
决胜千里  jué shèng qiān lǐ







  • 运筹策帏帐之中,决胜千里之外。
    Scheming in the commander's tent win a battle a thousand li away.

  • 引领著用户永远更快一步的决胜千里
    Leads the user step faster Forever¾öʤǧÀï.

  • 科技让我们与众不同,质量让我们决胜千里
    Let us unique technology, quality let us winning a thousand miles.

  • 国际快件运作解除您单证安全后顾之忧,使您决胜千里
    The operation of the lifting of the international express worry about the safety of your documents so that you win a thousand miles.

  • 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外”说明了决策的重要性。
    "Devise strategies within a command to win a victory thousands miles away, "stresses the importance of decision-making.

  • 巧妙精致的布局,殷勤周到的服务定是您商务决胜千里的保证。
    All of the facilities and excellent services is the guarantee help you win in business.

  • 现代生活品质在此精致演绎,任思绪尽情挥洒,决胜千里之外。
    This sunny feeling kitchen would definitely bring more modern life quality to your home.

  • 技术本身并不是唯一的决定性因素,商战策略才是真正决胜千里的因素。
    The technology is in itself not the only determining factor, the commercial war strategy is determines the final outcome truly the great distance factor.

  • 把握了市场行情和价格信息的广大农民,不出家门即可决胜千里之外。
    Mastered the broad farmer of market level and price information, do not give a door to be able to excel a thousand li definitely besides.

  • 诸葛亮羽扇纶巾,上知天文,下晓地理,运筹帷幄,决胜千里,这力量就来自于知识;
    Lupins Lun Liang Jin, astronomy Xiao geography, strategist, winning thousands of miles, this power comes from knowledge;

  • 设计新颖、组合方便的高档写字间,配置着各种先进通讯设施,助阁下运筹帷幄,决胜千里
    Design new and convenient combination of high-grade Scriptorium, the configuration of a variety of advanced communications facilities, planned strategies to help you, winning a thousand miles.

  • 你是否曾经崇拜过在那些金戈铁马的战场上,运筹帷幄决胜千里,与漫漫飞扬黄沙中行兵点将的将军?
    Have you ever had something in the worship of the battlefield, plotting coups, with boundless flying victory away in the general HangBing deposit on point?

  • 在服务上以7*24的服务精神为客户提供一个全方位的服务系数,助各位商家运筹帷幄,决胜千里
    in services 7 * 24 service to provide customers with a coefficient of a full range of services to help you business strategist, winning thousands of miles.

  • 为答谢新老客户对六方展览的一贯支持,在本届展会上,我们将推出“运筹帷幄决胜千里六方助您行!”
    To repay your consistent support to Shenzhen Expoking Exhibition Planning Co. , Ltd. , we will launch a "Good Plan Ensures Success, Expoking Helps You! ""

  • 在实现华夏民族大统一的战国后期,秦国与赵国拉锯式抗衡局面最终以“长平之战”一决输赢,《铁》剧展示了秦国与时俱进,励精图治决胜千里
    In the later period of ZhanGuo, Qin defeated Zhao in the battle of Changping in order to terminate the state of war and realize the unification of the whole China.

  • 决胜千里造句相关
