
华而不实  huá ér bù shí








  • 市上大批新的定做的皮衣中有许多是华而不实的, 但也有一些实用的东西。
    The new collections of custom furs around town reveal plenty of folderol, but there are practical things too.

  • 这些节目华而不实,看了令人厌烦。
    The slickness of the programs became tedious.

  • 她选错华而不实的。而没有选择美好的。
    She mischooses the showy instead of the beautiful.

  • 在教堂中护士咒骂追求华而不实的的金钱的人。
    In church the nurse cursed the people pursuing the purple purse.

  • 她用华而不实的词语奉承我,我不喜欢她的奉承。
    She flattered me with flashy words. I disliked her flattery.

  • 除了一些华而不实的点缀之外,它们都大同小异。
    Apart from a few bells here and whistles there, they are all of a muchness.

  • 向你这样华而不实的蠢货,怎么让女人老是围着你转呢?
    How does a pompous, cocky jackass like you always have women all over him?

  • 戈登·布朗和托尼布·莱尔都喜好华而不实的改革想法。
    Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were suckers for flashy but insubstantial ideas about transformation.

  • 对于时尚的华而不实的门槛的指控之一通常是它的轻挑。
    One of the accusations frequently laid at fashion's sometimes gaudy door is that it's frivolous.

  • 他认识到财富买不到幸福,朋友比华而不实的教育更重要。
    He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.

  • 前者被村民们形容为“老实厚道”,后者则是“华而不实”。
    The former is described by villagers as "honest and kind" while the latter is "superficial and empty.

  • 一款长岛冰茶华而不实的改变,电子柠檬水味道比它看起来好些。
    A gaudy variation on the Long Island Iced Tea, the Electric Lemonade tastes better than it looks.

  • 有一点华而不实,但是你却不得不相信,这就是一个纯粹的图书馆。
    A bit gaudy, perhaps, but even critics have to admit to being wowed at the pure vision and execution of this anything-but-quiet library.

  • 通用公司不经营华而不实的不动产,而把所获利润投入制造小型汽车。
    Instead of fancy real estate, GN was putting its profits into small cars.

  • 包装首先要对客户负责,华而不实与实而不华的产品不会赢得消费群体。
    Packaging must first of all, the customer is responsible for window dressing and be products are not going to win.

  • 不过来自其他方面的一些促进机场扩建的主张就有些误导和华而不实了。
    But other claims made for enlarging the airport are specious or misleading.

  • 市上大批新的定做的皮衣中有许多是华而不实的,但也有一些实用的东西。
    The new collections of custom furs around town reveal plenty of folderol, but there are practical things too.

  • 你真的需要那些华而不实,毫无用处只能让你觉得自己高人一等的东西吗?
    Do you really need all those flashy, useless things that serve only to somehow make you feel superior to others?

  • 我要你用简单直截了当的语言把所发生的事写下来——不要用华而不实的语言。
    I want you to write a simple, straightforward account of what happened—with no purple patches.

  • 我们得提醒你,这些特性不只是一些华而不实的东西,不仅仅是令文档看上去更漂亮。
    These features are not simply gratuitous geegaws that make your documents look pretty, mind you.

  • 过去十几年间斜塔四周起支撑作用的吊杆和绕在塔身上的华而不实的钢圈现已荡然无存。
    Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.

  • 当下很少有人相信广告,因为其中很多的商品都是诱惑着人们购买欲望的华而不实的东西。
    Nowadays few people believe in advertisements, which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Sodom.

  • 在这种华而不实的关系中,事情会是这个样子:你可以要求那个花瓶男人去做什么事,但不能报什么希望。
    And the play of power, in a trophy relationship, goes like this: You can ask your trophy to do something, but you cannot expect.

  • 功能与形式相得益彰的产品是最好的,朴素实用的产品也是值得肯定的,但华而不实的产品却不值得肯定。
    Products with both good functions and forms are the best. Products that are plain and pragmatic deserve affirming while products which are flashy and without substance do not.

  • 另一方面,禁不住透视视图的诱惑,而变得华而不实的风险也是相当高,在很多情况下,三维图表看起来非常吸引人。
    On the other hand the temptation of using perspective visualizations as "eye candy" is quite high, and in many cases an isometric chart looks very attractive indeed.

  • 他为他自己赢得了投资级评定后,避开了华而不实地投资,聘请外部专家(包括巴莱克银行前董事长)来监管其投资。
    It had earned itself an investment-grade rating, steered clear of flashy purchases and hired outside professionals, including a former chairman of Barclays bank, to oversee its investments.

  • 它是怎么进化成这样的并不神秘:最强壮的雄性拥有最美丽的羽毛,所以雌性会选择那些拥有最华而不实的羽毛的雄性。
    How this plumage evolved is no mystery: The healthiest males usually have the most spectacular plumage, so females choose whichever male has the gaudiest feathers.

  • 但今日发布的一项研究报告指出,他们仍在寻找物有所值和技艺精湛的东西。华而不实的名牌和浮华之风尚未卷土重来
    But they are still looking for value for money and craftsmanship, says a study published today. Flashy labels and glitz have yet to make a comeback.

  • 外婆:嗯!麦琪说的对,你是个死脑筋的人。我一辈子也没遇到过,这个让人讨厌的华而不实的闷罐子,我决不跨进一步。
    Grandma: Maggie is right. You are the most pig headed man I have ever met. And I am not setting foot on this over blown tin can again.

  • 在比赛结束后我不得不降低我的音量:我不能仍受阿瑟内.温格这种让人作呕的,自以为是的,华而不实的,高傲无比的姿态。
    But I have to turn the sound down at the end of the match: I can't stand that insufferably self-righteous pompous pontificate, Arsène Wenger.

  • 华而不实造句相关
