
马后炮  mǎ hòu pào







  • 仅有的完美的科学就是马后炮
    The only perfect science is hind-sight.

  • 你当时怎么不说,净整马后炮的事!
    Why didn't you say anything at that time, you monday-morning quarterback!

  • 人们经常称汤姆是个放马后炮的人。
    Tom is often referred to as a Monday morning quarterback.

  • 一句及时话胜过两句马后炮
    Better one word in time than two afterwards.

  • 一句及时话胜过两句马后炮
    Better one word in time than two afterwards .

  • 贼走关门,为时已晚;马后炮,太晚了。
    Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen.

  • 事后进忠告,等于马后炮
    When a thing is done, advice come too late.

  • 你这个评论可真是马后炮
    Your comment is really a Monday morning quarterback.

  • 马后炮没有远见的人。
    The man whose hindsight is better than his foresight.

  • 其实,这种马后炮的消息真的能影响楼市吗?
    In fact, this belated action by the news really affect the property market?

  • 你总是好来马后炮
    You are always firing belated shots.

  • 你放马后炮倒很容易,现在才说我住那旅馆真笨!
    It's easy for you to be wise after the event, and tell me that I was foolish to stay in that hotel.

  • “发火”的不是爱“马后炮”的医生,而是患者亲属。
    Here it is not the doctor that is being second-guessed, but the patient's relatives.

  • 是不是实施只是马后炮,直到某个具有管理水平的人开始抱怨?
    Is performance an afterthought until someone at the right management level starts complaining?

  • “妈妈打麻将,爸爸炒股票,奶奶练气功,爷爷马后炮”的英文翻译。
    Mother plays mahjong, father trades shares, grandma practises Qigong, grandpa plays Chines.

  • 他们的预报都成了马后炮,他们的推导公式也只起点儿解释说明的作用。
    Their predictions become postdictions- Their equations become justifications, their logic, illogic.

  • 目前的一项研究显示,在做决定之后洗洗手能防止我们对已经做出的选择放马后炮
    A recent study suggests that washing our hands after making a decision can keep us from second-guessing our choice.

  • 例:事情既然已经发生了,我们还是想办法解决吧,不要说“如果”,放马后炮了。
    Ex. :Since it's already happened, let's try to find a way out. It's too late and useless to talk about "if".

  • 运气加上技巧,使得“牌局如人生,充斥着不完全信息和马后炮。”李德勒如是说。
    It blends with skill to produce a game that is "much like life, full of incomplete information and second-guessing, " says Mr Lederer.

  • 正在抱手嚎叫的我听见爸爸的话,生气而又小声的说:“真是马后炮,你来做一个?”
    Be filled with my hear father's words , angry and in low voice as well doctrine howling personally to shout in course of: "Be really belated effort , come make one you"?

  • 我不想让大家觉得我是个自私自利爱放马后炮的人,不过当初我们真的试图管制过'两房'。
    I do not want to let everyone think I was a selfish love of the people trying to be wise after release, but we really try to control first over 'two-room'.

  • 另有条马后炮的规定是,议案指令美国总审计长研究薪酬计划与过度冒险之间是否有必然联系。
    Rather belatedly, the bill orders America's comptroller-general to study whether there is a connection between compensation structures and excessive risk-taking.

  • 另有条马后炮的规定是,议案指令美国总审计长研究薪酬计划与过度冒险之间是否有必然联系。
    Rather belatedly, the bill orders America's comptroller-general to study whether there is a dofus kamas connection between compensation structures and excessive risk-taking.

  • 另有条马后炮的规定是,议案指令美国总审计长研究薪酬计划与过度冒险之间是否有必然联系。
    Rather belatedly, the bill orders America’ s comptroller-general to study whether there is a dofus kamas connection between compensation structures and excessive risk-taking.

  • 狼人没有时间天天放马后炮,没有时间天天写一些看似有用而实际上一无是处的模棱两可文章;
    Werewolf did not have time every day, put wise after the event, there is no time to write every day in practice appears to be useful ambiguity useless articles;

  • 我可能是在放马后炮,但我觉得我们走错了棋。我们应该雇一个专业的公关公司来处理这个危机。
    With 20-20 hindsight, I'd say we made a bad move. We should have hired a professional PR company to deal with the crisis.

  • 当在伊拉克没有发现大规模杀伤性武器的时候,他才马后炮的将民主制度的推行作为发动战争的逻辑理由;
    His after-the-fact invocation of democracy as a rationale for war when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq;

  • 穆德:替你自己找个基因构造零缺点、又能对被放马后炮有超高容忍度的男人,然后开始制造小超人史卡利。
    Mulder: Just find yourself a man with a spotless genetic makeup and a really high tolerance for being second-guessed and start pumping out the little uber-Scully.

  • 你可以订立“服务水准协定”,列出你所期望的所有明细项目,但这都是生硬的办法,只能是业绩不佳时的马后炮
    You may have "service level agreements", specifying the details of what you expect, but these are blunt instruments and deal with poor performance only after it has happened.

  • 尽管向制造商第一时间汇报反馈为业界之不诤的共识;然而该文作者已不止一次地在报告漏洞问题上犯马后炮的失误了。
    This is not the first time that this author has failed to notify us about a vulnerability before making it public, despite the fact that notifying the vendor first is de facto an industry standard.

  • 马后炮造句相关
