
一刀切  yī dāo qiē






  • 但是对商业地产项目不能采取‘一刀切’。
    But for commercial real estate projects not take 'broad-brush'.

  • 我提出这项计划不是要一刀切让大家必须遵守的。
    I did not put forth the plan as a Procrustean bed, to which exact conformity is to be indispensable.

  • 西北地区是不是要一刀切,这说明这次是点刹,而不是急刹。
    Northwest region is not uniform, and this shows that this is Diansha rather than abruptly.

  • 杜猛还向记者表示,把土地一二级市场一刀切是切不干净的。
    Du troops also told reporters that the land is a secondary market is not broad-brush clean.

  • 所以如果更加全面地看问题,我们完全应该把“一刀切”变成“切一刀”。
    If more comprehensive look at the problem, we should be fully "broad-brush" into "cutting wound.

  • 因此,某些单位硬性规定每个人必须上夜班的“一刀切”办法是不科学的。
    Accordingly, certain unit rigid sets everybody that he must go up of evening shift " one knife is cut " method is unscientific.

  • 所以尽管北京市政府这次痛下决心,但还是有房地产巨头不同意“一刀切”。
    So despite the pain to the Beijing government, but still has not agreed to the property tycoon "broad-brush".

  • 户外广告是利润很高的行业,也是政府的一块收益,所以不可能真的一刀切
    Outdoors advertisement is the industry with very high profit, also be an accrual of the government, so cannot true one knife is cut.

  • 把全国总课标一刀切地应用于每一个人,尤欠妥当,因为各人有各人的需要。
    To have a blanket national curriculum for everyone is not particularly appropriate because individuals have individual needs.

  • 虽然多家建材城的负责人都表示新政调控是为过热的房地产降温,而并非一刀切
    Although the controller of city of much home building materials expresses new politics adjusting control is the estate that is overheat drops in temperature, and be not one knife to cut.

  • 他认为,一刀切是计划经济时的行政手段,目前只有用市场经济才能解决这些问题。
    He believed that the planned economy - is the administrative means, at present only a market economy can solve these problems.

  • 我们怎样将功率配置做到合理,这是个将普遍性和个性相结合的问题,不能一刀切
    How do we achieve a reasonable power configuration, this is the combination of universality and individuality of the problem, not a single solution.

  • 对待这种地域性很强的行业,我认为不宜一刀切,以“因地制宜、分类指导”为好。
    This regional approach to strong industry, I think it all with "local, classification guidance" as well.

  • 中国的宏观调控已经有三轮的宏观调控了,第一轮是以房地产为牺牲者,一刀切的操作。
    China's macro-control has three rounds of macro-control, the first round is to sacrifice real estate, uniform operation.

  • 昨日,接受采访的多位人士表示,他们肯定会考虑老客户的问题,但不会采取一刀切的做法。
    Yesterday, accepted the interview many public figures indicated that they definitely will consider the old customer the question, but will adopt the procedure across-the-board ruling.

  • 首先这种做法摒弃了完全没有个性的“一刀切”式的装修,加深了装饰企业本身的专业造诣。
    First it did not reject the personality of a "broad-brush" style decoration, decoration enterprises deepened their professional attainments.

  • 这一理论模型避免人力资本评价的“一刀切”,为完善人力资本评价理论与实务提供新的思路。
    The model avoids a single evaluation on human capital value and provides a new perspective on the theory and practice of human capital evaluation.

  • 有很多官员跟我谈,这次一刀切下来,南方特别是华东,整个穿过去了,最后我们把头砍下来了。
    Many officials told me about this one down, especially the South East China, the whole wearing passed, and finally we hiding our heads off to.

  • 学校是教师专业发展的主要场所,却面临着忽视教师专业发展具有阶段性特征的事实,搞“一刀切”的问题。
    However, as its main venues, schools have been ignoring its stage characteristic, engaging in "across the board".

  • 它合乎道理的墨水相匹配的一润版液匹配一刀切匹配一个洗手是要产生更好的质量比回升和结构的解决方案“ 。
    It stands to reason that an ink matched to a fount solution matched to a blanket matched to a wash is going to produce better quality than a pick-and-mix solution.

  • 修正一刀切,应该是补救母语教学政策不足之处,不过新方案给予学校自决的程度,使人觉得是否有点矫枉过正了。
    The purpose of changing its rigid MOI policy should be to make up for its inadequacies. However, under the EDB's proposals, schools would enjoy great latitude. That seems an overcorrection.

  • 刘建德透露,对于“网店办照”,可能不会“一刀切”,对于“网店办照”一事,拟将“商家”和“玩家”有所区分。
    Liu Jiande said, "do as shop, " may not "broad-brush", "shop run as" in, to upgrade the "businessmen" and "players" in distinction.

  • 对于合伙的主体地位问题应分别研究,不作一刀切式划分。民事合伙是纯粹契约式合伙,应规定于民法总则或债编之中。
    The partnerships for common civil affairs are just the contracts between different persons, so they should be ruled in the general provisions of Civil Law or the law of obligation.

  • 造成这种情况的根本原因是,国内商业银行贷款时搞一刀切,对不同能力的客户,提供相同的产品,导致放贷风险很大。
    This situation is caused by the root causes of domestic commercial bank loans, in-and the capacity of different customers, providing the same products, leading to lending risks.

  • 在一个不寻常的声明,总理说,比利时的宪制危机源于事实,即“共识政治”一刀切比利时的扩大,语言鸿沟不再工程。
    In an unusual declaration, the premier said Belgium's constitutional crisis stems from the fact that "consensus politics" across Belgium's widening linguistic divide no longer works.

  • 在市人大常委会举行的物业管理若干规定(草案)立法听证会上,禁“居改非”应否一刀切,也一直存在着两种不同的意见。
    Held in the city's property management of a number of provisions (draft) legislation hearing, the cut "to the non-neighborhood" should not board, has been the existence of two different views.

  • 如果单纯采取一刀切的做法,将会对房地产商将造成毁灭性的打击,而由此形成的不良贷款也将威胁到整个银行界的金融安全。
    If a broad-brush approach taken will be devastating to the real estate business will blow, and the resulting bad loans will also threaten the financial security of the entire banking sector.

  • 银行要做的事,不是出台这样的“一刀切”规定,而是根据每个城市的具体情况,认真审查该地是否实行了政府对土地一级市场的垄断。
    Banks do not have such a "broad-brush", but according to the specific situation of each city, a careful review of whether the imposition of a government monopoly of the market for land level.

  • 利用K-L变换对浅层多次波、折射波、直达波的压制,可避免手工切除对浅层有效信息和干扰信息一刀切的弊端,保存了浅层有效信息。
    In addition, removing multiples, refractions and primaries with K-L transformation can avoid removing the useful waves together with interfering waves and keep the useful shallow seismic information.

  • 错误的做法:一刀切的方法:每个职位发送的简历都是一样。这种是家庭电脑还没有普及时候的做法,因为那时候改简历确实是非常麻烦的事情。
    Out:A cookie-cutter approach: same resume for every job. These were from the days before home computers, when changing a resume was a really big deal.

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