力挽狂澜 lì wǎn kuáng lán
However, research funding agencies are not sure, the reorganization can turn the tide.
And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.
Keep a storm proof shoulder for his wife in any time.
Dick said he has a positive spin on all situations!
We have yet to see any effective measures or strategies to turn the tide.
In adverse situations he is stronger who makes vigorous efforts to turn the tide, and weaker that drifts with the tide.
Then the moment for drastic remedies will be at hand and the remaining big three should be split up.
The international economic system depends upon a guarantor, prepared to back it during crises.
it would be unusually risky of him to assume he could reverse that deficit during a brief campaign.
After the Party Central Committee turn the tide and take effective measures to end a serious blow to the rebels.
Kruse is not the Chinese rice main force vanguard freely, but he is actually the murderer who can strive to turn the tide.
I won't go into the many variations but declarer can always prevail in the ending.
The steady improvements in the Royal Navy could not now rescue victory from defeat.
Does it mark an astonishing American victory, snatched from the jaws of defeat?
From the time, in a blueprint, good planning than in deep crisis, save much more favourable. 2.
they may face constraints on their ability to trade or simply run out of money before the anomalies can be corrected.
He is stopping to string, solid march canal, prompt combination each is great and decision-making in the effect that producing make vigorous efforts to turn the situation.
We are not so strong to change the world or to turn the tide, but we could create the belief of miracle by human being's nature.
Obama has led in overall delegates across the country, while Clinton is hoping Pennyslvania will help her make up ground in the popular vote.
Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the banks' balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit.
Baffle midstream, make vigorous efforts to turn the situation, the Chinese Communist is the back of the Chinese nation.
Making the best of the lost cause, Bush will now go through the motions until the end of his term, leaving the Iranian bomb to his successor.
The efforts of Demetrius I and Antiochus VII could not forestall the dynasty's inevitable end at the hands of the Roman Pompey the Great in 64 BC.
James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."
He showed his real form towards the end of last season and scored important goals for us, so he's well capable of getting more than 20 this season.
All the strikers need that confidence factor in their make-up to score and I'm sure Wayne will get that and score more than 20 goals this season.
Mr Peugeot knew what he was looking for: an experienced industrialist with an international outlook and a record of undertaking difficult turnarounds.
Nor can a bunch of "super-smart" investors necessarily keep prices in line; they may face constraints on their ability to trade or simply run out of money before the anomalies can be corrected.
Your top management ranks are thin and you need a turnaround wizard because you can no longer function credibly as chairman, chief executive, president and chief operating officer all at once.
Andrea Pirlo was once again on the spot to score a late winner as Milan grabbed all three points at Atalanta.