
化零为整  huà líng wéi zhěng







  • 化零为整的能力将会得到同事的感激。
    Your ability to put things together will be appreciated by your comrades.

  • 在这个家里,统一的设计元素将不同的功能区域化零为整
    In the home, unified design elements will be zero for the different functional regionalization.

  • 在注意到这一普遍行为习惯后,美国银行开设了一类新的业务“化零为整”。
    Noticing this almost universal behaviour, Bank of America launches a new account called 'Keep the Change'.

  • 当前的第三阶段,则是以正规部队化零为整开始,旨在建立一支强大的战斗部队。
    Now the third stage began with the concentration of regulars into larger groups with the intention of building up a sizable striking force.

  • 但现在到处都是拆拆声,商铺租赁大有整合趋势,即化零为整,走规模经营的路子。
    But now everywhere demolition of buildings, shops lease is integration tendency of zero for the full, follow the path scale operation.

  • 有时,它却为读者奉上一场新的盛宴:混杂的碎片化零为整,一幅伟大的镶嵌作品从中诞生。
    Sometimes it is a treat: the assorted pieces come together to create a great mosaic.

  • 此外还有300亿美元仍在募集中,这其中包括一支有高盛化零为整筹集的200亿美元的基金。
    A further $30 billion is in the works, including a giant $20 billion fund being pieced together by Goldman Sachs.

  • 为使零担和整车在更大范围内分离,零担业务仅限于在货运战略装车点办理,利用规模效应化零为整
    The paper rearranges the cargo spots in this attraction area to limited the less-than-carload service in the cargo-loading spot to assemble more carload cars.

  • 同时,更奇妙的是奇幻飙水节的可移动性,这个可化零为整又可化整为零的亲水乐园,不但搭建简单,更方便运输。
    Additionally, removability is the more wonderful character of "Magic Water World". This water theme park can be broken into parts and reassembled.

  • 办理了化零为整业务的储户在使用美国银行的借记卡消费时,结算价会进位到最接近的整数,多付的钱则自动存入顾客的储蓄帐户里。
    Every time a Keep the Change account holder goes shopping with their BoA debit card, the purchase is rounded up to the nearest dollar and put into the shopper's savings account.

  • 尽管如此,一分钟做的事情还是极其有限,我们不得不承认,一分钟过得太快,但是我们珍惜每一个一分钟,学会将其化零为整,那一分钟就能干出很多伟大的事情。
    However, what we can do in one minute is limited, we must admit that one minute is too short. But if we cherish every one minute and learn to gather them, we can do great thing in one minute.

  • 化零为整造句相关
