the importance and/or good intentions and/or long-term results of the ultimate goals allow us to do "whatever it takes" in order to achieve those goals?

  • 缅甸军政府那些将军犯下多数缅甸人法置信的打杀僧侣暴行,足证他们为了持续掌权无所不用其极
    By perpetrating what most Burmese felt was unthinkable – the beating and killing of monks – the ruling generals proved that they would stop at nothing to keep their grip on power.

  • 是遇到比赛或有利益冲突时都会有很多的小动作出现…不在乎别人看法只求达到目的无所不用其极
    in particular, face competition or conflict of interest when there will be a lot of little tricks …do not care about other people appear to achieve the purpose of seeking views on all sorts of means!

  • 直到小报们,一改传统媒体的作派,无所不用其极的四处窥探,才最终撕开了那些表象,让事实得以浮现。
    The tabloids, rude and prying, are able to break through such images to the truth behind them in ways the conventional media cannot.

  • 有专栏作家批评保守派为政治恐怖主义者,无所不用其极,阻止美国人形成共识,解决当前最严重的国内问题。
    Have criticized the conservative columnist, political terrorism, and every conceivable means to prevent the formation of a consensus of Americans to address the most serious domestic problems.

  • 看来政府总是无所不用其极的想要禁止那些壮大主体个人的资讯,不想让人们有能力做出有关个人性实践的明智决定。
    It seems that governments will go to no end to censor information which empowers individuals to make informed decisions about themselves and their sexuality.

  • 为了实行她的复仇夺爱计划,无所不用其极,可惜最后百密一疏,敌不过自己的心魔,终于在警察面前为爱郎的清白殉爱。
    But in the final moments of her plan, she cannot conquer her own demons that is her love and jumps to her death to prove the innocence of her lover.

  • 几内亚的事件表明,中国无所不用其极的贸易方式可能真能带来效益,然而那些关注民主和人权的非洲人士可能并不包括在内。
    As Guinea may show, China's unconditional approach to doing business may reap benefits, except perhaps for Africans who cherish democracy and human rights.

  • 一位家长表达了他的愤慨:我很气愤,一些不良网站为了提高自己的浏览量,真是无所不用其极,这对我们的孩子是多么大的伤害啊!
    A parent expressed his anger as follows: I am very upset. To increase online traffic, some indecent websites resort to every conceivable means. How harmful such things will be on our children!

  • 帝国主义者还有那些潜在的帝国主义分子包括他们的随从,都对军事科技无所不用其极,他们用野蛮的设备妄图消灭社会问题,回想起这种种暴行,一时间我们颇受折磨。
    For a while we were haunted by thoughts about the brutal technological military fixes that imperialists and sub-imperialists often devise for "resolving" what are essentially social problems.

  • 无所不用其极造句相关
