
劈头盖脸  pī tóu gài liǎn






  • 劈头盖脸地提了许多问题
    shower a lot of questions upon sb.; fire a volley of questions at sb.;

  • 倾盆大雨劈头盖脸地浇了下来。
    The rain came pelting down.

  • 她刚才劈头盖脸地给了他一通臭骂。
    She has just given him a good scolding right to his face.

  • 不料话刚说完,拳头就劈头盖脸跟了上来。
    unexpectedly the word just said, fist followed to come up with respect to right on the face.

  • 炸碎的玻璃劈头盖脸地落到购物顾客的身上。
    The shoppers were showered with broken glass from the explosion.

  • 炸碎的玻璃劈头盖脸地落到购物顾客的身上。
    The shopper is showered with broken glass from the explosion.

  • 如果他们讲话轻率冒失,就会受到劈头盖脸的训斥。
    If they spoke out of turn they would get their heads snapped off.

  • 劈头盖脸就威胁那边的带头人,要让当局没收他们的器材。
    He confronted their leader and threatened to have the authorities confiscate their equipment.

  • 劈头盖脸就威胁那边的带头人,要让当局没收他们的器材。
    He confronted their leader threatened to have the authorities confiscate their equipment.

  • 以最高速冲入一个低洼,他不要命地强行穿过,水劈头盖脸砸向汽车。
    We hit a low stretch at top speed, water swept over the car as he blasted through.

  • 只见管理内宫的老妪慌慌忙忙地闯了进来,劈头盖脸就问:“玉兔在哪?
    Only saw in the management the palace old woman flustered rushed, right in the face asked: "Jade hare on the moon in?"

  • 一阵狂风掀走了整个房顶,在劈头盖脸的雨水中,一家人紧紧地依偎在一起。
    A blast of wind lifted the entire roof off the house. The whole family huddled in the slashing rain.

  • 一阵狂风掀走了整个房顶,在劈头盖脸的雨水中,一家人紧紧地依偎在一起。
    The incessant rain for a whole week caused the rivers in this area to overflow, leaving many houses demolished and many fields inundated /submerged.

  • 武泼则没有固定的形式,用瓢,用盆,用桶都可以,互相追逐,劈头盖脸的泼。
    Wu Poze does not have the fixed form, with the wooden scoop, with the trough, with the barrel all may, mutually pursue, right in the face sprinkling.

  • 不过这给了龙用直觉动作喷吐的机会,一条锥形火焰对着PC劈头盖脸的喷下来。
    Oh—that gives the dragon the opportunity use its breath weapon as an immediate action. A huge cone of fire bursts from the dragon's mouth, engulfing all four PCs.

  • 日本第一季度的GDP数据就像所有坏东西都劈头盖脸袭来——或许洗碗槽除外。
    Japan's first-quarter GDP figures also look as though all the bad stuff has been thrown in—except, perhaps, the kitchen sink.

  • 我一朋友在联通实习,一天,一老头走近来,劈头盖脸就来句“给我办张移动卡,好吧?
    I have a friend Unicom internships, one day, a old man approached, the about face, they use words, "Let me do Cheung mobile cards, right?"

  • 天蝎君,就在你以为以前尽在掌握的时候,有些事情会突然跳出来,劈头盖脸的砸向你。
    Just when you think you have everything under control, something jumps out and smacks you in the face, dear Scorpio.

  • 浊浪扑上船头,化成大雨,向坐在那里的土耳其人劈头盖脸地泼来,其中有一人淋得透湿。
    Zhuolangpushang the bow, turned into heavy rain, to sitting there and pouring Pitougailian the Turks, including one Linde permeability.

  • 阿泰斯特在比赛结束还有43。6秒,枷锁正准备快攻上篮或扣篮时对他劈头盖脸的犯规。
    Artest shoved Pau Gasol as the Lakers' center-forward moved in for a fastbreak layup or dunk with 43. 6 seconds to play.

  • 我一朋友在联通实习,一天,一老头走近来,劈头盖脸就来句“给我办张移动卡,好吧?”
    I one friend at allied practice, a day, an old man walk up and split cranium face to come right away a sentence "do a piece ambulation card for me, all right?""

  • 当责骂劈头盖脸过来时,天开始下雨,马先生很快湿透了,这所有的一切被拍摄并电视直播。
    As they hurled insults at him, the skies opened and Mr. Ma quickly became drenched to the skin , all of it captured live on television.

  • 今天,我只想与你们说真话。我有时会“劈头盖脸”而我不会为此道歉,所以请系好安全带。
    Today, I just wanna be real with you. I'm gonna be "in-your-face" at times and I'm not gonna apologize for it, so buckle up…

  • 只见管理内宫的老妪慌慌忙忙地闯了进来,劈头盖脸就问:“玉兔在哪?那只宝贝玉兔在哪?”
    Only saw in the management the palace old woman flustered rushed, right in the face asked: "Jade hare on the moon in? That treasure jade hare on the moon in?""

  • 尤其是做母亲的发现儿子手淫时劈头盖脸的一顿痛打、威胁或讽刺挖苦均会留下严重的心理创伤。
    A good beat of the when discovering the son masturbates right on the face that makes a mother especially, menace or satirize all are met caustically leave serious psychological scar.

  • 当我从洗手间出来,祖母劈头盖脸地把我骂了一通,骂我没礼貌、少教养、冲撞了那可爱的小女孩。
    of my young life. Grandmother yelled that I was impolite and rude and that I had insulted that nice little girl.

  • 当我从洗手间出来,祖母劈头盖脸地把我骂了一通,骂我没礼貌、少教养、冲撞了那可爱的小女孩。
    She was waiting for me when I left the bathroom. I received the longest, sharpest tongue-lashing of my young life. Grandmother yelled that I was impoliterudethat I had insulted that nice little girl.

  • 但她还没有来得及完全把手抽回来,军官就劈头盖脸地给了奥斯塔普一鞭子,吼道:“你这个贱人!
    But hardly had she pulled her hand away when the officer struck Ostap across the face with his whip, shouting "You lout!"

  • 由于它潜在的高输出能力,使得它成为敌方的重点照顾对象,劈头盖脸的控制技使得它几乎成了废物。
    His potential to dish out massive amounts of damage make him a primary target for enemy disables, rendering him useless.

  • 他说:“各种坏消息劈头盖脸而来,耐用品订单、工厂订单、汽车销售都下滑到了萧条的水平。美国经济真是病得不轻。”
    "We've had a constant drumbeat of bad news-durable goods orders, factory orders, auto sales at really depression levels. The economy really is quite sick, " he said.

  • 劈头盖脸造句相关
