
一窝蜂  yī wō fēng






  • 学生们一窝蜂似地奔向操场。
    The students swarmed towards the playground.

  • 孩子们一窝蜂上了[下了]汽车。
    The children tumbled into/out of the car.

  • 从去年大家都开始一窝蜂的看的时候。
    Last year we all started from the swarm to see it.

  • 狗仔队,像一窝蜂,不断地涌向那条缝。
    Paparazzi, like the rush, constantly flock Natiao seam.

  • 越是热点的地区越是堵,一窝蜂的房子最好别买。
    The hot areas are block, like the other houses best buy.

  • 迪斯科的音乐想起后,大家都一窝蜂的跳了起来。
    Think of disco music, we all rush to the Tiaoliaoqilai.

  • 但他同时提醒,不要一窝蜂前去并购,以避免产生负面影响。
    But he also reminded not to rush forward to mergers and acquisitions, in order to avoid a negative impact.

  • 但是购买基金有许多学问,不要“逢基就买”,一窝蜂盲目投资。
    But there are many scholarship funds to buy, not to "buy Fengji" blind investment rush.

  • 有时候讲到兴头上,他会从讲台上跳下来,把我们一窝蜂地赶到外头去。
    Sometimes, exalted by his own oratory, he would leap from his desk and hustle us outside into a hideous wind.

  • 小朋友们害怕极了并且因为他说的话而吓得直哆嗦,他们一窝蜂似地跑掉了。
    The children are scared and to tremble with what he said. All of them run away immediately.

  • 在一份新报告中,联合国贸易和发展会议指出,富有国家以一窝蜂心态行事。
    In a new report, the UN Conference on Trade and Development showed that the wealthy countries acted like a swarm of bees.

  • 在一份新报告中,联合国贸易和发展会议指出,富有国家以一窝蜂心态行事。
    In a new report, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development pointed out that the wealthy countries act in a herd mentality.

  • 在一份新报告中,联合国贸易和发展会议指出,富有国家以一窝蜂心态行事。
    The United Trade and Development Commiitee pointed out in a new report that the wealthy countries acted following others's step.

  • 一窝蜂蜜蜂一样,这些在缅因州的阿普尔岛,经常不同的地方建立一个新的巢。
    Swarming honeybees, like these on Maine's Appledore Island, frequently differ about where to establish a new nest.

  • 饭店一窝蜂在吧台后方使劲摇晃,倒出用鲜果、香草和最高档烈酒所调出的创意饮料。
    Hotels are shaking things up behind the bar, pouring innovative drinks made with fresh fruit, herbs and top-shelf liquors.

  • 在池塘的岸边坐着一排青蛙,当听到兔子跑来的声音时,他们一窝蜂地跳到水中藏了起来。
    On the bank were sitting a number of frogs, who, when they heard the noise of the hares as they ran, with one accord leaped into the water and hid themselves in the depths.

  • 以前他们来得根本没有这么频繁,现在一窝蜂都往中国跑,好像这里成了他们家的后花园。
    before they come simply not such frequently, now the noisy crowd runs toward China, probably here has become their family's back garden.

  • 要不就是一窝蜂的统一题材,要不就是有题材没时间,唉~,真是悲叹人生之难,十有八九啊!
    Or is the rush to the unity of theme, subject matter or not is the time, Oh ~, I lament the difficulties of life, in all likelihood ah!

  • 一窝蜂的改种,导致产品过剩,价格下跌,现在农民们有准备砍去这些变成废物的银杏树了。
    But swarmed changing of the planting led to the over production and the fall of price, and farmers were prepared to cut those useless maidenhair trees.

  • 空出几天,丢下工厂,停下手中的活儿,一窝蜂地涌向土生土长的村庄,全世界的商铺也便没了货源。
    Deserting for a few days the factories that make the goods that fill the world's shops, they surge back to their native villages.

  • 这个古老的郊区,拥挤得象个蚂蚁窝,勤劳、勇敢和愤怒得象一窝蜂,在等待和期望剧变的心情中骚动。
    This old faubourg, peopled like an ant-hill, laborious, courageous, and angry as a hive of bees, was quivering with expectation and with the desire for a tumult.

  • 不幸的是,如你的思路已定型了,满脑的被动、守势、见招拆招,很可能最后你也会加入一窝蜂的行列中。
    Un-fortunately, if you have a passive, defensive and reactive mindset, you are likely to end up following instead.

  • 选出了适于陕北地区栽培的优一、一窝蜂2个仁用杏品种,并于2005年通过了陕西省林木良种委员会审定。
    Two cultivars, Youyi and Yiwofeng, suitable to grow in the Northern Shaanxi were selected, which were released by Shaanxi Forest Variety Approval Committee in 2005.

  • 哦,做实验啦!做实验啦”!不知是哪个调皮鬼喊了一声。同学们听了都一窝蜂的跑到楼下,去看自然老师做实验。
    "Oh, it is time for surgery". A shriek from someone. Then the classmates rushed downstairs for a look, the Nature teacher was there.

  • 但是,这种需求毕竟不是市场的主流,香港地产商盲目地一窝蜂式地跟进后,高档物业很快就形成了供过于求的恶性局面。
    However, this demand is not the mainstream market, the Hong Kong property developers blindly rush to follow up style, luxury property quickly formed over the vicious situation.

  • 即使新近对天然气一窝蜂的需求仍能保证大部分地方有电(这一点毋庸置疑),它还是会导致国家过度依赖于一种能源资源。
    Even if this new dash for gas happens fast enough to keep most of the lights on, which is by no means certain, it would leave the country overly reliant on one power source.

  • 这种情况跟十年前可谓大相径庭,当时许多美国人因自家房子价值和股票投资组合节节飙升而觉得自己很有钱,一窝蜂地冲着高端汽车而去。
    That's a turnaround from earlier this decade, when many Americans -- feeling rich from their soaring home values and stock portfolios -- flocked to high-end vehicles.

  • 某种程度上说,股市的这一下跌反映了投资经理们一轮买盘的结束。这些人在错过了本轮上扬行情的大部分买进机会后,曾一窝蜂地入市买盘。
    To some extent, the retreat reflects the end of buying by money managers who had scrambled to goose performance after sitting out much of the rally.

  • 从录相带中可以看到,当恶霸在对受害者拳打脚踢时,其它孩子只是漠然地观看,更糟的是,有时,这些孩子也一窝蜂”动手”,向恶霸邀功讨好。
    The tapes show other kids passively watching as bullies kick and punch victims. Worse, sometimes the other kids all "pile on, " joining in with the bully.

  • 当我以队长身份召开第一个会议讨论任务计划的时候,所有的队友都盯着我看,摄像头也都一窝蜂地对准了我。我相信那时候,我看起来就像在处理紧张的灾害。
    The first meeting I held with all my teammates looking to me and a swarm of camera's pointing at me to provide initial direction and game plan I'm sure I just looked like a nervous disaster.

  • 一窝蜂造句相关

