
参差错落  cēn cī cuò luò







  • 山顶有观澜亭,下观北塘参差错落的莲叶,如碧涛波澜。
    The Peak has Guanlan kiosks scattered under the concept of the lotus leaves Beitang irregular, such as the Bi-Tao waves.

  • 倘若密度微扰参差错落地发生,功率谱看起来便不会如此和谐有序了。
    If the perturbations had been continuously generated over time, the power spectrum would not be so harmoniously ordered.

  • 着重对平铺直叙结构、参差错落结构和高山平湖结构及与之相配的情愫进行分析。
    This article mainly makes an analysis of three structures of narrative prose and einfuhlen that matches them.

  • 步入林区,只见大小、高矮、直弯、斜曲的各殇椰树参差错落,上生土长,自然成林。
    Into the forest and saw the size, height, bend straight, oblique song of the War palm mixed Cuola, immature soil on the long, natural forest.

  • 环园建于清光绪年间,亭台楼榭参差错落,幽深林密,是一所典型雅致的江南庭院式小园。
    Its undulated buildings and thick forests as well as its zigzag paths suggests that it is an imperial garden with southern features.

  • 山、水、楼、台、亭、堂、庑、榭参差错落,组成了著名的莲池十二景,博得了“城市蓬莱”的美称。
    Mountains, water, building, Taiwan Pavilion, Hall, veranda, pavilion mixed scattered to form the famous Lotus 12 King, won the "city of Penglai, " the laudatory name.

  • 西方广告既采用整齐对称的结构,又好用参差错落、残缺等艺术手法,具有多姿多彩、含蓄隽永的效果。
    Western advertising is the use of neat symmetrical structure, and ease of use vary, scattered, incomplete methods, such as art, with colorful and meaningful subtle effect.

  • 中文广告最讲究整齐对称,很少运用参差错落、残缺等艺术手法,这大概是因为我国人民对整齐、对称的偏爱吧。
    Chinese advertising neat symmetry about the most rarely use varied, scattered, incomplete methods, such as art, it is probably because of the uniformity of our people, you prefer symmetrical.

  • 环湖伸出无数小丘,形成参差错落40多个半岛,绮丽奇特,如小龙,若狮、像鼓,似笋,让人目不暇接,美不胜收。
    Huanhu stretch countless hills, forming more than 40 variations scattered Peninsula, beautiful exotic, such as dragons, if the lions, like drums, may shoot people dizzying, beautiful.

  • 斗岩之名说法颇多,主要有三种:一是这里的山岩非常陡峭,当地百姓称之为“陡岩”,“陡”与“斗”在当地音相近。二是此地山峰错落参差,形如北斗七星,北斗被称为“斗宿”,故有此名。
    Rock is the name of fighting a lot, there are three: First, here's a very steep Shanyan, local people call it "steep rock", "steep" and "struggle" in the local sound similar.

  • 参差错落造句相关
