
千秋万代  qiān qiū wàn dài







  • 称赞孔子是千秋万代人们的表率。
    Confucius is praised generations of people set an example.

  • 烈士忠魂千秋在,革命精神万代传。
    Here martyrs in the future, Bandai-revolutionary spirit.

  • 只有傻子才相信一张纸能保千秋万代
    Only fools believe that a piece of paper can only protect generations to come.

  • 它用来昭显明朝皇帝的光辉千秋万代
    It was designed to reflect the eternal glory of the Ming Emperors.

  • 和古老的友谊并千秋万代维护我们的自由组织。
    and ancient friendship among the people of the several States and to preserve our free institution throughout many generations.

  • 也许他还应该加上一句:“千秋万代功名永在”。
    All time, he might have added, is the millennium of their glory.

  • 我们要向前看,我们这个事业是千秋万代的事业啊!
    We must look to the future, for our cause will affect generations to come.

  • 这一吉兆被视为黄帝之统治将千秋万代,和平繁荣。
    The company will be regarded as the rule of Huangdi future generations, peace and prosperity.

  • 这样一个右派名录做出来,我认为是一个有利于千秋万代的事情。
    If this kind of rightist name list were drawn up, I think that would be something which would prove beneficial for many years.

  • 不论岁月如何变迁,这些意义非凡、直刺时弊的准则将延续千秋万代
    Those principles are as meaningful and relevant in each generation as the generation before.

  • 用我们的青春和热血谱写出前不负于古人,后无愧于千秋万代的历史新篇章!
    And warm-blooded composes with ours youth front does not lose in the ancient, latter has no qualms in the throughout the ages history new chapter! Mr.

  • 用我们的青春和热血谱写出前不负于古人,后无愧于千秋万代的历史新篇章!
    And warm-blooded composes with ours youth front does not lose in the ancient, latter has no qualms in the throughout the ages history new chapter!

  • 并把我们可爱的土地变成因完全平等政治权利而充满幸福的之处而持续千秋万代
    to make our beloved land for a thousand generations that spot where happiness springs from a perfect equality of political rights.

  • “君子之风,流泽万古”:是赞扬苏轼有“君子之风”,而且流传影响了千秋万代
    "a man of the wind, the stream vancomycin Chak": Su Shi praised the "man of the wind, " and spread the impact of generations.

  • 那些戴着红星干部帽的人是在笑获得权力的满足感吗?是在笑红色江山千秋万代永不变色吗?
    For these men wearing the red star official caps, do they laugh of satisfying obtaining power? Do they laugh of thinking the regime never changing?

  • 落下闳第一次将24节气纳入历法,此一作法,奠定了春节的基础,同时也是遗惠千秋万代的创举。
    Luoxia Hong recorded the twenty-four solar terms in his calendar for the first time, which made a foundation of festival and became a creative contrition to later generations.

  • 正如城市规划专家所说,让千秋万代受益的这副重任完全由一般的纯商业性开发来完成是不可能的。
    As urban planning experts said, let generations from the burden of responsibility solely by the general pure commercial exploitation is impossible to complete.

  • 回顾中国的历史和佛教的历史,在每一个繁荣时代,都会出现高度文明的艺术结晶,千秋万代,历久不衰。
    Recalling China's history and the history of Buddhism, in every era of prosperity, there could be a high degree of civilization, art, generations, for a very long time.

  • 这个时候,谈话声和噪声都消失了,即使是皇家大厅,见证过千秋万代的历史和难以磨灭的事件,也似乎在默默倾听思索。
    In that time, conversation and noise died away, and the Royal Hall itself, weighted by its eons of history and haunting events, seemed to be listening, evaluating.

  • 我们定当牢牢注视着地平线,沐浴着上帝的光辉,肩负着上帝赋予我们的伟大自由,并把这份自由安稳地传递给我们的千秋万代
    and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.

  • 北京奥运会期间,鸟巢周围短租房的租金价格大幅下跌是因为供大于求,而酒店预订则相对火热。一生阅历,十年面壁,百年事业,千秋文章,万代流长。
    An oversupply of short-term apartments and the red-hot hotel reservation service are the major reasons for the sharp decrease of the cost for short-term housing near the Bird's Nest during the Games.

  • 千秋万代造句相关
