
刀光剑影  dāo guāng jiàn yǐng






  • 真正的美国人喜欢战场上的刀光剑影
    The genuine American likes in the battlefield the fierce combat.

  • 为什么我带来的只有刀光剑影,而没有别的?
    And for what, I brought the sword, nothing more?

  • 人在江湖,刀光剑影——这是一个神奇的世界。
    In the political arena, continued to battle each other - this is a magical world.

  • 杀人无数的他,已习惯了刀光剑影及流离失所的生活。
    Having killed many people, Gill is used to fighting, slaughtering and wandering about.

  • 鲜血,死亡,刀光剑影和符咒的燎人的火焰,人群的怒吼…
    Blood, death, the clash of blades and the searing fire of spells, the roar of the crowd…

  • 他用画笔刮刀,抑扬顿挫,刀削斧砍,刀光剑影,气势磅薄。
    He paints with the brush and knife in cadence of cutting and chopping, glinting and flashing, full of enery and grandeur.

  • 惨淡夕阳下,身着红装的章子怡和张曼玉似在刀光剑影中起舞。
    LOOKING beautiful in red costumes against a pale yellow sun, Zhang Ziyi and Maggie Cheung dance in battle.

  • 这个片段被CCTV以实名身份播放出来,一时处处刀光剑影
    this fragment was CCTV to broadcast real-name status by the time everywhere use of swords.

  • 马嘶人沸,刀光剑影,花木兰的身手远比男子还要敏捷,利索。
    Masi were boiling, swords, Mulan and skill than men, but also agile and agile.

  • 丹麦宫廷内的刀光剑影——《哈姆莱特》与《三十六计》的暗合。
    Flint and Flash of Cold Steel——Internal Strife of the Danish Court——Hamlet and the Thirty-Six Strategies have some coincidence.

  • 他事前不知道和菲利斯人决斗应该是既正规有序,又充满刀光剑影的。
    He didn't know that duels with Philistines were supposed to proceed formally, with the crossing of swords.

  • 刀光剑影的战争到泰坦尼克号的沉没,有些特效看上去简直就是魔法。
    From light saber battles to the sinking of the Titanic, some special effects seem almost magical.

  • 它凝聚着人类文化十分丰富的创造,或者还经受过战争的刀光剑影的洗礼。
    They embody human abundant culture. Maybe they went through the test of cruel wars.

  • 中国地产市场从来就是一个武侠江湖,江湖里各种势力刀光剑影纵横往来。
    Chinese real estate market has always been a martial arts arena, the arena where the vertical and horizontal forces continued exchanges.

  • 书籍是梦想,是战场,在文字的世界里,你可以刀光剑影,也可以酒醉逍遥。
    All books are either dreams or swords , You can cut, or you can drug, with words.

  • 我不受当今中外卖座的美女与怪兽,刀光剑影的拼杀和战争血腥场面的左右。
    I do not influenced by today's domestic and foreign box-office beauties and monsters, swords of flame and war and bloody scenes.

  • 德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。
    They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour. Poor old mailed fist!

  • 托尼·布莱尔从卸任英国首相到接手这份工作还不足一月,就已感到了无数刀光剑影
    Tony Blair has been in the job for less than a month since retiring as Britain's prime minister, and is already feeling the slashes of the sword.

  • 在看到摄魂怪杀死自己父母之时,年幼的落落睁着无邪的眼睛,看刀光剑影没有丝毫惧怕。
    Seeing Demonters killing her parents, little Luoluo opened her innocent eyes, without any fear of swords or blades.

  • 同样的刀光剑影,《热血江湖》资料片《玄冰迷宫》却表现出完全不同的清新明朗的风格。
    The similar fierce combat, "Warm-blooded Rivers and lakes" the material piece "Thick ice Labyrinth" actually displays the completely different fresh bright style.

  • 因此玩家能籍如此丰富的故事内容,在游戏世界中以自己的方式,创造出出属于自己的刀光剑影
    Thus, <SD ONLINE> players can challenge this interesting martial world with their very own unique way apart from confronting with the love and hatred affairs inside the game!

  • 消息迅速传到正在上海举办的住交会上,众人黯然,就如同刚才还是刀光剑影的战场瞬间归于沉寂。
    The news quickly spread to Zhujiaokuai being held in Shanghai, everyone felt, as I still read the battlefield to quiet moment.

  • 这个幽灵混杂着历史的伤痕、千年的苦毒、帝王将相兄弟相残的刀光剑影和王朝更替动荡杀戮的森森白骨。
    The specter is a mixture of historical wounds, thousand year hatreds, emperors who killed their brothers, dynasties that fell to political upheaval creating forests of whitened bones.

  • 金戈铁马、刀光剑影的故事将宏伟的古罗马角斗场再现于游戏之上,为人们讲述了一个有关勇气与复仇的故事。
    Jin Ge Iron Horse, the story continued to battle each other to the magnificent ancient Roman arena in the game over again, people talked about a story of courage and revenge.

  • 上述例子,可怕的敌人亚述王,并未像他所恐吓般地摧毁城池,既无刀光剑影,也无筑垒攻城,也谈不上伤及百姓。
    In the case before us, the terrible foe did not put in an appearance before the city which he thirsted to destroy.

  • 《刀剑英雄2》不删档终极内测火爆开启,众多喜爱真功夫,向往刀光剑影、快意恩仇的大侠纷纷踏入这个血性江湖。
    "Swords Hero 2" does not delete files to open the ultimate Neice hot, many popular real skills, who yearned for swords, Willful allies and enemies of the heroes have entered this bloody arena.

  • 某市综合局女厕所惊现一具男性腐尸,一时人心惶惶,各种利害关系剑拔弩张,在看不见的刀光剑影中,刑警如何通过。
    In the women's toilet of a department of a city, there is a dead male body. In the invisible, the policemen finally catch the real criminal.

  • 希腊,奥林匹斯诸神自相残杀,神的混乱使得战争的枷锁也纠缠到了世人身上。刀光剑影的岁月印证了这样一句话:乱世出英雄。
    In Greece, the gods of Olympus are fighting amongst themselves, dragging men into their petty quarrels. In this age of warriors great heroes of outstanding courage and strength are born.

  • 金戈铁马、刀光剑影的故事将宏伟的古罗马角斗场再现于游戏之上,为人们讲述了一个有关勇气与复仇的故事。游戏画面非常精美!运行流畅!
    Jin Ge Iron Horse, the story continued to battle each other to the magnificent ancient Roman arena in the game over again, people talked about a story of courage and revenge.

  • 刀光剑影造句相关
