
出其不意  chū qí bù yì








  • 第三幕转变:出其不意的示爱。
    The third act twist: The unexpected declaration of love.

  • 有趣的是人生如此出其不意
    Funny how life can be so surprising.

  • 警察印发出其不意行凶抢劫者的形象拼图。
    The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.

  • 留意幽默,它常常是在出其不意的时候出现。
    Look for the humor. It often comes from the unexpected.

  • 山咲:出其不意…我们的攻击必须要趁其不备。
    Anzu: a surprise attack…we must attack him by surprise.

  • 要确保胜利,我们就必须出其不意、攻其不备。
    To ensure success, we'll have to take them by surprise.

  • 警察静静从背后绕过去,出其不意地将歹徒逮捕。
    The police crept up from behind and took the gangster by surprise.

  • 商业环境一直在变化,出其不意的问题会不断冒出。
    Business environments are ever-changing, with problems often popping up unexpectedly.

  • 这是在政治上给他个出其不意。再来一次就太冒险了。
    It's a policy surprise. It's too risky to repeat.

  • 这种迂回的防御环的设计利用了牛头人最出其不意的攻击特点。
    This circuitous defense ring is designed to utilize the tauren's most vicious attack.

  • 当窃犯还在设法开保险柜的时候,他们出其不意地把他捉住了。
    They surprised the burglar while he was still trying to open the safe.

  • 若苏厄由基耳加耳出发,整夜行军,出其不意,突然向他们进攻。
    Joshua marched from Gilgal, journeying throughout the night and came upon the Amorites by surprise.

  • 到了第六天,有一队来玩的客人出其不意地闯进了娜娜的田园来。
    On the sixth day a band of visitors suddenly blundered into Nana's idyl .

  • 出其不意地,一场潜在的战役可能由于你当即流露出的愤怒而避免。
    As odd as it seems a potential fight could be avoided by your spontaneous display of anger.

  • 如果我们抓住了机会那么贝尼特斯的决定就能起到出其不意的效果。
    If we'd taken our chances then Rafa's decision would rightly have been hailed a masterstroke.

  • 张艺谋利用了周润发那有名的天使般的微笑,赋予它全新且出其不意的内涵。
    Zhang Yimou takes Chow's famous beatific smile and gives it a completely new and unexpected meaning.

  • 请等等我,你出其不意弄得我措手不及,我必须换好衣服后才能跟你一起去。
    Please wait for me; you've caught me on the hop and I must change my clothes before I come with you.

  • 就其本质而言,冒险精神总是在暗中滋长,危机也就出其不意地攻击监管部门。
    By its very nature, risk-taking thrives in the shadows and crises take regulators by surprise.

  • 我们本想出其不意地送给罗莎一件生日礼物,可是由于苏珊问她想要什么而把秘密泄露了。
    We wanted to surprise Rosa with a birthday gift, but Susan let the cat out of the bag by asking her what she would like.

  • 无论是商业动作还是军事上的调兵遣将,动作神速,出其不意和发挥优势都是取得胜利的关键。
    Speed, surprise and superiority are all important as factors for success in commercial, as well as military, operations.

  • 威廉姆斯说的启示法拉利的特殊权利,这是不具备的其他九名球队在赛场上,已经被他以出其不意
    Williams said the revelation of Ferrari's special rights, which are not possessed by the other nine teams on the grid, had caught him by surprise.

  • 约翰逊:就像一股旋风,我们出其不意的差点将最后的总冠军干掉,想起那段往事我依然历历在目。
    Johnson: Just like a whirlwind, we will surprise almost the last to get rid of the championship, I think that the past is still fresh in our memory.

  • 但目前为止,培养中的HES细胞有自发分化的倾向,也就是说,会出其不意地转向某条发育的岔道。
    But until now, HES cell cultures had a tendency to spontaneously differentiate, that is, to eer off without warning into a developmental pathway.

  • 然而之所以这些结果会出其不意,是因为你会以为局部作用域会在定义它的函数退出时也不再存在了。
    The reason that these results are surprising, however, is that you expect local scopes to cease to exist when the function that defines them exits.

  • 爱情是个出其不意的玩意儿,无论是你有所准备还是无所准备,它总能找到空袭,伺机冒出来,袭你个措手不及。
    Love is a surprise stuff, whether you be prepared or no preparation, it can always find air, waiting for opportunities to emerge, you hit a surprise.

  • 曼谷组索引上升了2。3%,在泰国中央银行减少一个出其不意大1个百分点的它的主要利率,至2。75%之后。
    The Bangkok SET index rose 2. 3 percent, after the Thai central bank cut its main interest rate by an unexpectedly large 1 percentage point, to 2. 75 percent.

  • 从韩寒今年制造的各种舌战群儒的事件来看,这小子没有处过下风,而与之碰撞的人,常常被韩寒出其不意刺中要害。
    Since Han Han started several battles with scholars this year, this brat hasn't slowed down, and the people he crashes into often get hurt by Han's unforeseen stabs.

  • 他必须快速移动,抓住出其不意带来的任何优势,炸毁工厂,如果可能的话,还要完成第二目标,炸毁弹药库和甲烷储备库。
    He'd have to move quick, take advantage of whatever element of surprise remained, blow the factory, and if possible, the secondary targets of ammunition depots and methane reserves.

  • 当你想要对敌人的基地进行一次出其不意的偷袭时,坑道虫是个不错的选择,它相对于打击对手经济的突袭战术来说是更有用的。
    When you want try out a sneaky and clever attack on the enemy's base, the nydus worm can be useful in that role as a more tactical and general choice for harassing the enemy's economy.

  • 「喂,大家快来看!」史考特出其不意地大喊,「我桶子里装满莓果了!」史考特宣布的消息令大家吃惊不已!事实上,大家当下都不知如何是好。
    "Hey, everybody, take a look! " cried Scout unexpectedly. "My bucket's full of berries! " Scout's announcement took everyone by surprise! In fact, no one knew what to say or do.

  • 出其不意造句相关
