
力挽狂澜  lì wǎn kuáng lán







  • 但研究机构都不敢断言注资、重组可以力挽狂澜
    However, research funding agencies are not sure, the reorganization can turn the tide.

  • 当你遭遇挫折时,你将有能力昂首挺胸力挽狂澜
    And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.

  • 给妻子一双可以力挽狂澜的肩膀,无论在什么时候。
    Keep a storm proof shoulder for his wife in any time.

  • 迪克说他能在发生各种情况时力挽狂澜游刃有余
    Dick said he has a positive spin on all situations!

  • 至今,我们尚无法看到力挽狂澜的动作与有效的策略。
    We have yet to see any effective measures or strategies to turn the tide.

  • 逆境中,力挽狂澜使强者更强,随波逐流使弱者更弱。
    In adverse situations he is stronger who makes vigorous efforts to turn the tide, and weaker that drifts with the tide.

  • 力挽狂澜的时刻会随之而来,剩下的三个则理应被分解。
    Then the moment for drastic remedies will be at hand and the remaining big three should be split up.

  • 全球经济体系需要依赖一个担保人,以便在危机中力挽狂澜
    The international economic system depends upon a guarantor, prepared to back it during crises.

  • 认为他能够通过仓促竞选宣传力挽狂澜通常来说是很危险的。
    it would be unusually risky of him to assume he could reverse that deficit during a brief campaign.

  • 后党中央力挽狂澜,采取有效措施,给予严重打击平息了叛乱。
    After the Party Central Committee turn the tide and take effective measures to end a serious blow to the rebels.

  • 克鲁斯尽管不是国米的主力前锋,但他却是一位能够力挽狂澜的杀手。
    Kruse is not the Chinese rice main force vanguard freely, but he is actually the murderer who can strive to turn the tide.

  • 我已经研究在许多变化中打成这副牌,庄家始终可以在最后力挽狂澜
    I won't go into the many variations but declarer can always prevail in the ending.

  • 皇家海军的境况在逐渐改善,但这一切都不可能力挽狂澜,转败为胜。
    The steady improvements in the Royal Navy could not now rescue victory from defeat.

  • 撤兵是否意味着美国,在几近溃败的关头,力挽狂澜获得了最终的胜利。
    Does it mark an astonishing American victory, snatched from the jaws of defeat?

  • 从时机上,在一张蓝图时规划好要比在积重难返危局中力挽狂澜有利得多。
    From the time, in a blueprint, good planning than in deep crisis, save much more favourable. 2.

  • 他们有时会面临自己交易能力有限的约束或仅仅是资金短缺,所以无法力挽狂澜
    they may face constraints on their ability to trade or simply run out of money before the anomalies can be corrected.

  • 他在停止串连、实行军管、推动联合的一个个重大决策中发挥着力挽狂澜的作用。
    He is stopping to string, solid march canal, prompt combination each is great and decision-making in the effect that producing make vigorous efforts to turn the situation.

  • 我们不打算力挽狂澜,也无力改变世界,但我们可以在人间的温情中重拾神奇的信念。
    We are not so strong to change the world or to turn the tide, but we could create the belief of miracle by human being's nature.

  • 奥巴马已在在全美大多数代表投票中取得领先,而希拉里则希望宾夕法尼亚可以助她力挽狂澜
    Obama has led in overall delegates across the country, while Clinton is hoping Pennyslvania will help her make up ground in the popular vote.

  • 坚挺的住房价格对于挽救不良贷款、支撑银行的资产负债表和恢复信贷流动起到力挽狂澜的作用。
    Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the banks' balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit.

  • 砥柱中流,力挽狂澜,中国共产党是中华民族的脊梁。绵延几千年的中华民族苦难深重,历经沧桑。
    Baffle midstream, make vigorous efforts to turn the situation, the Chinese Communist is the back of the Chinese nation.

  • 输局已定,要力挽狂澜,布什如今也只能假装姿态,直到他的任期结束,把伊朗的核弹问题留给下一界政府。
    Making the best of the lost cause, Bush will now go through the motions until the end of his term, leaving the Iranian bomb to his successor.

  • 德米特里一世和安条克七世即使想力挽狂澜也无法阻止王朝终结的命运,西元前64年毁在罗马的庞培手中。
    The efforts of Demetrius I and Antiochus VII could not forestall the dynasty's inevitable end at the hands of the Roman Pompey the Great in 64 BC.

  • 在最近的一封信函中写道:「情况尚未到无可挽回的地步,我们仍可及时力挽狂澜,但是要立即采取行动,赶紧回头。」
    James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."

  • “赛季还没有结束,”曼联主帅说道,“去年鲁尼就是在最后时刻力挽狂澜,所以本赛季他有能力把进球数提升到20个以上。
    He showed his real form towards the end of last season and scored important goals for us, so he's well capable of getting more than 20 this season.

  • “赛季还没有结束,”曼联主帅说道,“去年鲁尼就是在最后时刻力挽狂澜,所以本赛季他有能力把进球数提升到20个以上。
    All the strikers need that confidence factor in their make-up to score and I'm sure Wayne will get that and score more than 20 goals this season.

  • 蒂埃里•标致深知在他心目中有资格出任下一任总裁的人选应该:是一名具有国际视野并曾在困境中力挽狂澜经验老道的实业家。
    Mr Peugeot knew what he was looking for: an experienced industrialist with an international outlook and a record of undertaking difficult turnarounds.

  • 一些“超聪明”的投资者也不一定能使价格合理变化;他们有时会面临自己交易能力有限的约束或仅仅是资金短缺,所以无法力挽狂澜
    Nor can a bunch of "super-smart" investors necessarily keep prices in line; they may face constraints on their ability to trade or simply run out of money before the anomalies can be corrected.

  • 公司的高层经理人手不足,你需要一位精英人士来力挽狂澜,因为你无法再将董事长、首席执行官、总裁以及首席运营官的职位一肩挑。
    Your top management ranks are thin and you need a turnaround wizard because you can no longer function credibly as chairman, chief executive, president and chief operating officer all at once.

  • (米兰官方中文网翻译)安德列。皮尔洛再一次力挽狂澜,正是由于他在最后时刻的入球,米兰成功的从亚特兰大手中拿走了宝贵的三分。
    Andrea Pirlo was once again on the spot to score a late winner as Milan grabbed all three points at Atalanta.

  • 力挽狂澜造句相关
